
Chapter Nineteen

Alzie slept through most of the three days. He wanted to avoid experiencing as much as possible. Being paralyzed was the worse. Having to have Cyro clean him up was a very embarrassing. Mira cared for him really well from what he could tell. He hadn't expected her to be so kind to him. The worse part was hearing Mira and Cyro. The images at appeared in his head of them two. Part if him wondered if Cyro just wanted her because she was the only female to give him the time of day. He obviously wasn't paying much attention during the day. Mira must of thought he couldn't see her, but he watched as she suffered on his behalf. It made him feel more guilty for wanting to split them apart. Mira was his , because he needed her help, but Cyro. Cyro was his long time friend, the one person he could rely on. Mira proved herself worthy of trust on so many occasions. He just wanted to put the whole experience behind him and forget it all.

The tangerine tribe has quickly administered the antidote and now was cleaning his bandages. The antidote worked quickly and he was able to move again. Though they asked he'd stay in the bed for a while. He just wanted to get up and walk around and move. The first thing he did though was eat and drink. His stomach felt so empty during those days. He understood them not giving him anything do to him being unable to swallow. But geezes was he hungry and thirsty. He scarfed down the food and water like they were the most delicious things ever. The tangerine tribe was the closest place with access to the antidote. They couldn't ship it cause it wouldn't grown anywhere else, and it must be fresh in order for it too work. He set his plate on the small table next to him. The tangerine tribe was so weird. They built their beds with wood and straw instead of leaves. The room he was in was small, and only had a small window to the left. The wooden walls and floor was queit dark, giving a calm atmospher. Only furniture was the table, bed, and a small chair by the door. He moved his toes to be sure he wouldn't fall. Slowly he began moving out of the bed.

"Mister! Please you shouldn't get up!" A young male fox hurried over to him. "The doctor said you need rest."

"I've been resting for three days." He grumbled as the fox tried to put him back.

He'd never seen this fox before, though every visit was in the cheifs hut. He was handsome for a fox. His red fur looked so soft, and the white fur next it was beautiful. He was a bit smaller than him as well. About the same as Cyro. He was very lean and thin, made his tail look rather big in comparison. He wore a deep red skirt but also a weird feather necklace. If he had to be honest, he felt the fox looked a bit feminine. His hands were quiet sift too, made him scared to fight back do to his long claws. Why was he now being surrounded by such delicate creatures. He noticed the fox staring at him, with his brow arched, and looked away. Caught staring and he doesn't even know his name.

"My name is Frazen." His voice was softer too. "What's yours?"

"Uh... Alzie." He felt nervous now that the fox was checking his wound.

"Alzie!" Cyros voice startled them both. "Thank goodness your alright."

"Cyro, we need to speak." He then looked at the fox, this time making eye contact. "Privately."

He watched the Frazen quickly leave the room. He wondered how those small feet didn't make a single sound. Cyro pulled a chair next to the bed, and sat down.

"It's about Mira, isn't it?" He didn't look at him, as was his way when pouting.

"You know you can't have her." He softened his own voice, unable to keep himself from going easy on him. "She's human, and once the tangerine tribe figures out she immune to our venom th-"

"I don't care!" He was taken aback by Cyros sudden outburst. "I never asked for anything, why can't we be together?"

"She's human Cyro!" He told himself Cyro just had a crush, that it was nothing more. "I don't even know if it's possible!"

"I don't care!" He could only see Cyros back, reading him was harder. "I know I will never have children. No one in our tribe will accept me as a mate. But Mira.... Mira has been so kind to me from the start. I understand that were literally worlds different, but can't I be happy with her as we are now."

"No!" Alzies anger boiled in him. He should have delayed the ceremony, done everything possible to keep them separate. "She is a human! You are beast! There is no place where yall will be full accepted and happy!"

"Then after she's better we'll leave."

He was too stunned to say anything as Cyro walked out of the room. He couldn't believe Cyro would actually leave. They had gotten in plenty of fights, but he's never left. He wanted Mira gone that instant, but knew he needed her. The tribe needs her. Her being here was the blessing all the tribes have asked for. Cyro getting so attached was bad and would cause problems. She was special and possibly the answer they needed. He summoned Frazen back in. He'll write a few letters, one too each tribe. Summon them all here so that they can begin before Cyro has a chance to take Mira away. He always liked Cyro, and favored him. Sklai told him he shouldn't, and should just stay away from him. Perhaps she was right. He stared at the papers unable to write as his heart and head battled eachother. He looked at Frazen, who sat in the chair Cyro once was sitting in. He seemed to listen better than Cyro does, but can he trust that fox. Cyro never liked them, said they were tricksters. He set the papers aside, and shook his head. He needed too clear his head. He started getting up again, Frazen immediately rushing to make him stop.

"I need some fresh air move." His immediately regretted his harsh tone when the fox jumped.

He didn't try to force him back down in the bed again as he proceeded to stand. He did, however, follow him as he walked out the door. It was annoying to have him follow him down the dark hall and outside. He was tempted to make the little fox leave, but thought it best not too. The outside air smelled wonderful compared to being stuffed in that small room. The sun felt nice on his scales too. He found a small grassy clearing and laid down felling the sun and air. The moment was short lived when Frazen laid down next to him.

"What are we doing?" He whispered.

"Ugh." Alzie groaned, becoming increasingly annoyed. "I'm clearing my head and enjoying nature."

"You know, your not as mean as you think."

He tried to ignore Frazens words and rolled away from him. He wanted to be alone, not annoyed. But that didn't stop the annoying fox as he just moved and laid down right in front of him. He mustered up his best glare at him, but was only rewarded with a smile. He rolled back over, rubbing his face in pure annoyance. He must be the fox that made Cyro hate them.