
Chapter 38

Hahaha who would have thought that Vera will be a spy or Umi will turn a jealous yandere.

Chantel and surprisingly Jessica fucked up too.

Hahaha these girly are reo amazing. We were here grieving over our guilt when they were busy destroying each other.

Ha! That woman really knows how to play her cards well.

I really don't know what to think anymore.

Should I think of the fact that we betrayed their trust by hiding something from this or should it be the fact that we weren't meant to be anyway since they were in the same ship of treachery as us.

Or should I think of the fact that I'm tied to a chair in the middle of who knows where with a blind fold and possibly sinking in the eyes of my enemy.

Now that I think about it why were we the only ones given missions what was she planning for the rest of the crew?

Was she using them as another face of the world?

That will make sense the underworld needs the world to survive just like the world needs the underworld.

After all most people no nothing about the world beneath them how will they adapt to the fact that almost the world's entire economic impact is based on the underworld.

That's why every underworld needs a face on the world basically for transactions and for easy dealings.

Could it be possible that bitch pushed me to a lion's den?

Can't be possible, after all she needs us the game hasn't ended yet after all.

Calvin has been speaking to himself without care in the world.

He looked like a mad man with his haggard appearance.

Unknown to him a lady stood not too far from the door of the room which he'd been kept listening with an expressionless face.

A close look and you could see that behind the façade of the strong front she was cracking up from the overload of emotion.

Sigh! I guess I have to do nothing after all I really don't know what's going on.

I don't know where I am, and even where to move on to even if I set myself free.

That bitch used the machine invention of Vera's project to make this unmovable and binding string I can't even remove if I wanted to.

Creak creak!!

The door to the room opens and the string which he was just complaining of a while ago is removed.

A moment of silence passed as though the couple were both deciding the first to break the silence.

Calvin was the one to give in as he said;

It seems she didn't throw me to the lion's den after all.

Thus my intuition is right game isn't over.

But .... hey! He said as though referring to the person who just untied his hands.

Uhh could you remove my blind folds too I'll like to see your beautiful.....or handsome face.

It's okay if you're non of the above I consider everyone beautiful in their own way.

Calvin's blabbering nature still ensued as though that couldn't be taken away from him even after his funeral.

Unbeknown to him, his savior had a smile which would be recognized as silly however it looked dangerous in it's own way.

This slip didn't last long and as though shadowed by the dimness of the room the expression vanished.

Calvin felt his blind folds were off and before he could adjust to the environment his savior was gone.

He looks around and sighs once again.

Let me just practice what I was taught then.

Why do I feel that bitch thought us those stuff for this day?

Well who knows she might have already planned this shit beforehand.



While Calvin's savior walked down the halls she took out a phone dialed a number and the other end seemed to have been waiting for her to do so as he immediately picked up.


The voice was solemn yet dangerous like something pulled out of the debts of hell.

Is this the gift you prepared for me?

Uh..I. haha..you see.. uhm....

Let him go.

I can't. This time the voice on the other side was firm and not stuttering.

Has it got something to do with the underworld?


After a while.

Yes. An affirmative answer.

Does it have something to do with them?

Silence again.

I can't tell you that.

Sounding quite disturbed.

Silence. This time for a long while.

Ok fine. Just know that I did this for your happiness and I can't return him it's more unless like he's been....b.. bought.

The phone in the person's hands almost crushed with the pressure after hearing the last word.

Uhmmm hey but you still like him and that is good right?

You can just move on with him.

I think a little pampering and love will make him forget the fact that he was you know...

He might even forgive you.. I mean me for buy... putting you two together.

Bing! the other end was off.

The emotions of Calvin's savior could now be seen in her eyes however it looked so unreadable..

Was it pain? Anger? Or perhaps danger?

For sure those eyes looked vicious.

Like that of an untamed animal.