
First day of school (2)

"Oh no, Iris? Stop. Don't fight." Some girl screams as she comes between us. And Iris immediately stops. But regains her usual self soon.

"Oh Char? Did you get hurt cuz of me? These imbeciles literally cut my path. What can I do?" Iris says. But for some reason she sounds uncomfortable.

"Just go in. Don't fight ok?" That girls says so sweetly as if Iris is some 5 year old. Iris smiles at her and leaves the scene while glaring at us.

"I'm very sorry for my sister. She's just gets angry easily. By the way I'm Charlette. Charlette Moore." She extends her hand for a handshake. Vivi shakes her hand and also introduces me to her.

Turns out Iris and Charlette are step sisters. No wonder they look so different. While Iris really pretty with her sparkly blonde hair and blue eyes in other words her facial features are really cute, meanwhile Charlette is brunette with hazel eyes and she's got sharp features and she's taller. So this Iris girl is nice to her sister but a jerk to others? Sounds like a perfectly scripted drama.

Vivi told me that Iris and she used to be friends in junior high. She used to be very kind and nice to everyone. But she changed completely into a jerk in their senior year. And she never knew what happened. Guess she just wanted to the obnoxious bully of a queen bee in high school.

Since my morning turned out like this, I was hoping the rest of the day will be at least a bit decent. But no, I was hoping for too much.

During art class...........

The teacher tells us to create any thing we want want since she wants to know what type of art we are good at. I've always been good at acrylic painting. But I didn't bring any art supplies with me. The teacher is kind enough to lend me some colors and brushes to use, so I start to paint a grand piano I saw some months ago at a shop while I was out with Vivi.

The teacher goes out of the class for a while to call for the janitor because someone spilled their colors on the floor. I don't pay much attention to it. I am sitting by the window, enjoying the beautiful garden filled with flowers and that water fountain is just so mesmerizing. It's so peaceful and I am almost finished with my painting. Just then some guy jumps inside the classroom through the window in a hurry. No he does not jumps inside the classroom. He literally jumps onto me.

"Ahhhh" I scream. The paints on my desk shatters everywhere including me and this moron of a guy.

"Shut up. Don't attract attention here." He says as he gets up from the floor.

He extends his hand towards me for to help me get up. I slap his hand away and get up by myself. "What do you mean 'shut up'? You jumped on me, ruined my clothes, ruined my painting and all you say is SHUT UP?" I yell.

He just blankly stares at me and leaves the classroom. "He-hey? Where do you think you are going?" I Proceed to go after him but someone grabs my hand.

"Hey, ignore him. He's always been like that. Here let me help you with these." A guy says in a gentle voice. I look around and notice nobody is paying any attention to what just happened.

"I'm guessing that this is a everyday thing?" I ask that guy.

"Yes, Milo comes late to school almost everyday and I guess the guard saw him today that's why he asked to stay quite." He smiles.

"Wow. Students here are all jerks." I say fuming.

"Aww don't say like that. Am I a jerk as well?" He asks

I was about to answer when the teacher comes in, "Oh lord, what happened here?"

Before I could say anything that guy says, "I bumped into her." And smiles at the teacher. No one else says a thing so I stay silent as well.

Later at recess..........

I tell Vivi about what happened in art class and she laughs at me. "You look like a clown." And continues laughing.

"He literally ruined my outfit. And you're laughing?" I yell.

"Honey? That's Milo you're talking about. He's pretty much the troublemaker." Eviee chuckles.

"I don't care who this Milo is, I just want to get back at him. The least he could do was apologize. What a bastard!!!" I say.

"Speak of the devil." Eviee points somewhere. I look where she points and it's that jerk. Walking into the cafeteria like it's the Met Gala. And why is he coming towards ME? He literally comes to my table and just stares at me before pulling out the chair next to me and sit.

"I've never seen you before? So I'm guessing you're new. Do you need money for your dry cleaning?" He asks in Korean while looking staring into my eyes with his blue eyes. I stand up from my chair after hearing what he just said, in shock.

"Hey Miles? That's a bit too much. Just cuz we all support you in your damn pranks to infuriate you father it doesn't mean you can talk to a person in that tone." Eviee comments.

"Listen Eve I was just being polite offering her the dry cleaning expense and-" He can't finish his sentence when I speak up. "Sure, please pay me up. Even better if you buy me a new exact same clothes" I say with a smile.

"Dorothy!!!" Vivi gasps.

Milo seems a bit taken aback by my words but he manages to flash me a breathtaking smile, "Sure, why not?" He says.

"Guys calm down." Eviee gets nervous as she tries to calm us down.

"I've lost my appetite seeing this guy. I'm leaving early." I take bag and start to leave.

Milo suddenly grabs my hand and says, "What about your new clothes? Or do you plan on wearing this masterpiece I created for the rest of the day?" He smiles.

I snatch my hand away, "Take your money and new clothes and try to buy some other person with that." I yell.

"I was just trying to compensate here. Sure go ahead. It's always people like you who act like they don't need money but at the end the day they'd do anything for it." He says as he gets up from his seat. "I hate people like you." He says.

"Milo? What the hell? You can not talk to Dorothy like that." Eviee shouts at Milo.

They start arguing. I ran out of that place. How can a person be such a jerk? All I wanted was a 'I'm sorry' and nothing else. How can he humiliate me like that in front of so many people. While running I bump into someone.

"Ouch" This person grabs me before I could fall.

TO BE CONTINUED ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●




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