
Lawliet at 221B

It had seemed like such a simple case. What Sherlock didn't expect was to find such an interesting child along the way. A child so much like himself. Intrigued, Sherlock lets the child stay with John and him so he can observe him and possibly train him to follow in his footsteps. He never expected him to become like a son to him. Slight implied Johnlock.

tokyo_gojo · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

chapter 3

Mrs. Hudson was ecstatic…too ecstatic. She beamed at the small child the moment she heard the news. L had followed them easily enough up to that point but was now attempting to retreat from the enthusiastic woman. Sherlock didn't let him though. He stepped behind him, blocking his retreat. He pressed a hand into the boy's back and pushed him forward once more, silently reassuring him that Mrs. Hudson meant him no harm.

"Ah! You're adopting already." She exclaimed happily. "A little soon I must say, but I'm happy for you two." John sighed.

"Mrs. Hudson, I already told you we're not-"

"But the child is ours for the time being John, so she's not wrong exactly." Sherlock interrupted, looking much too amused for John's liking. He glared at the grinning man but gave up when it only amused him further. Sherlock never did try to correct anyone when it came to misconceptions about their relationship.

L watched the exchange intently, attempting to learn more about the men he would be living with. His observation was interrupted as a small wrapped candy was suddenly in his face. He stared at the old woman as she silently waited for him to take the offered treat. One of the first rules taught to children was never to take anything from strangers but the woman seemed harmless and the scrutinizing stare from the man called Sherlock made it hard to refuse. Mrs. Hudson beamed again when he carefully took it from her palm.

John was about to step in to help when the boy's weak fingers struggled with the wrapper but the slight shake of Sherlock's head kept him fixed in place. The boy eventually managed to peel the colorful wrapper off. He stared at the small pink orb of sugar for a moment then sniffed it. The smell of strawberry filled his nose letting him know in advance what flavor it would be. He tentatively slipped the candy into his mouth.

The boy's eyes shot open wide and his face lit up as a look of wonder and awe overtook his once solemn features. John found the sight endearing yet sad; such a simple thing brought the boy such joy, which meant he never got to experience such things before. L sucked on the candy enthusiastically, looking to be in a world all his own. His wide eyes closed and his lips quirked up in a small smile as he savored the sweet treat.

It was clear to John that the boy would want lots of candy in the future. He had a lot of work cut out for him if he wanted the boy to eat healthy. Speaking of eating…

"We should really get him something else to eat, Sherlock." John advised, seeing the way the shirt hung loosely on the boy's boney frame. They'd have to get him some proper clothes as well.

"Naturally." Sherlock was already making his way out of the room towards the stairs.

"I have a spot of soup still in the fridge." Mrs. Hudson said.

"That'll do nicely. Thank you, Mrs. Hudson." Sherlock called back, not sparing the woman another glance.

"Of course. Anything for the little dearie." She said, smiling still. "I'll go fetch it and bring it up."

She didn't mention not being their housekeeper this time but that was no doubt because of L; she was already completely taken with the boy and was more than willing to help take care of him.

L took in every strange, unusual trinket of Sherlock's with curious eyes once they reached their flat. The skull on the mantel really caught his eye. He stared at it but made no move to retrieve it; he seemed afraid to disturb anything if the way he lingered unsurely in the middle of the room was any indication. Sherlock of course noticed his staring, as he had been observing the boy's reaction the whole time. He surprised John by picking up the skull and lightly tossing it L's way. The boy caught it and stared at Sherlock, looking unsure. Sherlock merely turned away and went to hang up his coat. L ran his fingers over the skull, studying every inch of it hungrily. The fact that it was a real skull made it all the more fascinating to him; it wasn't often that a person beyond those involved in the medical profession got to hold a genuine skull in their hands. He wondered how Sherlock had come by it but didn't dwell on it.

Sherlock watched L study the skull with a small grin. It seemed the boy was just as fascinated by the skull as Sherlock had been when he first got his hands on one, which wasn't that far from the boy's age now. The boy showed no disgust or horror at holding the skull of a once living person. He'd probably have no trouble at crime scenes then but he'd need to bring him to one to be sure.

He'd make a fine consulting detective one day, Sherlock thought, gazing at the boy with an almost fond look.

"Ooh-ooh" Mrs. Hudson announced herself as she came into the flat, carrying a tray of soup. She moved towards the kitchen but stopped with a sigh at the experiment littered table. She settled for placing the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. She smiled at L and gently led him over to sit down in front of it. He stared down into the soup, hungry but still hesitant.

"Go on, dear." Mrs. Hudson encouraged. L picked up the spoon and scooped some up.

"Careful it's hot." She warned. L blew on it till he thought it cool enough then started eating. The soup wasn't anything fancy but it tasted good enough. L found himself longing for the sweet taste of the candy instead though. However, he knew this was the healthier option so he continued to eat the soup.

"Make sure to eat slowly and don't force yourself to finish it." John advised him, carefully watching his intake to make sure L didn't eat more than his starved stomach could handle.

The soup warmed L's insides and made him relax though he was still wary of his new situation. Mrs. Hudson took the tray once L was done, still smiling. L wondered if there was ever a time when she didn't smile.

"L." John called out, gaining L's attention. "I was hoping I could look you over. I want to know for sure the state you're in." L hesitated again.

"It'll be over sooner if you just cooperate. John won't stop worrying otherwise." Sherlock said from his chair where he was silently observing.

L stood and walked over towards the man. He carefully pulled his shirt over his head as advised, leaving him with only underwear that barely stayed in place on his hips. He shivered; the room's warm temperature felt cold to his thin body. He stood still as John gently looked him over. Beyond being malnourished, the boy was in overall good condition.

