
The Holy Proelia

"what's going on"?! khalid rush to lapiz who seemed to be glowing, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER"!! he screamed at the emperor, who was trying to take shelter from the power lapiz was releasing, the hall was filled with light and mana rushing through all over and hurting people,

"KYAA" they screamed while kneeling on the ground and protecting their faces so that they lose their beauty "EVERYONE GET DOWN" Ian screamed while also protecting himself

[my lord!] he thought to himself "TELL ME" khalid covered his face with his hands, the mana circulating in the room all focused on one place which was lapiz, it seemed to enter her body which was covered by some sort of barrier

[what happened in there]

[all of a sudden lapiz was inside a black barrier and when i broke she ended up in this state]

khalid took out his sword and charged against lapiz with all his might "LAPIZ SNAP OUT OF IT" he screamed to his heart's content however the sound of the waves of mana was too loud

but it broke out in a moment, lapiz who was flying while being protected by the barrier fell down so did all the mana in the room, everyone calmed down and looked at her who was unconscious and sighed in relief

[tch her veil?!] khalid approached her and took her up while glancing at the emperor who was protected by the guards

"WAIT"! the emperor shouted "you can't take her" the emperor stood up and approached khalid "she is being protected by the holy familiar" he shouted while breathing heavily.

[it's true, but there's no way i let her rest in a place like this] Khalid was trembling, he was scared something would happen to lapiz again {khalid} he flinched and looked at lapiz "what was-" he murmured {khalid put me down} he could feel a voice in his head talking to him, the voice was similar to that of lapiz's

"lapiz is that you" he mumbled while putting her down {yes, i am currently in a realm trying to gather my strength} {that stupid familiar entered my body, and now It's completely out of control} it seemed like she was struggling, he nodded and looked around the hall {i will wake up after a while, till then please help me} the voice out, khalid looked around the hall and walked towards a seat and placed lapiz sit in there

"oh my spirits of darkness, come forth from my shadows" khalids shadow become larger and two creatures came out of them, one of it looked like a child wearing kimono with short and long bangs hiding its eyes while the other looked liked a child wearing kimono with long hair tied on its end and also long bangs hiding its eyes, both of them were black and white just like a shadow

"protect lapiz" he gave orders to those two and started talking "lapiz has given me a message" he said loudly so that everyone could, the emperor flinched "w-what"? he was speechless, so were the people in the hall,

"she has been safely blessed by the holy familiar however there were some problems with the purification" he declared, a fault in the purification means a fault in the emperor it was an open insult to the sun of that empire "tch"

"she has given me the message she would wake up soon" the crowd became silent they all walked to the corners, soon after the maids and butlers came, they cleaned the hall which was a mess because of the mana overflow

khalid used his power of darkness to destroy the shattered glasses and also called in two more familiars to help the maids, Ian too walked in and helped them with his magic, while watching them more nobles stepped in and helped the maids

"ugh" a movement was made by lapiz, the two familiars kudo and kuro whistled which was their way of talking "has she woken up" khalid approached lapiz and touched her cheek, her face was still covered by a veil as she could not show her face till marriage

"ugh, w-where" she mumbled, khalid kneeled to match lapiz's height and replied "the hall" he again started chanting and created a black barrier "what is-" she said while looking at the barrier "it's a barrier used when discussing debts and all, with this no one will see your face and will not hear what we are talking about" he replied and took of her veil

"i see…" she shook her head and inhaled, "i can't believe i was stuck in that place for that much time" she stood up while having support from khalid

"what happened in there" he asked

"apparently i made a deal with that familiar" she replied

"how"? khalid asked,

"he wanted freedom and i wanted power and knowledge, so we made a deal that he would become my familiar" lapiz yawned

"do you even know what a familiar is" he asked while sighing heavily

"According to maria, it's something that follows you around and also protects you"?

"no it's not" khalid brushed his hair and started explaining "a familiar is something that sucks your mana and hides under you, it comes up whenever you call for a price and that price is not simple, familiars tend to betray the master if they see a better invitation that's why before making a contract with them, you should understand them"

"the contract you just made will only be useful to them, one of the reason is that they are stronger than you and also because you don't have proper control over your body" khalid was tired, it seemed like he wanted to drop dead

"i- i see…" lapiz was speechless she didn't know what to say "the holy familiar is only using you to attain the freedom it always wanted, now that it is out it can control your body and do everything it wants without problems" khalid massaged his own head and glanced at her

"about that…" "you don't have to worry because i am stronger" lapiz replied while helping him rub his head, "what"? khalid looked up,

"apparently my mom was a powerful deity who was stronger than all the familiar the holy lord had, and i her infant is also just like that" "maybe that explains why the curse didn't make me totally mad" lapiz patted his head while yawning again

"The Holy Proelia…"!!