
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Cómic
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15 Chs

The Plan.

A week has passed and many things has happened. You could see a Cubic House and a wonderful Little forest surrounding it.

Compared to before it has some new things added to it, you could see a guy in some kind of wooden workshop, You could see a Wooden

"*Sigh*, looks like it will take age's to build a boat, I could only make a boat not a ship, I could make a ship, but it won't have a cast, you need it to move faster so that you won't get washed up by the waves, I could make it out of leaves, but I would have to replace everyday because it would decay, I am not bringing leaves just for a cast, so a boat it is." said Lawken.

"Now what would I need to make my boat move, well I can't use my Devil fruit I need it to fight creatures or some pirates if I ever encounter one, so I remembered that some boat use a Rotors as a way to move it, so I made one using wood some roots. How would that work you said?, well I could use the string to rotate the wooden rotors, how would that work?, would it just not come back?, well I use the same system where you pull a string to start a lawnmower to rotate the wooden Rotors, and incase It didn't work I would make a paddle.

Now storage. I just need a chest and put some food and essentials, now that's out of the way any questions?" said Lawken to a Wooden Figure named Jeremy.

" None?, okay your awfully quite today Jeremy, do you have problems?, no?, I have one?, no I don't have one Jeremy, you know what let's get back to building this thing" said Lawken.

Some time later...

"What Jeremy?, you didn't get to see the things I made? okay here let me show you" Said Lawken to Jeremy.

"In the left of the Cubic House is my Work Shop I had trouble building it, but it sure would help me store my things so that I won't lose another tool to the ocean again *Sigh*, now back to the show case, In my shop I made made many things, magnifying glass, a rotor that actually work well, and some seeds I have been collecting incase I need it when I am stucknin a boat or another I Island, next I made a glass Pipe, incase I really need speed for my boat, and incase there was some unwanted enemies I would shoot them with my Devil Fruit compressed air that if you get hit you wish you were never hit, another one is this one is a rope and some wood, now with this one I made a glass of sand I didn't know why I made that, but meh no one cares and here I made a fridge or storage thingy so I could store food and water and fruit that I never want to eat, but needed for survival. Next I made some glass rotor incase of emergency like I don't know, like a fish eating my wooden rotors or incase it broke I got spare parts for my whole ship and it will just be in the inside of the boat Any questions?" Asked Lawken to Jeremy.

"Okay now I will just have to wait for some more food that I could venture, for the past two weeks I will go out into this dangerous and exiting world" Said Lawken.

'Now that I am prepared for everything I would need some more training I will need to at least attain Observation Haki so that I could venture safer' thought Lawken.

Lawken gathered more wood and some roots to finisg the boat, he use his Devil Fruit to bend the wood and because of trial and error he made a cool move.

You could see Lawken concentrating and stand firmly, he moves and opens his arms wide to his sides and said.

"UnMovement 1" said Lawken.

The temperature drop you could see the sand and the water solidifying and freezing halting the Particles.

The sand compresed and got more firm like solid blocks and the water crystal clear, but freezing.

He puts his palms in front of him and swipes it to his sides and say.


The Temperature Increased incredibly fast and the sand became molten red, the water steaming hot and he stops and folds his arms like stopping an orchestra with his arms in frot of and Unfolded and swipe it peacefully.

"*huff**Puff*Huff**Puff*Huff**Sigh*, that took a ot in me I need to clean up" Said Lawken.

He walks in to the ocean and dips in.

"Ahhh that's hot, my body is super tired right now I needed this, now I got a Fighting chance, just wait for me One Piece World I'm Coming"....

To Be Continued...