
Last Child of Eden: Blood Angel

Leon had always been nothing but trash in the eyes of others. That is, until the man he would end up calling 'master' came into his life. After a terrible turn of events, Leon is forced to become the man his master always knew lived inside him. Along his journey, he will learn to control a powerful system, to gain confidence in himself, make unlikely friends, protect a beautiful vampire and untangle an insidious plot of blood corruption. The stakes are high, and failure means the end of the world. Will Leon be able to live up to the legacy his master left behind?

NovelPleeb · Ciudad
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25 Chs

Ch 5: Witamy w Polsce

The Helion 4 streaks across the sky at supersonic speed. I like the view from high up in the air. Even though I have one particularly unpleasant memory of being dropped from a great height, one of my favorite things remains the view of the world thousands of feet up in the air. It's simply breathtaking.

The water sparkles below, reflecting the sun. Ahead, however, dark clouds hang over the Atlantic. Rain falls and lightning flashes. I brace myself for a bumpy ride.

Rain begins to pelt the Helion. The wind makes turbulence and then the ship enters the storm. Lightning cracks and strikes the ship. The energy is redirected around the surface and released downwards towards the water below. Then, after a little time, the storm is left behind and I come back out to blue sky, though there is still some turbulence.

Soon I pass into European airspace and in almost no time at all, the Helion descends over southwestern Poland, the city of Wroclaw coming into view.

As it turns out, the address that Sophie sent me is a place I already know. I'm actually surprised that Ulyssa chose this place. It isn't exactly clandestine.

Piwnica Swidnicka proclaims that it is the oldest city inn in the world. As far as I know, that's actually true.

I come over the market square of Wroclaw, then drop straight down. I see people running in all directions, probably thinking a meteor is about to strike the ground.

The Helion drops in front of the town hall and dissolves into a ball of light. I drop from the dematerialized craft and land on the ground.

<Give me a clean wipe, Grace.>

<Sure, Leon.>

Before the ball of light completely disappears, it explodes outwards, washing the whole area with divinium particles. The light blinds everyone as well as wiping their memories. By the time I walk into the building, everyone is back to business as usual.

I move downstairs to the restaurant. There are several people at the bar and a few at the tables. I catch the eye of the pretty hostess. The black uniform does nothing to hide her womanly curves. She is tall with straight dark hair. She has soft angled facial features that gives her a strong, feminine allure.

Immediately I feel an anxious pressure in my chest. Talking to beautiful women always makes me nervous. She walks over to me. Her name tame tag reads: Sylwia

"Hi, I'm-."

"Leon, prawda?" (Leon, right?) she says, eyeing me up and down, twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes.

I answer in Polish, knowing the language and local dialect. "Eee, prawda." (Uh, right.)

She nods. "I hope you don't mind me saying, your party said to watch out for a tall, blond man of otherworldly beauty. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the one. You look like a hero who has jumped out of the pages of our fairy tales. The nice ones, anyway." She gives me a look. "She didn't say if you were single or not, though."

I am caught off guard and don't know how to respond. Grace speaks up before the awkward silence goes on too long.

<Leon, repeat after me!> I am so flustered that I find myself doing as she says.

"I'm not currently seeing anyone. I'll leave a number you can reach me at on my way out, since I'm busy right now on urgent business."

<Grace, what are you doing?!> I scream at her.

<Getting you a date hopeless virgin.> she says, giggling. <She's totally your type.>

<How do you know what my type is? I have no type!>

<Because I live in your head, how else? Also, that's impossible.>

Looking extremely pleased, the hostess gives me a big smile and an understanding nod.

"Of course, sir, right this way. Your party is in a more private booth."

The hostess leads me past the main seating area and down towards the bathrooms. There, we come to a door in the short hallway that has no doorknob. She uses a key card at a scanner on the wall and there is a click, the door opens. She swings it wide and steps aside to let me by.

The room, like the door, is a deep velvet red. I can see the booth inside but if anyone is actually in there, they are hidden behind a red curtain.

Now this is certainly clandestine, I think, stepping inside. The air is alive with a pleasant, musky aroma mixed with an acrid tinge. There is also a slight haze in the air. I can tell there is incense burning.

I see two indistinguishable shadows beyond the curtains. The hostess bows her head low.

"Your server will be right with you." She says with a slightly hesitant tone.

I am about to head further into the room when I feel a tug at my shirt. I turn back and it is the hostess. She has a shy expression on her face.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to take up any more of your time. I know you're busy. I just wanted to ask you if you really intend to leave your number afterwards."

I get flustered again. "Uh."

<Oh, you are truly adorable.> Grace says. <Repeat after me.>

"Of course, I always keep my word."

Sylwia beams, letting go of my shirt. "Okay, I'm counting on you. Don't go breaking my heart now, Leon. Please enjoy your meal." She says, winking at me.

"I will, thank you." I say and she closes the door.

As soon as it shuts, Ulyssa's voice comes to me from behind the curtain. "It seems you have pierced the heart of good Sylwia. Not an easy thing. Her standards are rather high."

I walk over to the table, coming upon both women. My breath catches in my throat. Who are these goddesses?!

