

Story of a teen girl Names AMELIA, passing through difficulties in her life, got love struck after denying that she will not fall for anyone, at a point of her age that changed her life. When a boy enters in her life, and turned it in something new, emotional roller coaster ride, with new experiences, magical love and past tragedies will she BE ABLE TO LOVE AGAIN , WILL HE ACCEPT HER. FOR interesting adventure of Amelia read the book and support me . this is my first novel I will be thankful if you all give it a read and appreciated it vote with power stones and do comment your thoughts I will do my best !!! ____________________________________

NASI38 · Adolescente
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18 Chs



everything was prepared for today as Codie, said he was excited, I rolled my eyes, "the music, the games , the drinks, yummy snacks and tadaaa !!delicious brownies " codie sang and sway his butt around, I looked at brownies and my sweet tooth craved them, I picked up one , " heyy stoppp ," he slapped my hand away ,"they have some thing in it just a tinsey winsey bit, eat them before the deeddd " he showed me his pinch and winked at me , my eyes widened " are you madd , stupid !!! drugs in my house " , "just tiney..." I slapped the back of his head and said " throw them drinks are enough, and get ready",I said walking away, " you are so boring Ander, UGHHH " codie shouted as I laughed. I took a hot shower,and started to get dressed, I picked black button up shirt and wear it it fitted my muscles I opened three buttons of top, and rolled my sleeves in half, I want to be casual and easy, the black pant , watch and a band black band, my black hair styles in a messy way, I ran downstairs as people start coming, codie gets busy too the bar guy making drinks girls flirt around and couples making out on my couch , in so many people around and loud music my eyes were still finding some one , I was waiting for her and excited for her, I locked my secret room and my own room ,other rooms were opened, I agree my house is a mansion I denied but my mom wanted me to stay here that's our house and it's empty they are in Italy now, a group of girls came up to me , " hey handsome " a blonde girl said putting her hand on my chest I smirked and pulled her closer by her waist , she was holding a drink in her hand , I came closer to her bitting her ear lobe she moaned, grabbing some attention, I pulled away " not today baby girl" I smirked , "Ander you teaser" she said with heavy breath , sipping the drink, " he is mine " a voice came " I rolled my eyes and turned "hey gorgeous " I said , sophie eyes were fierce she walked and grabbed the girls hand gripping her "stay away bitch" she hissed , I pulled her away before the cat fight started, we move towards the pool area where others were making out , playing games ," he chill out girl " I said to her , she smiled putting her arms around me , looking straight at me but in her irritating voice " how do I look babe " she said I said good looki g at her shimmery silver dress , her boobs about to pop out if there is a slight mistake, the dress was very short, she pressed her chest against mine bitting corner of her lips, "you look so hot , I am sweaty " she said and grabbed my hair pulling me in to a rough kiss I tried to pull away , but she literally forced me , I pulled away from her looking around, she was smirking, I looked at the entrance and my eyes landed on the girl I was waiting for , she looked absolutely stunning in that black dress, Amelia is perfect my heart beats faster and I looked at her long smooth legs , the chest area with blinking necklace , her face glowed differently today she is absolutely gorgeous, "now I feel hot " I said to myself the dress hugged her perfectly showing her hourglass figure, and full chest , without glasses her eyes were more greener today , I was mesmerized about how, sexy she looks , she looked at me and stomping her feet she went inside , I was confused, "let me tell you something Ander , don't betray me " sophie said looking at me furiously , my face hardened, I tightened my grip on her wait "ouch it hurts" she whimpered " don't boss me around, if I am a ring cool around you " anger in my eyes I loose grip abruptly ,she was shocked and taken back by my action I ran inside leaving her.

I looked around there were people dancing as music blast in my ears I looked around there was codie he was flirting with Amelia's friend, I don't know her name , I walked towards codie and they were almost drunk and dancing swaying there hips slowly, " hey" I tried to ask codie about Amelia , "I am Leah Amelia's friend , don't hurt my friend "she shouted " take care " she smiled and started dancing wildly,"oh god where is she " ,

at the corner of the bar she was sitting there with the drink in her hand.


I looked at him he looked dashing and sexy, in all black ,his unbottened shirt from top made me hot, his rolled sleeves and those muscles and veins popping as his hand balled in a fist he looked absolutely handsome, as he pulled away saying something to Sophie , ander looked at his left ,his eyes landed on me , he was smirking , may be he thought I was too easy but I will prove him wrong , I looked over at Sophie she was glaring at me and smiling at the same time wiping lipstick from side of her lips , I stomped my feet and ran inside , loud music deafening my ears as I walked towards bar , he sure is rich , but he cannot play me ,I said to myself, I will not fall for him, at the corner I walked towards the last corner chair , slam my hand on the counter top it was wooden " would you like something ma'am " the man serving drinks and snacks asked, I would like a punch , I have never drank but today I am angry, Sophie's side kick jade, she was small and rudest, I hate them, walked beside me, "are you a kid asking for fruit punch " she smirked "go away if you don't want a broken tooth " I hissed I was kind of angry and I don't know why, with her eyes she said something to the man serving I was confused but my anger takes over my curiosity , "here you go non alcoholic fruit punch" , the man said , I was thirsty I gulped it down it tasted good , "another please" I said and started lipsyincing the song and held my arms up to move , my vision was a little blurred" what's in there was my first drink hitting me up" I asked my self enjoying my own company, would you like to dance some one from behind asked me I turned around with blurry vision "who are you " a boy he was cool and handsome dark green and black jacket wearing asked me , "tony " he said , "huh" I said so confused he chuckled " it's just a dance you are alone and I am alone " he smirked , I stood up and said "yepp lezzzgooooo" as I held his arm dragging him on the dance floor, "wooohoooo!!!!letzz partttayyyy " I shouted holding my hand up, grabbing attention of people around, tony grabbed my waist slightly , and pulled my arm in his with step by step we danced suddenly rock music came " adrenaline rushh" I shouted and pushed him as I started swaying my hips , twerking, dancing shaking , I don't want to remember this embarrassment " come-on people dance do this" I shake my butt moving up and down dancing wildly , I was tired breathing heavily I stopped a bit as music slowed tony guy stood and said " you are sexy and fiesty " he smirked grabbed my waist while dancing and slowly his hand grabbed my ass I was shocked , tried to push him away , someone pulled him away from me and punched , " asshole !!! stay Awayyy" Ander shouted . rage in his eyes , I looked at him ,as he gave another punch " hey man sorryy don't create a scene" tony stood up "I am in party mood Soo I will forgive you " tony smirked "bastard get lost " Ander shouted , he looked back at me furiously " why would you be so wild in front of a stranger " he said , I looked at him and while frowning , I touch the tip of his nose "Mr , wheo are you tell me this " I said in drunk voice , he was looking at me confused , I tiptoed and came near his ear he tensed and our bodies warmed,in breathy sexy voice I said " do you think I am that eazy Mr Ander" then I bite his ear lobe , he tensed and was taken back , he looked at me " Amelia please ! I would not control if you do this " , I smirked and licked my lips and bite them , he gulped "stop " I placed my hand on his forehead "why are you sweaty" , he grabbed me and started pulling me in to a kissed I pushed him away and shouted " pooll games time wohooooo!!!!" and ran he stood there shocked with empty hands looking at me with revengeful eyes I laughed and ran outside.


" SHE IS DRUNK TOTALLYY " I shouted in my head , my heart about to burst, I felt hot , her sexy moves blow me away, I looked at her smirking "okay she wants to play let's play Amelia " I said to myself , slowly walking outside let's see what we have.

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