
Late I Love You

Akishara Shane Pershey Santiago Adejar, a.k.a. ‘‘Pershey Adejar’’, is a wealthy and famous model slash influencer student at the University de Forde. The son of the university's owner is Neil Samson, the man Pershey fantasizes about every single day. Back then, they all called her "weird", a "nerd", and nicknamed her "the old woman who always carries books". When Neil humiliates her in front of her schoolmates, Pershey decides to change everything about her life—including her habit of fantasizing about him. She joins the modeling industry to redeem herself and mend her self-worth. Her new career changes her entire world... Even the man she used to only dream of eventually falls in love with her. Will their story turn into a happily-ever-after? Or is her seemingly perfect new life just a forged illusion? . Caleb, basketball player, guitarist and dancer will be his rival in Pershey’s heart. A love-triangle between their playful hearts.

Daoist6AK3px · Adolescente
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Please recount that books. Check if that are 3,000 pieces," she ordered her maid. She has five maids, three body guards and 2 drivers per vehicle.

However, she only wants one man. She only wants Neil. She's literally obsessed with him.

"I'll follow, Doña Pershey," the maid replied and immediately called the other maids to count the books she was carrying.

They started to count the books that have been delivered 10 minutes ago.

"Make sure that books are complete. I paid eighty eight thousands seven hundred twenty six pesos (88,726) just to buy that books with the shipping fee of five hundred eighty seven pesos (587)," she explained.

"Wow, these books are so expensive," the maid whispered that she overheard.

"It doesn't matter how expensive the books are, what matters is that I helped in the way I know," Pershey said.

"Is all this for the University?"

While she was still in the kitchen, she could still hear what they were talking about. The maids are at the dinner table and the books are on the table. The table is almost full of books.

"Yes, for the university those are," Pershey replied.

"You seem to be distributing books more often," maid said. She approached and took a book with sealed.

"Is it bad to help the development of the university I'm attending?"

"Sorry, Doña Pershey."

She let the maids count and went to the second floor of their mansion.

As she walked she was obsessed with what Leighden had often told her.

"Do I look like a nerd in what I'm wearing?" She shook her head as she walked and stopped to examine her clothing.

She wore a black dress with cherry designs.

The length of her dress reaches to her knees. She was wearing glasses and her hair was curly, it was not obviously messy even when she woke up.

She entered her room and went straight to the cabinet to choose clothes.

She gets almost exclusively skirts.

"Is it old enough to wear a long skirt?" she asked herself. She first looked at the skirt she was holding and measured its length. "But, I'm comfortable of wearing long skirts," she defended herself.

She sat up in her bed. "It's kind of boring to come in today," she said languidly. "But ... I can't be absent because I still have to distribute the books at the library. It's a pity especially since I paid 2,000 pesos for delivery just to have the books delivered to me at 5:30 AM," said Pershey, frowning.


She just glanced at the door and ignored who was knocking.

*/knocking again.

She stood up and lowered her skirt. "No! I don't look like a nerd," she said. She bled and eagerly approached the door to open whoever was knocking.

*/knocking again.

She immediately opened the door and a maid appeared in front of her, she's smiling at her.

"What do you need?"

"The books are complete, Doña Pershey," said the maid.

She smiled and left the room. She walked straight.

She did not notice that the maid wasn't following her so she spoke. "Leave the door open, Nanny," she calmly commanded.


"Didn't you hear me?" She kept walking. "Leave the door open," she repeated.

She noticed that the maid was now following her. "Nanny?" She stopped walking.

"Yes, Doña Pershey?" The maid also stopped and waited for what Pershey would say next.

"Clean my room," she commanded.

"A-are you sure, Doña Pershey?"


"Are you sure, Ma'am?"

The maid could not believe what Pershey had ordered her. Only now did Pershey order her room to be cleaned. She does not clean her room with others. She doesn't let anyone into her room. It is often closed.

"Unlimited? I said yes, I'm hundred one point nine percent sure," she replied.

"Okay, Ma'am, I'll follow."

The maid was about to enter her room when Pershey called her.


"Yes ma'am?"

"Throw away the clutter you see in my room," she said.

"I'll follow, Ma'am."

"Then ..." She stopped. "Put away my belongings. Tear off my clothes and throw away what you notice I'm not wearing well,"

"But, Doña Per-"

"I am sure, Nanny. Throw them away or burn them or if you want you can have them," she added.

The maid could do nothing but agree with her boss.

"Are my orders clear, Nanny?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She continued walking. She went straight to the kitchen to eat when she saw that the books were still on the table. They are layered. The stacking is good.

"What are these?"

Her face ached. The maids stood up.

They bowed. "Sorry, Ma'am," maid apologized.

"Why aren't you putting away these books yet?"

The maids stopped talking and immediately removed the books from the table.

Pershey let out a deep sigh and went back up to the second floor of the mansion. Their mansion has three floors. Only she and the maids, body guards and drivers were with her in the mansion. Her parents are in the States, busy with the company they are growing so she can do whatever she wants.

She went into her room and lay down.

"Have you eaten yet, Doña Pershey?" the maid asked while mopping the floor.

"How can I eat? The books are still on the table. No food has been cooked yet. I've been hungry before," she complained.

"S-sorry, Doña Pershey. I thought my companions had already cooked," she should have left.

"Stay here, Nanny. Just prepare my bath and what I'm going to wear," she ordered.

"All right, Doña Pershey. Do you want me to cook for you?"

"I'm not hungry anymore, Nanny. Just keep doing what you're doing."

Pershey stared at the ceiling. Many are obsessed with her mind.


"Yes ma'am?"

She got up and sat on the bed. "Am I beautiful?"

The maid stopped from what she was doing and stared at her. "Am I beautiful, Nanny?"

"You're so beautiful, Doña Pershey," she replied with a smile and resumed from what she was doing.


"Yes, Doña Pershey."

She felt relieved by what the maid said.

"Come out first, Nanny. I'll take a shower first. Just come back when I get to school."

"Okay, Doña Pershey."

After her maid left she closed the door and went straight to the bathroom.