
Last Luna

Belladonna is the last werewolf on earth, thanks to a freak event where a wolf was spotted man kind armed up and hunted werewolves down. On the run for the past two years Bella met a man also in the run from the law named Nicolas and starts to trust him, but she gets grabbed by a criminal organization not for the massive bounty in her head, but Tony, the mob boss, wants to use her as a means of negotiation, a tool to threat his opposition, in return Tony offered her protection, a warm bed, and her days or running was over. Nicolas in the meantime still tried to rescue her and met a man named Deno, who was sent by his siblings to kill Bella but he instead decided to protect her and told Nicolas he's actually a vampire and one of four lords that has no weakness accept for the bite of a werewolf. Anastasia Le Blanc, the vampire countess wants Bella dead at all costs. the last of their eternal rivals being alive holds back a grim plan they have for man kind. It is up to Deno and Nicolas to help Bella become a Luna, the fabled female alpha spoken of only in legend now. But can Bella become a Luna without a pack? Will she be brave enough to face the vampire lords? Or will she stand back and allow the vampires to have their way with man kind? Humans have hunted her down and caused her nothing but agony...

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
231 Chs

Pigeon doesn't partner with eagle

Nicolas got woken by movement in the room, at the window Deno stood with a broad smile on his face staring out, he sat up getting his attention.

"Ah, good morning my fellow companion"

"Hey..." Nicolas said holding his head, but a stir in the bed next to his made him frown at the woman lying naked still asleep "Okay..."

Deno shrugged "Her name is Annie, sweet isn't it? Picked her up in the bar last night"

"And you just brought her in?"

"Well yes..." Deno held his hands up "I do apologize, did you want to have some fun with her?"

"No! I mean, no she's all yours"

"You sure? She's quite the sweet cake I promise you?"

"No Deno I said its fine... Did you...?" He pointed at her sheepishly.

"Have sex with her? Of course, you were so down and out you didn't even hear? My goodness and she was singing for me so beautifully"

"No! Did you... Bite her?"

"Yes, her blood was devine"

Nicolas wiped his face still grasping the concept, sure the world had its secrets and yes never had Nicolas heard of a human being eaten by a wolf, but Deno majestically announced he drank from her neck, it was slightly terrifying.

"She enjoyed every moment of it I assure you, by the time she wakes up she'll have forgotten some deeper details though, perks of being able to hypnotize humans" Deno said sipping at a glass of liquor.

"You truly are the perfect hunter aren't you?"

Deno smiled "Yes, now as for you my dear Nicolai, mind explaining this?" He asked lifting one of his wrapped blocks of money.

"Hey where did you get that!?"

"From your bag, dear me you have more money than clothes in there, and its stolen currency above all?"

"How do you know its stolen?" Nicolas said under breath giving the sleeping woman a glance.

"She's out for the count, relax, and it still has the markings of the bank you stole it from on the wrapping..." Deno said lifting the money "Bank of Los Angeles... Care to explain?"

"Okay so I'm not as innocent as I look"

"Fascinating, the human I dared to trust is a wild card, a thief! How exciting!"

"And you're a vampire, so bite me..." Nicolas said but swallowed at his own words.

Deno chuckled "Oh no my friend, for the first time in my life I consider a human a friend, and not just a means to get blood, you should feel honored"

"Well, gee thanks, that makes me feel a little more comfortable around you"

"You should, please trust in me as I have come to trust you Nicolai, my strength is yours"

Nicolas nodded smiling then stood up, but Annie groaned and rolled over in bed, he turned away when the blankets effortlessly came off to expose her bare upper body.

"Why do you shy away Nicolai? Is she not pretty?"

Nicolas squeamishly reached and drew her closed in the blankets "She is, but I respect her"

"Is it respect?" Deno asked coming over to him slowly, his smirk and piercing eyes in his walking in to block Nicolas between the two beds "Do you respect her? Or does something else hold you back from temptation?"

Nicolas frowned at him "Like what?"

Deno shrugged "Belladonna maybe?"

