
Chapter 42

Father you do know that you've kidnapped people right?

Wrong very wrong.

I didn't kidnap I bough... I mean I brought them to you two disappointments.

Look over there your Junior brother is even wooing a girl are you two some sort of gays?

The two otherworldly men turned to look at their junior brother who sat on the lush sofa ungentlemanly.

He had recently dyed his hair blue looking like one of those rebellious kids.

Of course they weren't like their brother, the sight of him made them narrow their eyes.

He was known to be a playboy yet he had only just finished high school.

Seeing him act so recklessly they both had a similar idea ;

They had to get him out of the entertainment industry.

He's turning worse by the day and they've lost track of how many times they had to clean his shit up.

They turned back to look at the man who was also staring at his younger son with pride.

Is this man really their father?

You know it's still a loss right?

I thought we were avoiding the dark world ( underworld) father.

Hearing this the middle age man's face slightly dimmed.

You know no one escapes that place not even us.

We might be kings but there is no ruler.

We can't change a rule all we can do is to keep our acts up and remain inconspicuous like we always do.

Anyway I have a strong premonition about these girls whatever is going to happen will happen anyway.

And I'm sure you'll like them.

The two brothers though having similar cold personalities looked totally different.

One with a masculine charm as the other had more of the devilish beauty.

They both looked enchanting as though they didn't belong to the planet earth but the heavens.

One could tell the confused irks in their eyes.

They knew their dad had a trail on them he might have known the happenings of this past few months.

They could only hope their thoughts ain't true. However knowing this man....

Sigh he's already forced them into bed with some daughters of the high ups.

No one knew why he do wanted them to get married.

He had once forced them to a secret marriage luckily they got the hunch earlier to avoid it.

Now that he had found out that his son's had taken interest in someone of course he'll cross all borders to get them.

It seemed they really had no escape points. After all they'll also like to confirm their suspicion.

Where are they?

I knew you'll like them!


Here have this Parker. He extends a VIP card over.

And you poker face have this he extends another card.

Black Vill hotel?

Sun Moon Villa?

They both said together with a questioning gaze.


Hehehe well poker face has already you know done the deed which I congratulate him on but you parker you're yet to do you know what...

....so I prepared one if our family's hotels for you.

Don't worry I'd made sure they'll be no inconvenience hence just the two of you will be there.

You can make sure to come along with my grandchild while you're at it.

And as for poker face he might have lost in the first try but I'm sure when I visit the Villa next time I'll be seeing my granddaughter.

And get try not to make grand sons you guys are frustrating enough.

You can make them later right now I need a granddaughter a cute chubby and shiny faced granddaughter.

Shameless! Completely shameless.

They had to get out of here lest they'll get affected.

What a shiny granddaughter? Does he want the sun!


We're leaving.

Yes Yes leave and go prepare my granddaughters.

Beyond shameless KAI! who created such a thing.