
The War - Dragon Mountains Bloodshed, part 2/5

POV: A Dwarven Player

Shouts and yells echoed between the walls of the enormous cave. Gradually, the light dimmed as the massive metal gate isolating the cave from the outside clasped closed with a resounding thud. A web of magical lights and runes flickered to life across the gate, casting eerie shadows on the stone.

Metal clanged incessantly as an army of dwarves, clad in heavy plate armor that made them resemble bipedal tanks, formed up behind the gate. Gatlin, a dwarven player decked out in his armor, took his spot in the formation, his hand trembling as it gripped his weapon.

Suddenly, a ding resonated in his mind, delivering the message he had expected—and dreaded.



Hello, I have a new task for you! What, did you think you would be forgiven after the last battle? Haha, we gods do not forgive so easily.