
Lavender by Nozomu_L

nozomu_L · Real
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13 Chs


The sun shifted higher as time passed and Lavender decided to head back for her lunch is at the library, she heaved a sigh and brush away the tears from her cheeks and eyes feeling somewhat better than earlier.

"Miss Lav! Someone's looking for you. " Jackie called out to her as soon as she step inside the library. "Who is it? " Jackie just smile "Well, they're inside the lockers. Go on! " Feeling confused but nervous she starts to march towards the lockers and was welcome with hugs, one small hugging her legs and a big hug wraps around her.

The same warmth she had been missing for years. "Lav.. I finally found you. " And those voice she has been wanting to hear. The hugs loosen and what welcomes her are smiling faces, one with green eyes and one with the eyes she fell in love with. "Mommy, we brought you pizza. "

The nervousness from a little child's voice is visible and those awkward smile, her eyes almost weeping with tears. "I hope... you'll like it. " Lavender tears up upon hearing those sweet little voice she never had the chance to hear. "Oh God.. " she kneeled down in front of Abigail as they both tear up, she cups her child's cheeks for the second time of her life. "My Abby.. I knew I didn't gor it wrong, my heart recognizes you my baby girl. " She then hugged her so tightly just to feel her warmth against hers.

"That is so unfair Lav. Ignoring this pouting Parker and your beloved cousin and his child. " Lavender carried Abigail in her arms and glared at Rafael. "You big idiot! I told you not to search for me! And you Tyler! Why are you all here?! " A hug from Abigail stopped Lavender from talking more. "Do you not want to see us mommy? " Her heart softens and look at Rafael.

"Alright, come here little girl. Your Mom and Dad needs to talk. " Rafael take Abigail away from her and they head out leaving Tyler and Lavender inside. "Lav.. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself when Raf told me he knows where you are. I even told the kids about everything and Hazel is..Hazel is on his way to search for us. I know you didn't want to be found, I'm sorry. I just.. I just wanted to see you. "

She kept quiet suppressing the feeling of wanting to feel Tyler's warmth once again. "What about the child? Hazel brought a child remember? " He smile softly "You saw him today Lav. The truth is, Hazel took Raf's child for me to marry her but it's all fake. Well, the marriage was arranged by Rafael and he thought it'd be better to fake it. " He moved closer to her, grab her hands and kissed them.

"I am free Lav. I've never been Hazel's. So please. This time, please choose me again. This time we'll have our own family. I love you Lavender Green. " He kissed the ring in her ring finger as Lavender saw his ring on his. Their promise ring. "I'm so glad you still haven't thrown it away. I kept mine too, I didn't even wore the wedding ring Hazel and I used even once because I couldn't afford to remove ours. "

"Oh Tyler.. What did I do to deserve you? " Their hands tighten it's grip with each other and soon their lips collides. A cleared throat brought them back to reality.

"I'm so jealous of you Miss Lav and I am butting in to those sweet kisses. We still have work to do. " Jackie teasingly said as she stands at the door. "OH YES! Work! I need to work. I'll see you afterwards, Love. " Tyler pecks her lips before he head out whispering "I'll come for you, Love. " With a wink he's gone.

Tyler went outside smiling so widely that everyone will know he had a good time. "I see you got the girl back. " Rafael smiles as he said those and taps his friend's shoulder. "Great job, now we need to take care of Hazel. I managed to contact Kath's phone but it's the maid that answer. My wife is unconscious because of the shocked. No worries the doctor is there. "

Tyler nodded and watch the kids play at the town's playground with the others. "What about them? Should we let Lavender take care of them while we take care of Hazel? " Rafael nodded. "Hazel has gone worse. As you can remember fron the files I gave you the other day she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe anger issues but she didn't get treatment and as what my maids said she almost shoot my wife with a gun. I've contacted some of my military friends about our situation and they'll see what they do. " Rafael dialed on his phone and instructed.

"Locate the suspect, we'll try our best to avoid conflict. She has a gun with her, I repeat she has a gun. " Then put down his phone. "They'll contact me if they find anything. For now let's hope for the best. " Tyler nervously nodded. "Thanks bro. I owe you everything. " Rafael just shook his head and smile. "No Parker, this is what a friend should do. "

"It's almost the end. I'll make sure of it. "

The night breeze is cold but it didn't bother the smiling Tyler as he watched the stars above waiting for the love of his life to come out of work. "Oh hey hot stuff. You can come inside, I'll go on ahead. Can you accompany Miss Lav with closing the doors? " Tyler smiles

"No problem. Take care Jack and thanks. " As Jackie walks away Tyler went inside the library to see Lavender making sure everything is turned off before she go home. "You left something forgetful Jackie—Oh! " she gasped as she felt a hug from the back and a soft kiss on her cheek. "It's your bae. "

She chuckles and tried to pull away so she can face him. "Oh hello hotstuff. Wow you look dazzling my dear. " She traces his cheeks down to his jawline. "I've missed you. " They both shared the sweetest kiss people could share in an old dark library.


