

In his humanoid form, Darwin watched over the body lying on a large bed, as he gazed silently for any changes.

The Vajra body seemed to have life-like attributes, not wholly different from the original body.

It seemed tragic to recall the time when he witnessed the disintegration of Sigmund's original body, which the lawyer magus refined through a body refinement process. But it seemed the body refinement art was not effective enough or, perhaps, the magus, whom he regarded as his boss and master, failed to reach a higher layer for the body cultivation art.

Darwin found that theory to be credible as he also learned on the planet Terra about other extra-terrestrial species fearing to be in their actual bodies as they had found that their bodies were not compatible with the planet Terra's atmosphere.

Thus, what Sigmund experienced with the disintegration of the original body was within the scope of that theory. Still, there was a miscalculation. That was something that even, as a divine system, endowed with the powers of all-knowing, managed to commit that kind of mistake.

Was he, a divine system with a male attribute humanoid form, not perfect enough to be a companion of the lawyer magus?

Or perhaps, he still had to know more about the limitless knowledge from the Akashic Records.

Seeing Sigmund's reaction as he was disintegrated made the divine system vow to reach perfection so that would not happen again. With the Vajra body, that possibility was entirely remote.

With the existence of the ether in the immortal realm more profound and abundant than in the previous universe, in which he used to dwell in his previous lifetime, and even with the soul fragment refined and integrated with the spirit artifact, Darwin, as the soul of the divine system, could easily raise its rank in the God-level.

This was something that Darwin realized as he was beginning to dwell and got more used to the atmosphere and denser spiritual energy of the immortal realm. The process of absorbing the spiritual energy for the soul was like breathing air for the system, where it was possible to rapidly advance in rank.

Momentarily, Darwin witnessed the eyes of the body, lying supine, to have immediately opened. He waited for the eyes to roam freely as he watched the irises with blue crystalline in color moving randomly as if the eyes were searching for someone or something.

Suddenly, half of the body rose from the bed. Its consciousness became keener as the eyes looked at Darwin.

"It's good to see you again, attorney. How do you feel right now?"

The body that was awakened from resurrection released a grunt but it immediately sat still on the bed as if working on making itself acquainted with the bodily functions or if these functions seemed normal.

"Why do I feel like this body seems very light? I expect to feel thirsty but I can't even feel it. But I do feel pulses beating inside in different parts." The body instantly stopped talking as if its awareness was now focused on the other being in the room.

"Thank you, Darwin. I owe you a big debt with my life even here in this realm!"

"There is no need to mention that, attorney…" Darwin replied but was immediately cut off.

"Stop with the attorney now. I don't practice law here." Sigmund somberly stated, trying to make it was not a reprimand.

"But…" the divine system in its human form was starting to explain.

"I am thankful that as a divine system, you are not what I expected to be similar to AI, yes artificial intelligence, devoid of emotion. And this special attribute is a great advantage to me as someone possessing this most-coveted tool that I used to feel like a cheat tool to have in life."

Sigmund continued, "Also, I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened to me. Though a miscalculation, we managed to have a contingency, didn't we?"

As he finished saying those words, Sigmund stared at Darwin with soft intensity.

Darwin reciprocated with a smile and then said, "Don't worry, I made strides in advancing while monitoring your body after the refinement process."

Before Darwin continued, the body still in the bed instantly asked, "How long was I in slumber?"

"In this planetary period, you were in bed after the refinement for ten cycles. However, this is equivalent to sixty years on the planet Terra's cycle."

"That long, huh?"

"Yes, and this is what I managed to configure while observing outside your spatial dimension," Darwin informed.

"So, where are we in the immortal realm?" Sigmund asked again.

"I will inform you more about it later. What I would like to share with you now is your progress as your soul was transferred into this body."

Instead of hearing more, Sigmund cut him off with, "So, my soul still went through transmigration, didn't it?"

