
Urges Pt. 1

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The tranquil sound of quills against parchment was the noise to be heard as Professor Snape walked down the aisle between desks, daring any student to cheat on his exams. 

Normally, Thane would have been able to cruise through such a test, but currently, he was facing a problem without precedent. 

'I do not understand the point of this exercise. What need do we have of potions?'

Thane's quill paused as he took a steadying breath before continuing, 'Quiet, I'm trying to focus!'

'You promised we could go flying last night, yet all we did was tame metal and fire!' 

'The term is smithing,' Thane replied through gritted teeth, 'And that wasn't my fault. The moon was far too bright for us to be flying around! The last thing we need is reports of a new dragon species spotted so close to the best Wizarding School In Britain!'

It had been a week since Thane had awakened his so-called 'beast,' the animal spirit housed within his soul, part of the trifecta between beast, being, and spirit. Unfortunately, the joke Thane had absently mindedly told had been more accurate than he had hoped. 

Ever since his beast started talking, Thane felt several new urges begin to influence his mind and behavior. The first was that he was almost constantly hungry, especially for meat, not to the point where he was starving but never quite satiated. But despite his hunger, Thane had gained nearly ten pounds, not of fat but lean muscle, taking his already impressive stature to a new level. 

Thane could no longer hide underneath his robes, and almost all his clothes were skin-tight. Had the changes stopped there, Thane might not have been so disgruntled. But more drastic than his physical change was Thane's physiological state. 

He had noticed his emotions becoming far more volatile, along with the addition of a few very persistent, very distracting thoughts. The most baffling was the compelling urge to collect and horde anything with any monetary value—everything from galleons to the silverware used at meals in the dining hall. 

Before, Thane had never been particularly obsessed with having money, which wasn't to say he didn't plan to get rich; he understood that money was one of the most powerful tools in the world. But now Thane wanted money for the sake of having it. His beast specifically wanted a cave full of gold gems and precious metals to sleep on. Though gold and gems were not the only things, Thane's beast compelled him to horde.

'Then can we go flying tonight?' The beast growled with the subtly of an earthquake from the back of Thane's mind, making him wince in pain as his head ached. 

'No! The moon is still out! Besides, I need to go to the library and study!' 

'The Library!' Thane's beast roared, making his entire body lock up as pain washed through his head, turning into a blinding migraine, 'You swore you would not return to that place!'

Thane grabbed the edge of his desk for stability as he squeezed his eyes shut, 'First of all, stop yelling! Second of all, I was joking when I said that!' 

'Deceiver!' Thane's beast accused with a snarl, 'Does your word mean nothing?!' 

'Why are you talking like that? I certainly don't, and aren't you supposed to be an offshoot of me?' Thane snapped back as he tried to focus on his exam, only for a fresh wave of pain to bring unshed tears to his eyes. 

"Professor Snape, I'm done." 

A familiar voice spoke up, and Thane glanced over to see Daphne raise her hand into the air, summoning Snape over, who looked at her paper before nodding, "Very well, Ms. Greengrass, you are dismissed." 

Daphne nodded as Snape walked away, test in hand, before she made eye contact with Thane and smirked, clearly satisfied with herself. It was the first time Thane hadn't been the first to finish in any of their classes. 

Thane's beast growled, but this sound was far different from his normal nonverbal displeasure, 'We should add her to the horde.' 

'How many times do I have to tell you it's not happening,' Thane growled back, 'I want nothing to do with her.' 

But even as Thane argued with his beast, his eyes lingered on Daphne as she turned and walked away, watching her robe swish back and forth, poorly hiding her curves underneath. 

Thane let out a frustrated sigh as he tried to focus on his test for the umpteenth time, 'Curse my life.' 


Thane groaned as he set down his book pressed against his temples, 'Would you please give it a rest.' 

Thane's beast snorted, "I told you I do not like this place.' 

'I understand that, but I need to study, can't you understand that!?' Thane screamed back in his mind, which he quickly regretted as his migraine flared up. 

"I wondered if I would find you here. You were acting weird in class today...you've fallen off Fae." 

For a solid minute, Thane stared out into space and prayed to every god he could think of, but when he looked up from his book, he still saw Daphne standing at the entrance of his alcove, ruining his little slice of heaven. 


