
Life Saver

Kian drove through the night to get to montana to deal with the business he now had to attend, it have come to his attention his younger cousin Asa had fled the pack. To join the pack of Kestrel Finway, a fiery female alpha with a temper. Kian had known her many years he met her when she first came to Montana from Louisiana, bringing her hodgepodge of a pack up with her. Her numbers have grown to at least three hundred by now collecting the odds and ends. Kian had received the call from Finn, Kestrel's Beta, had contacting him requesting his presence at their pack house in northwest Montana his drive would take around ten hours. When kian pulled into the clearing between the big pack house and the sub houses he could see eyes popping up in windows, he was the outsider and they knew it. Slowly exiting his vehicle he made his way up to the kestrels office listening to the leaves crunch underfoot as he walked, Finn met him at the front door leading Kian to Kestrel's office. Upon entering her office the smell of her fear was a smack in the face the smell of that was enough to raise Kian hackles. Kestrel was seated in her chair facing the window, Finn closed the door after he exited with a slow turn Kestrel faced him. The dark circles under her eyes and the wild scared look in her eyes made Kian approach her slowly.

    "Are you feeling ok?' Kian questioned as he got closer. He noticed the faint tear stains. Kian sat in front of her on the corner of her desk, He offered her a hand which she slowly eventually took. Kian pulled her into a hug. He knew about her nightmare's he had them occasionally as well, but hers were different more realistic.Kestrel breathed in slowly before stiffening in his grip, she recoiled as if she had been hit.

    "You smell strongly of human's Volke." Her voice has a note of disgust. Kian sat in one of her chairs looking at her with a small smirk.

    "That would be the smell of my Mate and child." Kian ended the sentence with a laugh. Kian had forgotten to tell the Anti-Human she-wolf of his mate. She glared at him from across the table.

    "Do YOU know what they are capable of? They wiped most of my pack in Louisiana out simply because they could. The thought of something different and they killed at least a hundred women and children." The sentence ended with a snarl. Kian leaned forward in his chair maintaining eye contact with her.

    "Without sounding too cliche you don't know them or her. Not all humans are the same Ivy accepts me knowing what i am and what I'm capable of, along with what our child could grow up to be. You should try actually interacting with them instead of hiding in the mountains all the time. The times have changed Little Bird, give them a chance. Now onto why I'm here, where's my cousin." Kian said glancing around. Kestrel sat their mouth slightly agape before there was a knock. Quickly regaining her composer before the door opened and Asa Wandered in stopping when he spotted his cousin, Kestrel pointed to a seat for Asa to take next to Kian.

    "You know your mother will be worried sick when she realizes you've left." Kian spoke throwing a glance over at his cousin. Asa lowered his head before getting ready to speak. Before he could Kestrel stood quickly.

    "I have to go stay here." Kestrel spoke fast before running from the room. Kian and Asa exchanged glances before following her. Outside the women and children and elders were being ushered indoors  Kestrel was throwing clothes off letting the shift come over her, she took a small group of fifteen with her leaving the rest to guard those who wouldn't be leaving. Kian and Asa stripped and shifted before following Kestrels group. By the time they reached Kestrel the fight was about to ensue but standing just over the edge of Kestrels borders was far to many wolves to take on with the small number they had. Using the link Kian had with his pack hoping it would reach far enough he summoned reinforcements from his pack hoping they would reach them on time before Kestrel's nightmares became a reality.

    Kian's reinforcements arrived after a few had fallen the area reeked of blood, fur and bodies littered the ground. Kestrel lay wounded on the ground Asa standing guard over his new alpha. Kian made his way over to her to make sure she was ok. Her labored breathing and whimpering said otherwise. Kian sent out ordered for a car and a blanket to be brought for kestrel. Kian shifted back to his human form crouching he inspected her before scooping her up heading for the vehicle that was pulling up. Kian wrapped a blanket around her watching her shift back blood started to soak the blanket.

    "Asa sit next to you're alpha and keep pressure on her wounds." Kian snapped sharply hopping in the driver's seat. Asa hopped in the car shifting back he used part of Kestrels blanket to cover himself. Her head laid back on his chest as he kept pressure on her thigh and side, hoping to slow the bleeding so they could get back. He could hear her crying softly over her lost wolves. When they pulled back into the clearing by the pack houses the women were ready to take Kestrel into the med bay. Kian followed slowly behind before being stopped by one of the women who shook her head slowly. Kian sat outside the medical room waiting hoping for the sake of her pack she pulled through. Kian sat talking with Finn and Asa while waiting, Finn looked a little worse for wear but he owed that to Kestrel she jumped between him and the wolf that was about to end him taking a wicked bite to the leg instead. After about six hours of waiting a nurse emerged from the room her scrubs coated in blood, She was visibly tired and despondent. She slowly raised her eyes to meet that of the three men waiting before her.

"We've got her partially stabilized but were lacking her blood type and no one in the pack has hers." She said slowly, sadly. Kian thought for a minute he only knew of one person with the blood type needed. Kian stepped to the side to make a phone call.

"Lucian i need you and Freya on a plane now its an emergency." Kian waited for Lucian's response when it was affirmative. Kian called his Beta and requested the quickest flight for Lucian and Freya. Kian went for his vehicle to pick up his brother in law and niece.