
Land of Vantaria

How do you feel when you are just a 16-year-old boy and your life changes 180 degrees because of a strange woman’s voice that you hear? This is Mina’s story. Come with us so we know the rest of the story.

mohamed_meno · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

2-Great Magician.

Written by Muhammad Arabi Abu Shousha December 4, 2023, 11:08 AM January 8, 2024, 10:45 AM

The story of Fantasia Land, Part Two

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In another place, we see Mina sleeping on a ground full of green grass in the middle of a forest. Mina woke up and found himself sleeping under the shade of a huge tree, seeing its size for the first time. He said, "Did you succeed!" Am I really in the world of Vantaria!

Mina remembered the book, and looked around to find that the book was next to him. Mina was reassured and got up and said: I cannot stay here for a long time because the place is not safe. He picked up his bag and put the book in it. The bag contained canned food and enough water bottles to last him a whole week.

Mina began his walk in the middle of the forest, looking around him because of the huge trees and their strange shape, but he was at peace of mind and continued his walk, not knowing about the eyes watching him in the middle of those trees that he admired.

Mina continued on his way until he heard something break. He found that he had stepped on a tree branch, and at the moment when Mina was busy, a huge creature came out from among the trees and bared its fangs and attacked Mina. An arrow hit the body of that creature and Mina fell to the ground in fear. Because he would have bid farewell to life moments ago. 

Mina pulled himself together, stood on his feet, and looked around to find where this arrow had been fired. Perhaps he could find help, but he did not find anything, and he saw that night was about to fall. Mina said, "At least I will find a place to stay tonight, and tomorrow I will continue looking for help." After some time passed, the morning light appeared and Mina woke up from his sleep and found himself on a bed...

He looked around and said what a place this is! Mina heard the sound of someone's footsteps coming, and Mina pretended to be asleep. The door opened and an old man entered with a huge young man. The young man said: I found this boy in the forest sleeping under a tree, and I found this bag with him, and inside it were water, strange metal cans, and a book.

Once the old man said: "Get up. Do you think I am a fool for not knowing whether you are pretending to be asleep or not?"

Mina was shocked by the old man's words and woke up and said: What do you want from me?

The old man said: "Is this how you thank people who helped you?"

Mina apologized and said: "Thank you for helping me, sir, and is it true that you were the one who helped me when I was in the forest?" 

The young man said: "You can say this because it is fortunate for you that that animal fell into a trap that I attributed to hunting, and when I was going to check on it, I found its body and footprints, so I followed them until I found you sleeping in a hole in the trunk of a dead tree, and I brought you here."

Then he gave the bag to Mina. "Thank you," Mina said. He opened it and took out the book, and there were signs of happiness on his face because the book was fine. 

The old man looked carefully at the book, then signs of shock and fear appeared on his face and said: Where did you get this book? 

Mina replied, "What do you mean?"

The man repeated the question again, but with all anger. Mina told everything that happened to him to the old man and the young man who was with him, and the old man did not believe what he heard, and said, "This is impossible... the end is inevitably coming."

Mina said: "What do you mean? What does this book have to do with the end? Isn't this the land of Vantaria?" The old man replied: "No, this is the world of Sparta."

Signs of sadness appeared on Mina's face because he had gone to a world other than the land of Vantaria, but he composed himself and said: This is half an answer to my question, what about the other one?

The old man said: Son, did you know that there are ten parallel worlds and they are (Vantaria - Sparta - Earth - Dryland - Freeland - Octoa - the Black Blood Empire - the Heaven World - the Ninth World - and the Tenth World).

These worlds were separate, not knowing each other until one day an unknown person appeared to the King of Sparta and asked him to join him and swear allegiance to him, and he would give him strength, wisdom, and help to develop his world and make it stronger..

Naturally, the king laughed at this man's words, and ordered the guards to arrest him, but this person showed unparalleled strength, so much so that the royal guards, who were considered the strongest soldiers in Sparta, were killed in their place, with only the lift of a finger by an unidentified person.

It was a shock to the king and the rest of those present, including me. Mina interrupted: Were you present there? 

He replied: Yes, I was the king's advisor at the time, and do not interrupt me again. 

Mina said sorry and the old woman continued her speech. The king was impressed by the unknown's power, asked him to teach him, and agreed to swear allegiance to him, telling the king that he would meet him again in a few days.

And it actually happened as this unknown person said, and he asked the king to bring a counselor with him, and the king asked me, and when I arrived, the unknown person said: Good.

He raised his hand and a strange gate opened and said: Follow me. When we entered behind him, we found ourselves in a strange place, with a reddish sky, and a huge castle in front of us, and the unknown person said: "Follow me."

He entered the castle and we entered after him and found that we were not the only ones he had invited; Because there were other people besides us present, and there were nine people sitting on chairs and nine others standing next to each one of them. 

The unknown person said: Please, O Great King of Sparta, sit on your seat. Stand next to him, O Counselor. We had no choice but to obey him and do what he ordered us to do. The unknown person said: Now that all the guests have gathered, let me introduce myself to you. I am called the Great Magician.