"How long have you been living on the streets?" John asked as he counted the boy's ribs. L said nothing. He glanced over at Sherlock, expecting him to read him as he had been doing up till then.

"Though I am more than capable of deducing your thoughts, I rather not waste any more effort doing so. I suggest you start speaking them." Sherlock sternly advised, startling the two. John glared over at him.


"No John. I took in a young genius, not a helpless mute so stop acting like one." Sherlock's words were harsh but true. L had been keeping quiet because he didn't trust either man just yet but also because he was still caught in the habit of trying to hide his intellect. Sherlock wasn't going to stand for it anymore; he had already told him before not to hide it and he wasn't one known for his patience.

"Two years. I have been on the streets for two years." L finally said, answering John's previous question. He kept his eyes locked with Sherlock's but offered no other response to his words. Sherlock nodded, satisfied.

John supplied L with one of his jumpers once he was done. The jumper acted as more of a nightgown than a shirt but it covered what it needed to so L accepted it. It was only temporary after all.

"For now you can stay on the couch. Is that okay?" John asked.

"That's fine. Thank you." John smiled. He went and got a spare pillow and blanket for him. John made up a bed for him on the couch.

"Try to get some sleep. We'll get you everything you need tomorrow."

John strode over to Sherlock and yanked him out of his chair. He pulled the man from the room.

"John-" Sherlock protested but John didn't relent. He knew the man often hung out in the front room during the nights he didn't sleep but he wanted L to get some sleep; Sherlock would have to spend the night in his own room for once, whether he slept or not.

"Goodnight." John called as he pulled the still protesting detective from the room.

L watched them go then turned towards the makeshift bed. He laid down on the couch but knew he wouldn't be sleeping that night.


The night slowly passed and sleep never did come to L. He spent the night listening to the sounds coming from Sherlock's bedroom down the hallway. The man paced around a bit, mumbling to himself, before tinkering loudly with something. It was on constant repeat but it was interesting to listen to. Knowing he was spending the night with others was strange at first but did make L feel a little more secure and safe. The couch didn't have the softest cushions but it was more comfortable than the unforgiving concrete of alleyways.

Because L hadn't slept, he was sitting wide-awake when a sharply dressed man calmly strolled into the flat. The man noticed him instantly and walked over towards him. He leaned over him, silently staring at him as if waiting for something. He knew he should have screamed, if not for help then at least to warn Sherlock and John that there was an intruder. Something kept him quiet though.

"Should you not be screaming? I could hurt you, or kidnap you, or even kill you." The man said after a minute. There was a challenge in his eyes and L found himself rising to it.

"Are you going to?" He challenged right back. The man smirked, looking amused.

"Hmmmm. Not quite so timid after all." L glared up at him. The man chuckled as he took a seat in one of the chairs. The man showed a familiarity with the room that revealed he had been there before on at least one other occasion. L kept his glare.

"Now that is a familiar look." The man said. "Very much like Sherlock." The mention of the man distracted him but he didn't let it for long.


"Do I know Sherlock?" The man finished for him. The man fiddled with the handle of his umbrella for a second before answering. "Sherlock calls me his archenemy." He looked up at L with sharp, expectant eyes. The man's choice of phrasing revealed a lot to the boy.

"But he's not yours." L said cautiously. The man smirked, showing that he had been testing him.

"Indeed. It is a completely one-sided take on our relationship."

"One-sided or not, it is the truth." Sherlock stated as he stepped into the room. L tensed at the harsh look Sherlock was giving the man. It seemed the man wasn't exaggerating when he said Sherlock saw him as his archenemy.

"Go upstairs to John." Sherlock ordered him while maintaining eye contact with the man. L quickly scampered from the room. He lingered on the stairs though. He was curious so he sat down to listen in as best as he could.


"Quite the intelligent child."

"What do you want, Mycroft?" Sherlock asked irritably as he took the seat opposite his brother, ignoring his words.

"Nothing in particular." Mycroft said, turning his eyes away from where the boy had escaped and onto his brother.

"I must say, Sherlock, I never expected you to have such a…familial side." Sherlock scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mycroft. I took the child in purely for intellectual reasons." Mycroft sat back further in his chair, eyes glinting with amusement.

"Of course. Clearly that is the only reason you would take in such a… misunderstood child." Sherlock glared.

"What are you implying?" He asked, voice tense.

"I am not implying anything."

"Yes, you are." Sherlock insisted. "You're implying that I sympathize with him because of my own childhood."

"You said it, dear brother, not me." Sherlock's glare intensified but he was unfazed by it. He let the conversation linger before changing the subject.

"Whatever the case, this should prove to be interesting."

"What are you on about now?" Sherlock asked, attempting to look disinterested.

"We both know you are not fit to care for the boy."

"Of course not, but John is."

"Children naturally look to those around them for inspiration. Up till now, the boy had no one. Now he will have Dr. Watson, Mrs. Hudson…and you, Sherlock. Especially you." He emphasized, voice slowing with seriousness. "He will be drawn to your intelligence, much like you were drawn to his. Whether you like it or not, you will have just as much of a part in his upbringing as the doctor, if not more so." He smirked suddenly as he rose from his chair.

"I am curious to see how he will turn out." Sherlock just glared. Mycroft saw himself out. He nodded in L's direction as he passed, showing no surprise at seeing the boy there. L kept quiet though. He stayed on the steps even after the man left. He contemplated everything he had heard but all he found was that he was even more curious about the man called Sherlock Holmes.