He couldn't help give her thought, it was true, the moment he saw Annie naked Bella came to mind and he closed his eyes, why would he do that?

"Your heart rate picked up thinking of the wolf girl, so its true you have deeper feelings for her than mere friendship"

Nicolas held his hands up and squeezed past Deno "I don't know man I really don't, what does it matter now anyway, she's at that compound with fat Tony"

"Do not dare give up on love Nicolai, it has stood the true test of time"

Nicolas stopped and fisted his hips.

"Our plan kicks off today, we will go back to that compound and have a chat with the boss, I of course will lead you to the doors and remain there when you go in to talk to Bella" Deno said getting his coat.

"What about your little fling?" Nicolas asked pointing at Annie still asleep.

"She's a big girl, when she wakes up she can leave, I'm not holding her prisoner" Deno said lifting a tag from the room door and twisted it to 'Do not disturb'


Nicolas picked his bag up and followed him out, after the door closed they walked to the lifts, but Nicolas couldn't help wonder something.

"You seem to have respect to a degree tough"

Deno pressed the button and glanced "Oh?"

"The way you complimented Annie even though you used her for a drink, then allowed her to sleep, even placing that sign on the door?"

Deno smiled "Respect is a foundation I laid ahead of myself since long ago, sure humans are my food, but I will never treat them as such" he said stepping into the lift "I will take my drink of blood, but in return I will pay her back with an unforgettable night of pleasure"

"Unforgettable hey? Didn't you say you hypnotized her?"

"I did, she will wake up wondering how she got there, but she will still remember the blast of a night she had with this mysterious handsome man, so much so that her fantasies will run wild and she might even feel a little ashamed at herself of how she completely lost herself in that passion"

Nicolas frowned but his smile still sat "You say she'll wonder if it was real?"

"Yes, she'll feel that worked sensation in her loins but her mind will be in conflict, she'll feel refreshed and good about herself but still not sure if she has truly met me... And that's why its called a fantasy"

The lift pinged open but the two men both hopped to a pause when Saria and Elaine stood waiting for them.

"My my you two are persistent aren't you?" Deno said with a glare to them both.

"We need to talk" Saria said.

"I have your number Van Hellsing I'll call you when I want to talk!" Deno said and passed them with Nicolas.

"Why Deno? Why did you want the wolf dead?" Saria called after them.

The men stopped and looked at her "What's it to you? The entire bloody world wants her dead! Its a trophy! Easy money!"

"You don't need money Deno? And you are way to disobedient to just go face a werewolf upon the orders of your snobby siblings"

"Snobby siblings, I like that, one thing we have in common can you believe? Fare well for now though" Deno said turning again.

"Is it her bite...?"

Deno turned to her angrily "What?"

"Is that why your sister wanted the wolf dead? Is she your weakness?"

Deno sighed and brushed his hair, then nodded his head to the bar.

Saria and Elaine followed the men in and the ordered a drink, after sitting down Deno made sure there were no onlookers.

"So you finally grew a brain?" Deno said.

"Why didn't you just tell me? In fact why wait for all of the wolves to be dead?"

"Isn't it obvious woman?"

"Deno you're not evil! If the wolves can kill your family why not make a plan around them so they can aid you to finish them off!?"

"Because as a matter of fact they are just as much a threat to me as they are to my blasted siblings, the pigeon doesn't partner up with the eagle because the eagle can also peck up seeds! It was called a rivalry for a reason!"

Saria sipped her drink and sat back "Well, I dare say we find ourselves on the changing of the era, wolves are gone and the only one left is still just a puppy, and its up to her to stop a triple threat that looms over man kind"

"Oh yes triple threat I like the way that sounds, I am well aware of the doom and gloom that lies in the future of man kind and trust me its not to save them that I want my siblings dead, its my unrivaled hate for them that makes me act..." Deno said leaning to her "So tell me Van Hellsing, why after all these years do you sit there in that chair with a smile on your face, when in fact the fiend you so desperately hunted sits having a drink with you at the same table?"