Daphne blinked, "Excuse me?" 

"No," Thane repeated with vehemence, "No, to whatever plot you've come up with or scheme you think will trap me into becoming your little pawn. I'm not in the mood to banter." 

"Aw, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed," Daphne replied with a mocking pouty before laughing to herself, "If you think that all your problems go away cause you're tired, I'm afraid you're sorely mistaken." 

As Daphne spoke, every word was like a dagger being driven into Thane's mind, causing sharp spikes of red-hot pain and agony to throb behind his eye. At the same time, her condescending and arrogant tone grated against his nerves like a metal file. 

'She is fierce...cunning as well .... good traits for a first mate. She will keep the nest in order and be a terrifying protector.' Thane's beast commented as his growl transformed into a familiar bass note. 

Thane's eyes snapped open as he felt his body respond to the chord, and he clamped down hard, mustering everything in his ability to resist the change, 'Are you insane?! You can't come out now!'

"Are you alright, Fae? Did me finish before you bruised your ego so thoroughly?" Daphne asked, her voice still lighthearted and teasing, which only seemed to encourage Thane's beast further. 

"This is not the day to test me, Greengrass," Thane warned as his body flushed with oppressive heat and a barely audible growl rumbled in his chest. "For your sake, it's best you leave me alone." 

"Or what?" Daphne taunted with a sneer as she started to walk towards Thane, "Lay so much as a finger on me, and you'll be sent out of Azkaban faster than a house elf can apparate!" 

'Oh, I like her!'

"Please, Daphne, I don't know if I can-" Thane practically begged as the note grew louder and louder throughout his body.

"Oh, I know you can't," Daphne continued as she sat on the table in front of Thane, pushing over his stacks of neatly organized books, "Because you're weak, you had me worried for a moment, but seeing you like this I realize you're nothing but a stupid muggle-born who got to ahead of himself because he defeated a troll." 

For a moment, Thane froze as everything else fell away, and all he could focus on was the look in Daphne's eyes as she sat staring down at him. In that moment Thane was brought back to a place he had thought was long behind him, but the past was never really gone. 

Suddenly, Thane was barely five feet tall, and his entire body trembled in fear as he stared up at the Head Matron sitting behind her desk like a dictator. She reached into her drawer and pulled out a heavy wooden paddle while two other nuns held down Thane's hands on the desktop. Standing from her desk, the Matron smacked the heavy paddle against her palm before raising it far above her head. Thane remembered this beating more clearly than others. For a month afterward, he could barely use his hands. But before the elderly nun could bring it down, the heavy wooden paddle in the room erupted as a sea of silver, almost golden, flames washed over the room. 

Thane snapped back to the present as the feelings from that day resurfaced and flooded the front of his mind at full force as his eyes. 

Thane's resistance shattered, and he felt the oppressive fire searing through his body become a source of overwhelming power. The pain in his head vanished, and every single inhibition and limitation, inner and outer, vanished from his mind. 

The smug look on Daphne's face disappeared in a second as she watched Thane's grimace vanish, and his dark emerald eyes gained slitted pupils. Before she could speak, Thane suddenly shot up from his seat. His hand grabbed Daphne's wrists and pinned them to the table. 

As she tried to break free, Daphne felt her heart rate jump, but Thane's grip was unnaturally strong. With how close he was standing, Daphne realized just how much Thane towered over her with his broad shoulders and the muscles slabbed onto his frame, normally hidden by his robes. 

"LET GO OF ME, YOU-" Daphne began to shout, but before she could draw any attention, Thane's lips pressed against her, stealing her breath away. Daphne let out a muffled shout of surprise, but her protest quickly died as she felt Thane's surprisingly soft and warm lips against hers. A faint scent also filled her nose, deep smokey with a slight metallic afternote that made her go light-headed. 

When Thane broke away, Daphne was red in the face and short of breath, with lips tingling like they had been shocked, 'That was my first kiss.' 

She thought languidly as she looked into Thane's slitted eyes, only for him to move forward again, pushing her down so Daphne lay back on the desk. Staring up at him through fluttering lashes, Daphne absently wondered if some potion had drugged her. Every part of her was on fire, and as she stared up at Thane, part of her felt safe seeing the possessive gleam in his eyes, while another part felt terrified and excited in equal measures.