
Last Senju Heir

What if Senju Tsunade had a child and Naruto was dead instead of hyperactive yelling main charecter more talented one Senju Haruki -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any material from other franchises that will be mixed into this story, nor am I affiliated with the people who do.

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19 Chs

Senju Haruki

Next day Tsunade woke up with a hangover but quickly dispelled with chakra then looked around for a while then yelled.

"Shizunee come we are going to gamble."

Shizune came with a pleading face. "Please Tsunade-sama we are in big debt already please we cant afford to lose anymore." said Shizune.

Tsunade looked at Shizune and suddenly :

"Shizune sh-should i try it can i be a mother ? Would Dan blame me? What should i do Shizune what should i?" said while trying to not cry.

"Tsunade-sama you deserve to be happy dont blame yourself for everything.

I think uncle would be happy to for having a child with you. Please be happy Tsunade-sama you deserve it i think you should do it." said Shizune with a soft tone.

"Oink oink" said Tonton Shizune's pet pig.

"Look even Tonton wants it Tsunade-sama." said Shizune while smiling still trying to cheer Tsunade.

"I will think about it." said Tsunade with a sigh then turned to Shizune:

"Lets go to gambling house come with me Shizune today we are going to win i feel it come faster."

Shizune and tonton sighed and followed their master with a hurry steps.


9 month later Konaha hospital

"Push Tsunade-sama almost there last one time." said Shizune.

"I will kill Jiraiya for this. Bastard and his bastard ideas it hurts like a hell." yelled Tsunade with angry crying voice.

"Come on Tsunade-sama one more te pushlook here we go its over." said Shizune with a sigh and then took the boy and cleaned up.

"Tsunade-sama hes so beatifull look just like you." said Shizune while looking at the baby with a loving expression.

Tsunade look at the boy in Shizune's arms and all the pain all of the hardship flied right away. Her expression changed at a loving caring mother boy have a platinium blonde hair like herself but there was little bit blue hair springled around just like his fathers hair color. Unlike his father it wasnt dark green but he had a bright green eyes with pale white skin just like a girl all in all he was so beatiful baby.

She couldnt stop crying looking at her baby boy took it to her bosom then kissed and sniffed his scent to her nose. Right now she was so glad to accept Jiraiya's words. She didn't need to be alone she deserved it to be happy too she wasn't cursed with bad luck. While Tsunade in her thoughts a knocking voice came.

Knock knock

Hearing knocking voice

Shizune went and opened the door. Coming in was 3.Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya.

"Tsunade congratulations finally. You deserved to be happy too." said Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smiling face.

"Hohoho look at the boy i bet he will be more handsome then his father plenty of girls will be flock around him. I can smell plenty inspirations for my new book already hahaha." said Jiraiya with a perverted face and laughing voice.

"Jiraiya shut your mouth. if you teach any perverted thing to him i will kill you and those harlots only dream of it. I wont let those harlots get close to him." yelled Tsunade.

"Maa maa Tsunade dont get angry you just gave birth." said Hiruzen with a laugh trying to sooth his disciples anger.

After cooling down a litle bit Hiruzen asked to Tsunade:

"What will be his name Tsunade?"

Tsunade looked at baby in her bosom with a smile and said:

"His name will be Haruki Senju Haruki" then looked at Jiraiya and Hiruzen:

"You will be his godfathers and going to look after him or i will kick your asses to the end of Konoha."

Hokage and Jiraiya's dropped a cold sweet at their back Tsunade was already this overprotective. God help those girls.

"Hai hai enough Tsunade-sama needs to feed the baby lets leave her alone." said Shizune trying to sooth atmosphere.

"Maa let me stay and look for my grandso-"

Just before finishing his words Jiraiya gulped at that terrifying killimt intent focused on himself. Looking at Tsunade's face Jiraiya said with a shaking voice.

"Just joking joking dont be angry Hime."

Tsunade looked at her sensei and friend said

"Dont tell anyone i have a child people will try to kill or kidnap him. We are the only one left from Senju Clan. Before my baby boy grow up i will take him and roam countries it will help his growth and he wont be arrogant prick unlike other clan members.He will learn to be modest with interracting people if he were stay here people aways pamper and corupt him."

"Well its a good choice Tsunade i will accept but boy needs to return at when he is ten years old." said Hokage with a approving tone.

"Yeah yeah i will teach him when i have free time from my missions so he can protect himself better." said Jiraiya with a cocky tone.

Hokage looked at Tsunade :

"Well Minato and Kushina too will have a baby next week.If you want you can look out for them. Kushina loves you like a mother you know they deserve to know too." said Hiruzen with a smile.

"Hmm you can tell them sensei but no one else i will come too Kushina's birth tell me the place when the time comes."

said Tsunade then turned them with an angry face.

"Get out already let me feed my baby boy look hes hungry crying because of you i can't fees him."

Looking at angry lioness mother Hokage and Jiraiya run rightaway directly.