
Finalizing the Deal

Sigmund's response left them in shock. "I had one of my sons to deal with that beast."

With a slight pause as he put down the cup, the merchant continued, "As a token of gratitude for granting me a permit to operate in this village as well as a residency in this village, I could have another planted within the village for public viewing. But I want that the site shall be on the land I intend to acquire. I think Mr. Berry was fully aware of it. All we have to do is to finalize it."

His calm remark seemed to put others on edge, particularly when they mentioned his offer to plant another spirit tree in a public place with certain conditions.

"Sig, the presence of the Chief will finalize the process of your acquisition." Langford Berry tried to placate as tension seemed to rise right after the commencement of the discussion regarding the spirit tree.

"Then I shall await the Village Chief's final response." By this time, Sigmund eyed the chief across the table.

If it were in another circumstance, where the other party of the negotiation was weaker, Rafa Libera would have already utilized his aura of authority. Intimidating the other party was part of his process of negotiation. But the man before his presence reminded him of the monarch he once served before.

There was no way for him to play the role of the king, putting a commoner down to his knees.

If he was not aware of the incoming danger that might lead his territory to extinction, he would have already berated the guild master of the merchants for having granted permits to this man.

Of all places in the Primeval Forest, his village seemed to be the preferred location for a powerful being to establish his company.

He already regarded the other as a threat to his authority in the village. However, during the meeting in which he learned about the possible infestation of the giants in the village, the Council of Elders unanimously concluded that the presence of Sigmund Chua and his company was fortuitous to the village.

If Chua and company were earlier, then they would have been aided to deal with the beast horde, which destroyed a large section of the village in the South Gate area.

"Before we get to conclude the deal, I believe it is appropriate for Mr. Sigmund Chua to learn about certain facts." The Village Chief's attitude shifted, which placed the others in the room to be at ease.

Roxie, who was the weakest in the room, found momentary solace after hearing the chief. But she was still on alert for further changes.

Sigmund noted the dark blue coat made of leather worn by the village chief. The leader already looked in his prime with a gray beard and dust of grey on his voluminous hair. He still exuded the charm of a middle-aged man with his skin but his eyes contained the wisdom of a warrior, sharp and penetrating.

His stature was also towering, slightly taller than Sigmund's height. His physique of a warrior was still maintained, an attribute that put him at the zenith of Greston Village.

"We recently received reports from our adventurers of the probable infestation of the giants in the village. This is not anymore new to us for we are dealing with this nuisance for many years. Our friends, the dwarves, and elves managed to invent a device that protects the whole village in several layers. I also have my own domain protective layer covering the whole perimeter of this village." The Village Chief narrated a matter that should not be divulged to anyone.

When his advisor, Markito Lora, commented, "This is classified information that must not be revealed to anyone for security concern," Rafa Libera retorted, "I know."

"This classified information of the village, we shared with you in line with your intention to purchase a big parcel of land in an area that might be destroyed in a month or two. So, will you still push with the deal?" Libera stared at Sigmund, searching for a response.


The others were surprised by that one-word response.

"I can even help you deal with the giants," Sigmund spoke as if the matter was not a national concern. In their case, it was a village concern, a matter of survival for the people under Rafa Libera's authority.

"Then how will you do it?" This time, the village elder, Ricaford Berry asked with concern and astonishment.

"I will get to that point when I already have the Deed of Sale of the property." Sigmund's smile might appear comforting but the others in the room were still wearing questioning looks.

"Then, I think there's no need for us to delay the matter." Rafa Libera chuckled, which made his colleagues dumbfounded. He signaled to Langford Berry to prepare the documents, to which Roxie complied.

After the Village Chief, Sigmund, and Langford imprinted their energy signatures on the contracts and documents, the deal was then finalized.

Sigmund Chua now held almost twenty percent of the territory of Greston Village, a fact that did not really make Rafa Libera happy but his burden concerning the infestation of giants was alleviated.

Sigmund gifted his guests with bottles of ale, while each received a box of dark chocolate moist. He also invited them to a banquet. The date will be set through an invitation letter.

"I am looking forward to our meeting in the future. I also have to thank you for your intention in helping my village." Rafa Libera's smile amazed the deputy and the elders.

Roxie was even mindful of this as it was rare for the chief to smile.

Langford noticed this temperament, which put him into a confused state.

Sigmund, however, replied. "Your presence is surely required in the banquet. I hope you can find time to grace your presence."

Silora Zenia started to wear smile as she left a remark. "I also anticipate seeing your dignified presence again, Mr. Sigmund. I pray that we can meet in a more enjoyable environment after the looming…"

"Our excellency surely awaits to meet you again and so am I, Mr. Sigmund." The advisor, Markito Lora, deliberately interrupted the deputy chief's remark, which put scorn on the female leader's face.

Sigmund found the advisor to be a wolf shapeshifter. He was more of a military advisor whose strength surpassed even the deputy chief. The spiritual bond he had with the chief required him to be more submissive as his master's level was greater than his.

As for the recent exchange that occurred, Sigmund surmised it to be the deputy's lack of tactfulness as she almost announced to the public the incoming threat.

They were already outside of the teashop so this kind of information was unwarranted in their passing conversation.

To help in easing the tension, Langford decided to step in. "I will stay here with Sig as I need to help him with his newly-acquired property."

The Village Chief did not mind this as he turned to enter his carriage. Others also did the same except for Ricaford Berry, who announced that he wished to stay longer.

As for the matters of the spirit tree, Rafa Libera already planned to discuss it with Sigmund at another time. He did not want to send messages telepathically during their meeting as the other man might find it disrespectful.

However, unbeknownst to the village chief, his deputy already inquired about the spirit tree telepathically.

Sigmund found Sildora Zenia's attitude to be free-spirited. For her to be asking that through mind-linking did not quite surprise Sigmund. But her energy signature exposed her as the chief's third concubine, trained to be the next leader of the village. Her position as a concubine, however, was not known to the public except for the military advisor.