
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Cómic
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15 Chs

The Weird Fruit.

At the sound of waves, his resting mind suddenly woke up suddenly unsure of where he was.

'At a Beach?, I hate the beach, why am I here?' with that thought he suddenly remembered where he was.

As he opens his eyes, he was struck with confusion, and adrenaline flowing through his body.

'I am in One Piece!' Lincoln exclaimed in his mind.

When Lawken woke up it was already afternoon, he got up to recollect his thoughts.

'So I'm in the One Piece world' He thought with weariness and sigh.

'Well Shit... I'll die! I don't even know where I am! like I could just die from a bite of an Insect! this is such a pain.' He scratched his head with irritation and sighs.

'For now I need a plan. Because of my hours and hours of interest to survival videos I got some basic knowledge in this type of situation. Food, water, and shelter, and I am quite curious, if I ate a Devil Fruit, I will need to know what my Fruit is, Second I need a human companion so that I wouldn't risk myself turning crazy by myself, And I need to survive this island, I need to have some kind of boat to travel away from here, and it must be sturdy enough to cross the sea. Because of the dangers of the sea or I should say Pirates I will have to train myself, I have never done any exercise in my entire life though, but I know Saitama the man of hard work, he did 100 push ups, pull ups, squats, sit ups, and 10 Km run, but I will have to lower it down I don't need to go bald, but my mindset is the key to surviving this island. Hmm I need to know how to use my Devil Fruit.' thought of Lawken.

'Please don't be a Zoan!!, I don't want to turn to a Bunny!!.(A/N- NO offense to any Zoan fans out there)'Thought of Lawken.

He Put's his hand out and used his fruit by feeling it and imagining himself letting something out.

Something happened, but he can't seem to know what it is. He moves his left hand in front of his right hand, and he felt the air move, but not exactly the Air.

He tries another time, but now he felt hot air move to his left hand.

'Am I Like Dragon(Monkey D. Dragon)?, or is there something?, Like the air shifting?' thought of Lawken.

Then he felt knowledge stream into his mind, on what fruit it is, and how it moved the air.

"Degree-Degree Fruit?, When I Use it, I could move the particles from the air, it heats the air up by moving it's particles very fast, like water if you boil it, it was actually particles in the air moving in a fast rate, which in simple terms Boiling. Like Ice, the particles is slowing down in a state where it turns a liquid into solid, and it's because of the slowing down it goes cold" said Lawken.

"Which in simple terms I just moved the moisture of the air or the particles of it, and changed it's temperature, Wow!, My fruit is actually Stronger than the fruit of an Admiral, if it is trained. I could just let my fruit be activated, and at the same time learn to control my fruit" said Lawken.

However another problem came up, his food and water is nowhere to be found.

'Hmmm, I don't have any water and food, in water, if I even drink sea water I'll just die from the saltiness and the germs from the ocean. For food I could eat crabs, but it's not cooked and un-edible, it may cause more harm than good, I can't make a campfire out of this tree because it may be of more use later' thought of Lawken.

'Ohhh~!!, I could just heat up the Sea water and the food, But I need a container for the water. For the food, I need a lot of supply of it' thought of Lawken.

He got up and looked around for any material, but he can't seem to find any, he sits down and touches the sand and grips on it then.

"Aha!, I could just make a glass container out of sand!, but it's hard to make one with my little heat I need a powerful heat and it needs to be concentrated so that the sand doesn't spill and spew out everywhere" said Lawken.

He stands up and digs up a hole of sand and shaped it like a bucket.

"I don't have any proper molds, so I'll just have to experiment, and I need safety for this, this jacket should be enough to protect my body just incase the liquid glass decides to jump at me" said Lawken.

He put's his hand at the hole and he slowly manifested his power, but the sand doesn't seem to melt.

"The sand won't melt, it's because it is not hot enough to melt it, like should I imagine the air heat up and the sand?, or I just have to move the particles like crazy, I'll just try" said Lawken.

He closes his eyes and Imagine red hot air heating up the sand. he opened his eyes, but the sand still didn't melt, so he tried imagining the Particles moving like crazy and creating heat energy, he opens his eyes again, but this time the sand glows red hot, but it still didn't melt.

"It's close to melting, but I am still missing something, what if I imagine both of them happening at the same time?, I hope it will work this time because It's lowering my mentality" said Lawken.

This time the sand melted, but the sand melted toward the bottom.

"Well I melted it, but it didn't form on what I wanted to, maybe I need to shape it, like making a light bulb, you put liquid glass in front of a metal tube and then blow on it to let the air expand the bulb and you roll it to let it stay into the shape you want and it will slowly cool down to the shape you wanted, well I could only try" said Lawken.

lawken tries to find a stick or a pipe, but the only option is a branch, it is a ittle bit curved and doesn't have any hole to blow into.

Lawken thinks again on what to do.

He doesn't need to blow into it, he just have to expand the bulb by using cold air well he just have to create air inside and roll it, and to shape it into a kind of container.

He snaps a branch that is a little bit straight and tried it again with another hole, he begins and the sand melted and he dips the branch into the hole and scoops out the melted sand and keep heating it up, but on lower temperature and he stops it for a bit and he closes his eyes and used his fruit.

Now he imagined the air particles inside the bulb move in the center and slow down to lessen the energy, but the heat of the glass stops him from cooling it and lessening the energy, he tried it again, but this time he expanded the air particles and the liquid glass expands and he shaped it care fully and he slowly cools it down not to fast so that it would break, he did it two more times and got ready for night time.

He carefully scoops seawater and heats it up to kill the germs and he dit it precisely by moving the particles all over the water, but he continued this process until there is no salt, he filters it by puring the heated water in another bulb flask and with the residue, he discards it with seawater and repeat.

Because of that now he has water, he was delighted with it and now has to look for food To get revenge on the species of armpit pinchers, he gathered some crabs and dumps it into another container, and used his fruit to boil the water and the crab, he drinks a water and eats the crabs, it's salty but manageable.

Now for shelter.

He doesn't have any time for making a bed or a roof, and he only needs a bed so that when the sunrise comes, he will wake up from the natural light of it, because of it he would be able to work early and do what he couldn't today.

For now he will have to sleep on his jacket, but first exercise.

He did 10 push ups, 100 squats, 30 sit ups, and 10 laps around the island and he got sweaty and drank some water.

Now another little problem came up, Hygiene.

"Well I could just vaporize my sweat, but the sand and grime will be left behind, Hmm I could just heat up the surrounding sea water while I bath so that my grime would be washed of, and the germs will be killed and also by the heat of the sea water, I could also wash my clothes and just evaporate it, and also because of the lack of detergent, I will have to heat it up to kill the badies" said Lawken.

He washes up and then he get's under the tree and put's a jacket and let his devil fruit on, so that the air he will emit will scatter the insects and bugs while he sleeps.

'*sigh*, what a day, I wish I could survive this Island. Now that I think of it, what would I do if I got out of this island, should I join a crew or make one, I could join Luffy, I could steal his crew and do what I would do in that situation, or I'll just be the strongest and just live my life after that while finding out who I am, and if I could join Luffy's crew what is my job?, a Scientists?, Writer?, Poet?, well I'll find that out someday when I get out of this island, I wonder what year it is?.' thought of Lawken.

"But that is for another day" said Lawken.

To Be Continued...

This Chapter 2, I didn't know what number of day it is since i updated, but I posted any way

So Add this to your library to know what would happen next.

Thanks for reading :).

Now_You_S33_Mecreators' thoughts