"Technically, yes, since your former body was not originally in this realm. The process seemed to be similar as if a deity favored a soul in the cosmic space, and wanted to have that soul to be transmigrated into the realm where that deity ruled. Practically, what we managed to accomplish was the preparation of the soul to be captured in a vessel for transfer to the body we created."

Sigmund, now in a Vajra body, noted the 'we' that Darwin mentioned. But as he contemplated immediately, the divine system was not really wrong in its remark, or rather in his remark.

The magus always regarded Darwin as a 'he' and not 'it'. This he inculcated to make it more acceptable for him or rather to really regard Darwin, being a male soul of the divine system, with access to the Akashic Records and not an artificial intelligence he envisioned to have something to do with the destruction of other universes as what he had read.

That kind of situation seemed to be locked in the realm of theories of universal conspiracies.

Darwin continued with the report as Sigmund listened. "Your body was sturdier than the original body. It has similar anatomy after refinement but some of the functions are different or we can say 'enhanced' for your advantage if you can regard it. You can't anymore experience hunger or thirst. Hence, food and water are not necessities for you to consume for you to regain vitality. Rather, the immortal spiritual energy is now your main source of sustenance."

"That's great to hear," Sigmund stated while contemplating, "I don't have to do hunting or searching for water to quench my thirst. I seem to recall when I read a book that many immortals forego their hunger and thirst."

"Yes, and that's because your body is constantly absorbing that energy. You know, even while you sleep, your body doesn't stop absorbing immortal spiritual energy." Darwin stated.

"Even inside the spatial dimension?" Sigmund asked with astonishment.

"Indeed. It seems that the spatial dimension also constantly feeds on the spiritual energy to evolve. You will learn more as you get out of this bed." Darwin replied with seriousness but with a slight hint of excitement.

"And I think I will find out more about this body." Sigmund simply stated.

"You now have an undying body," Darwin said as he observed Sigmund's reaction. "You also don't have to take a bath for you to be sanitary and clean. The body can generate by itself and also cleans by itself."

What Sigmund heard was within the scope of expectation but his eyes almost bugged out as he could not hide the feeling of surprise and delight.

"That's awesome!" Sigmund said as he began to be ecstatic.

"I have even made a deduction that your body will regenerate even if a single cell remained during situations where explosions and total annihilation occurred similar to an atomic bomb explosion." Darwin continued to send his findings to the person he regarded as his master to know.

Sigmund did not hide his ecstatic expression as he jumped out of the bed, not minding his nakedness.

Darwin saw the reaction and the naked body as if it was nothing, considering his role in refining the body. Why should there be a need to be embarrassed?

In a few moments, he saw Sigmund venture out of the balcony of the room to witness the changes in his spatial dimension.

Sigmund recalled that his companion informed him about the evolution taking place inside the spatial dimension.

As he got out onto the balcony on the second floor of the abode structure, he was momentarily amazed as he was gazing at the sparkling body of water and even the existence of the sun.

"Really? A sun? How?!"

He began to question. Darwin granted him an explanation. "This is a mystery of this dimension. It seems it has evolved into a mini-planet with the sun during the day and even the stars at night. The cycle of the shifting of the sun and stars seems to be similar to the planet Terra. But when I ventured out, this mini-planet is within a protective cocoon in a star system to make it unnoticeable even by any powerful creature, even by a god."

He then added, "This planet, no matter how small it may be compared to planet Terra, regards you as its owner."


Overjoyed, Sigmund exclaimed, "This is just awesome!"

"I know. And also, it is abundant in immortal spiritual energy. Well, I already said that. Still, there are changes that you can discover if you explore this dimension that has expanded into your own realm."

Sigmund almost didn't hear Darwin's statements as he was filled with joy and excitement. This somehow eclipsed his feeling of momentary depression after being awakened from a long slumber.

He could not wait to explore more, not just this realm, where it used to be diminutive in dimension, and yet, it developed into a large realm in his possession.

Author’s Note:

Planet Terra = Planet Earth