

Filled with astonishment, the general for a moment forgot that they were in a situation that might lead to a bigger crisis for Greston Village.


For a moment, the general and his superior set aside their worries as they absorbed the energy from the tree. They marveled at the tree's height and the beautiful blossoms that seemed to emit fragrances that could calm their senses.

The lilac-flowered fig tree released spiritual energy and mana more than the mystical jacaranda. With its height and stature, any mage proficient in studying the nature of herbs, plants, and spirit trees would be amazed at the maturity of the tree despite it being created and formed into this stage in mere minutes.

A day ago, the village chief silently coveted the spirit tree during the first meeting with Sigmund Chua at the latter's newly-opened teashop. He thought of asking the merchant for any exchange in return for possessing the spirit tree.

"I was here for hours, contemplating after I received this from him. I am not sure what is his next move. But seeing this tree, I have become more aware of his intention."

The village chief brewed another tea after Sigmund left. He took a while to carefully sip it while his mind was in turmoil.

"General, do you think it's our fault why those items disappeared?" Libera left that question in the air.

He then continued, "Your man was not even there when they were taken away. Those idiots should have also left some traces of those capable to take them. It happened in broad daylight but nobody in the village noticed a large throng of people exiting from that facility. They were in thousands but they were taken in just two hours? Is it even possible?"

"My Lord, you told me Sigmund was here at midday."

"Yes, he was here… He suddenly appeared and we talked." The village chief took another sip. "It was more like I listened to him while he talked."

"So, is it impossible?"

"I don't doubt that. But even if he was here, then he might have tasked his sons to do the deed. But I have learned all of his sons operated the shops. And their shops are all busy. They didn't have hired help yet. It is unlikely but… I can't eliminate their group to have a hand in the matter."

"I will see my lord that these things must be properly investigated."

"I entrust everything to you regarding that matter."

"As for the other matter, my son, Simo Lora had a discussion with one of Sigmund's sons. His name is Harry. He assured the South Gate that they will participate in dealing with the incoming threat. My son and his team are doing reconnaissance to mitigate casualties if that crisis might happen."

"General, although we are optimistic, we have been through many attacks by the giants. This time is nothing new but we don't have extensive preparation to deal with their attacks yet after the recent beast tide." The village chief calmly dealt with this matter though internally, he felt a sense of foreboding. Another crisis after another seemed to pile up on his table.

"My Lord, we have already requested the dwarves to hasten their production of tools and weapons for the army. We have also asked the elves to prepare the supply of herbs, pills, and potions for the casualties and also for buffing the soldiers." The general looked up to search for his superior's reactions. But what he saw was the village chief's back whose attention was focused on the tree.

"Don't stop. I am listening."

"Yes, my lord." The general paused as he remembered another matter worth reporting. "The Chuas also informed that they would help in the supply of weapons. They even let us use the new building when that time arrives."

"So what's with that building? It seems it surrounds the whole of Greston. I think it even attracts the flies to gather their shit here."

"I have been informed that it would be a new business and lifestyle district of Greston."

"A merchant of his caliber can create something like that. I am done being surprised by the Chuas," Rafa Libera stated as he closed his eyes to control his emotion.

"If it was before, I would have a hissy fit as everything should be according to my plan. But the more this village has taken in new people, the more I lose control of the situation and leadership." The village chief heaved a long sigh as he realized the recent situation of the village he led for centuries.

"Do you think I am still competent to lead this village, general?"

This time, the leader turned around to see his personal general. "Sigmund Chua offered to help me raise my level so I can turn this village into a town and then a city in the future. He even told me that he could make me a king."

Briefly, after that, he chuckled then turned into a hearty laugh that reverberated throughout the whole gazebo.

When the general heard the last sentence spoken by his superior, he was momentarily stunned.

'The Chuas must be capable of making someone a king. How powerful are they?' The general's internal thought brought him to his son's report about receiving a spirit-grade sword from Harry. He even believed it was more powerful for his son to handle. But he could not bring it to be included in his report to the village chief.

When the general observed that his superior managed to control the laughter, his mind prepared to relay a tactful response.

"My lord, the Greston Village prospers because of you. We have fewer crimes and casualties here despite our location inside the Primeval Forest. We have harmonious relations with the dwarves and the elves. I think you manage that well."

The general retained his humble tone as his emotion was stirred about a possible opportunity. But he realized that his loyalty was more important than greed for power.

"I could not manage it without your help. Anyways, thank you. I also heard that compliment from my guest but he seems to know about the slaves."

The general already concluded that on that day, there were more surprises than they could handle.

"My lord…"

The old chief cut him off as he spoke, "We already discussed that. And we also don't have evidence pointing them as the main suspect."

"But what about Lord Rainier?"

"We will cross the bridge when we get to the point when the lord will grace his presence here."

The general extended his concern but he assumed that his master might have already made up his decision to ally with the Chuas.

"General, make sure no one except for permitted people can get in within the palace. I don't want people to covet the fruits that might bear in a few days."

"Your order is received, my lord."