

Reflecting on those times when I used to eagerly await mornings with joy and believed that with my naive teenage mind, everything would be perfect, still brings a smile to my face.

Over the past years, as I've experienced the adult world more deeply, I've come to realize that those years were the most beautiful, and it was my last true summer.

It was already warm in May and getting out of bed, all I could think about was how great my day would be. Checking my phone, I saw numerous messages from various classmates. The early morning was filled with silly messages.

Back then, I was the kind of student who preferred to use every spare moment for sleep, as buses to my school ran every few minutes. However, that day felt different.

I was part of a group chat I never really participated in, and it was mostly dead, with people exchanging just a few words. I wondered why I should even bother with it since there were even younger students in the group whom I didn't know and didn't cared about.

I was about to go back to sleep when I received the notification: "Sei sent a message." I wasn't surprised he always messaged me when he was up early. "Ryuusei, come on, get up, it's football time, you lazybones!" he wrote. Since we were very good friends, I replied immediately, "You know, marvelous people like me need to sleep to be even more marvelous," I joked, though I certainly didn't consider myself a marvelous person.

Within seconds, three more notifications came.

At this point, I was a bit confused because my phone flashed, and all I could see was that these notifications came from a group named "Household."

I was taken aback, wondering what this group was and who was in it. However, like everyone else, I assumed it was just a new class group, so I didn't think much of it, as they knew me, but things took an unexpected turn.

Upon opening the group, I saw two heart emojis and a laughing emoji, followed by two messages: "Wow, that was deep," and someone replying, "I think so too." I chuckled to myself, but when I noticed that the senders' names were Sawamura and Araichi, I was completely taken aback and jumped out of bed with a shocked expression.

– Ryuusei, you'll miss the bus if you don't get dressed...– my mom said as she entered my room, as usual. – What's with that look?– she laughed – You look like you've seen a ghost.

– Oh, I accidentally praised myself in the wrong group. 

My mom laughed even harder at that.

– "I'm like the North Star on a foggy night, I keep shining even when you can't see me". Is that what you wrote? – she asked, laughing.

I blushed and felt embarrassed, then dropped my phone and started getting dressed while my mom continued laughing and left my room.

I didn't care about as it had already happened and couldn't be undone, there was no need to dwell on it. Upon arriving, right at the school bell, Sei had me cornered at the door of the math room with my head.

– You didn't come in the morning, even though we waited for you after your wonderful message.

I blushed deeply and pushed him away.

– It's great that you have so much energy early in the morning, let's sit down instead.

Even if he said this, I couldn't get what he meant out of my head - "we waited."

As soon as the bell rang, Sei and the others from our group rushed out with a ball in hand because our second period was free, so they could play for a full fifty minutes.

I was still tired, so I stayed in the classroom, and the morning incident no longer bothered me, I just wanted to sleep, and I did for a while until I felt someone poking my head.

It didn't really bothered me.

– Ryu, get up, I've been poking you for ages! - Sakura shouted.

I looked at her with half-opened eyes and leaned back again, but she went behind me and tilted my head back.

– Ryu, you have to accompany me to the infirmary.

– Ah, go with someone else.

– But you and I are the only ones in the classroom! - she yelled. - Besides that, I bought you an ice cream the other day, so now it's time to return the favor.

– Don't worry, I'll accompany you, and I'll buy back the ice cream later.

Sakura's face turned suddenly red.

– That's why I love you so much, you're so sweet. - she winked at me - but I know you're only this nice because you want to sleep in the infirmary bed.

– Exactly, but what's wrong with you anyway?

– I twisted my ankle, and I can't put weight on my right leg.

– Clumsy.

– What? - she clenched her fist.

– Nothing, nothing. Come on, lean on me, if you put too much weight on it, you won't be able to participate in the tennis championship.

So, we headed out, and I became a little sad, after all, we are seniors, and everyone in our class into sports and good at it, while I was in the chess club and only attended for sleeping.

When I opened the door to the infirmary, there was no one there, just as I had suspected. So, after helping Sakura, I immediately threw myself onto the bed, but it didn't last long because the nurse arrived.

– Ryuusei, I've told you not to lie on the bed when there's nothing wrong with you! How many times do I have to say it?

– I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. I'm just here to help Sakura, her ankle hurts.

– You've helped her here several times already, and I often see you two together, aren't you dating? - she put her hand to her mouth and hummed.

– Yes, it's been several months. - I replied, scratching my head.

– Ryu, what are you talking about? - Sakura shouted - We're not dating, and I wouldn't even imagine dating this idiot! - she crossed her arms.

– Come on, don't shout so loudly, he's the only one for me. - I winked at her.

– Ugh, just get out of here, you fool!

– I think you should leave, Ryuusei, before Sakura beats you up, and you'll really have to lie in the bed. - the nurse laughed.

– Get well soon, and have a nice day! - I stepped out and immediately got jumpscared.

Turning around, a girl stood right in front of my face.

– Hehe, would I scare you so much? - the girl asked, who was still unknown to me at the time.

– Oh no, I was just surprised that someone was standing behind me.

I thought to myself that I was embarrassing myself for the second time today and was about to head to the classroom.

– Your morning message was nice, really brightened my day.

– Sorry, but you must be confusing me with someone else. - I stood there confused.

– What you replied to Sei this morning in the Household group.

My complete shock was clearly visible on my face as she burst into laughter.

– I apologize, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Ugakara Araichi, and I'm in class 3-c, and I'm also a member of the group.

– I apologize, it was an embarrassing message, and I didn't even know the group existed. I just replied to Sei out of habit. I'm Katagiri Ryuusei from class 4-d, nice to meet you. - I bowed politely.

– Don't joke, thanks to your message, I started my day with laughter. By the way, I heard you were in a love dispute - he smiled, but by then, I noticed that his smile wasn't genuine.

– There's nothing like that, Sakura is one of my childhood friends, and occasionally, we have our fights.

She didn't say a word after that, we just stood there in front of each other without speaking.

– Well, I have to go, but please forget about the morning incident. I won't be that active in that group.

I said my goodbyes, but I'm sure I heard something else, and looking back, I saw her squeezing his hands in front of him and looking down with a troubled expression, as if I had said something bad.