
Cyclops Attack

"How did the dwarves manage to employ an offensive-type formation barrier?"

"These giants are too many!"

"Didn't you see how they turned into ashes after they flew towards the barrier?"

"These giants are too dumb!"

"Look at their hideous looks! They probably didn't clean themselves."

"General Simo, what is your next instruction?"

Many of the adventurers that came from the banquet decided to help the guards in the South Gate area. But after witnessing the giants to their deaths, they realized their presence was nugatory. At least, that's what some of them felt but the rest had other things in mind.

"Can we get through this barrier to engage with the other giants? Perhaps, some are not yet extinguished and can bring chaos inside the village." Bryan Berry made a point as he was observing the South Gate section still intact, while the giants were petrified and others immediately transformed into dust.

"I don't think that's a good idea. A heroic act is one thing, but we must adhere to safety, first and foremost. As far as we can see, there's no need for us to get out of the barrier and engage in battle with the giants." Gen. Simo Lora explained while he attempted to dissuade the other adventurers commit stupid acts that might jeopardize his position.

"I don't see the need for any of you to engage the giants in a battle. Their strength is equivalent to a mage level 6 and higher. The Cyclops are mage level 10. I am expecting more than a hundred of them to come." The red-haired clone, Perry, stoically remarked, prompting others to heed General Simo Lora and stay in their positions.

"I am sensing the Cyclops coming to the gate. They are now within a hundred meters from here." The green-robed Myrna Sims spoke gently, which alarmed many of the adventurers.

"Look! Some giants are standing by. They seem to be checking for weaker nodes." The dark mage Shura yelled.

"The Cyclops are here. They are beaming the barrier!"

"Let us see if the barrier can withstand their attacks." The silver-haired Gary remarked while showing any hint of anxiety.

"Are we going to watch them here as they are destroying the barrier?" Someone from the adventurers asked.

When no one responded, the mages became more anxious. The area in the South Gate became silent. The sounds they could only hear were the beams from the Cyclops' eyes.

"We are more than two hundred mages gathering in this gate. I am sure we can find a way to combat the giants while outside the barrier." Saiko commented as he prepared for the inevitable event that might put their lives at risk.

"Even if we have these numbers, how many of us will seize the opportunity to fight a giant when they are more than a hundred? Their numbers can even be in thousands as others are lurking." Saiko's teammate Sergey muttered, negating the suggestion of his friend and teammate.

"Merely waiting here will make us more anxious. How about we fight them head-on?" The aggressive Margie Garuda shouted, which put many adventurers to almost agree with her.

"I suggest you wait. Patience is more important this time no matter how anxious you are feeling." The blonde-haired Barry gently spoke, as he subtly released a spell to calm the mage adventurers.

"These mages are idiots!" Perry commented through a telepathic link with his other clones including Sigmund.

"But their courage is what makes this Greston Village special. Their heroism is stronger than we have expected." Barry shared a piece of his mind in that telepathic link.

"Let's stop them from making stupid decisions. These giants are too powerful for them to handle. How about we teleport these giants now to the cave we prepared for them? Perry, start transforming these giants into miniature beings." Gary started to convey the instructions.

"Let us wait until all of the giants come out. Many of them are still lurking. There are others in the West Gate and East Gate areas." Harry, surprisingly, joined the network.

"There are giants in other gates. Barry and I will check each of these gates." Gary spoke to Simo Lora and the rest of the adventurers as he and the other clone immediately teleported, leaving Perry in charge of the South Gate.

"Where are they heading?" The blonde-haired, white-robed Cindy Bay, anxiously asked.

"Other giants have started infesting the other gates. The most crucial is the West Gate." Perry replied while his focus was on the Cyclops who were now beaming relentlessly at the barrier.

"I thought the Cyclops would take more than ten minutes to warm up after releasing a beam. But why is it that most of them don't take even a second to release successive beams?" Jameson Nolan looked askance at the Cyclops who were fierce in attacking the barrier.

"The giants are beyond mage level 10," Perry commented in reply.

"Each of them?"

"I am afraid, yes!"

"That's too scary!" Myrna Sims started to shout, eventually releasing the anxiety she was feeling since watching the giants.

"Don't worry. Our position atop the Fort is safe. The barrier is established with a thousand layers than the previous one hundred. Fifty of the layers are offensive-type while the rest are protective." Perry remarked, trying to calm the adventures whose faces now had different reactions. Most of them already felt fear.

"It's not easy to engage them. I bet we would all be dead by now without these barriers." Bomer raised his voice as his anxiety was also showing.

"Idiot! You really said something stupid anytime!" His teammate, Ricky chided him.

"Bomer is not wrong though." Bryan Berry spoke as he attempted to make himself calm.

"Well… That's a first defending someone from my team." Jameson expressed with a slight provocation.

Bryan Berry clenched his fists as his calm demeanor seemed to break whenever he heard Jameson's vexation regardless of the degree.

"I think it's not the right time for conflicts to ensue among us," Shura stated as her eyes were glazed with various lights from the beams released by the giants.

"We are all adults here so we know how we can control emotions. But some adults are simply childish, don't you think?" Jameson chuckled with derision.

"You bastard!" Bryan Berry screamed, unmindful of others' presence.

"You can settle your differences inside the battle arena, gentlemen. But for now, we will wait for these giants to be extinguished." Perry pacified while not forgetting to put a smile, clearly amused by the adventurers' antics.

"I am tired of this waiting game!" Bryan Berry instantly attempted to jump from the fort. But to his surprise, a barrier bounced him, making him stumble to the ground. "What the hell!"

"Oi! We can't get out from that barrier!"

"The barrier at the gate area extended to here at the Fort. I forgot to inform you." Perry spoke as his eyes were currently observing the Cyclops.