I don't think that lightly. I've seen beauties the world over over the course of many centuries. Every once in a while, I come across a truly exceptional embodiment of femininity. Imagine my surprise then I find not one, but two such divine level enchantresses sitting in the booth.

The look on my face must amuse Ulyssa, because she gives me a sly smile. Sophie looks at from me to her master and then down at her feet, her ivory cheeks blushing rose red.

"He is more handsome in person, master." She whispers.

I barely hear her as I am still mesmerized. Grace once again comes to my rescue.

<Leon, stop drooling and get a hold of yourself!>

I blink and cough a couple times. "I'm sorry if you've been waiting long. May I join you?" I say.

Ulyssa nods, looking pleased. "You are such a gentleman. Please join us, Leon."

I look from side to side, all of a sudden not knowing where to sit. The booth is round, and the women are sitting together at the other end. Ulyssa sees my dilemma and motions to Sophie.

"Let him sit in between us, Sophie."

Sophie moves quickly to obey. "Yes, master!"

Soon I am sitting in between them, more nervous than ever. Ulyssa slides me the menu. "We already know what we want. Take a look."

"S-sure." I say. I pick up the menu and as I begin perusing, a waitress enters from a different door than the one I came through.

As she walks through, a mix of delicious fragrances hit my nostrils. I discern that she is coming directly from the kitchen. My mouth is instantly watering.

She is a delightful, strawberry blond with light freckles dotting her skin. Her name tag reads: Maria.

"Hi, my name is Maria and I'll be taking care of you today. What drinks can I get you started on?"

"Just the regular for us." Ulyssa says, gesturing to Sophie. Then turns to me. "So, what do you like to drink?"

"Just water and lime for right now, thanks, Maria."

Maria blushes. "Okay, coming right up." She says and goes off to get the drinks. I can't help but notice her glancing at me with flirtatious eyes. As soon as the door closes, I hear two high pitched squeals of excitement.

"Oh. My. God. He is so hot!" Maria says.

"Shut up, Maria!" Sylwia says. "He'll hear you!"

Yes, I will, I think and am glad when their voices fade away. I can't help but be uncomfortable with all this female attention, even though I've been dealing with it for millennia.

Ulyssa points to a soup of the day and a dish with a lot of meat, smiling. "Get these. I promise you will like them." She says.

I can't find a reason to contradict her, so I agree. She nods.

"Good, now we can talk business."

"Fine." I say. "I guess my first question is, when was your last contact with Neveev?"

"Fifteen years ago. Refugee camp in Nigeria. She was curing a Eden-Blood infection outbreak. I was hunting down the criminals."

"Infection? A bioweapon?"

"Yes. The infected became mindless savages, killing their own. Killing themselves. It was a murder note order."

"Did you find out who was responsible?"

"Officially, it was a local tribe of Eden-Blood defectors. The story is that they were disillusioned with being hidden from the world. When there was no change from the powers that be, they resorted to bioterrorism."

"Unofficially." I say.

"They were puppets in someone else's game."

"What makes you think this?"

"They were simple and knew only hunting and gathering. Then in a matter of months they had sophisticated technology, were well armed, supplied and funded. Their operation was efficient, deadly and organized."

"Who do you think was really behind the outbreak?"

"That trail went cold and by the time it did, I was placed on another assignment. No one followed up. I was the only one interested in finding out the truth. My superiors wanted the case shut."

"They wanted it shut?"

"Zero Night, Neo-Eden and The Godling Foundation were all embarrassed by the whole affair. Somehow, supplies and funds were being funneled into the terrorist operation through official channels."

"That's insane." I say, thinking back. "Fifteen years ago. It makes sense I never heard about this. I was dealing with the Chimera Incident at the time."

Ulyssa nods while Sophie shudders. The Chimera Incident was a dark mark in my history of trying to keep balance in the world. There were many deaths and not all of them people feel were justified. It's always like that, no matter the mission.

I look at Ulyssa. "A bioweapon." I say. "It kind of sounds like what we are dealing with now, but on a much larger scale."

Ulyssa nods. "Yes, my thoughts exactly. What if we are witnessing someone resurrecting the scheme from fifteen years ago?"

"Perhaps at the time, whoever was behind it discovered that Neveev was the one who would make their demented project actually work."

"Yes. It is entirely possible. Neveev was working miracles with her blood resonance." She lowers her head. "If only I was paying better attention. I could have protected her."

I lay a hand on her shoulder. "Don't do that to yourself. We can't see everything, and I know you did all you could."

She gives me a sad smile. "I appreciate that, Leon."

The food comes and I am pleased to find that Ulyssa's recommendation was spot on. She smiles as I praise the dish.

"Witamy w Polsce." (welcome to Poland) She says, digging into her own food.

"Dziękuję" (Thank you) I say.

After the meal, Ulyssa checks the time on her watch and nods to Sophie. "We should get to the house."

"Alright." I say. "I will get a hotel."

Ulyssa slams her hand on the table. "Unacceptable! I demand you come and stay at our house!"

I am taken aback by her sudden outburst. Afraid to offend Ulyssa, I find myself unable to deny her request.

"Uh, sure. Why not?"

Hello all! Another update for you. If you enjoyed, please vote and comment. Feedback is always, always appreciated! Thank you for reading and see you again soon :)

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