
Land of Vantaria

How do you feel when you are just a 16-year-old boy and your life changes 180 degrees because of a strange woman’s voice that you hear? This is Mina’s story. Come with us so we know the rest of the story.

mohamed_meno · Fantasía
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12 Chs

12-Tell me about their appearance, abilities and weaknesses

After the night passed peacefully, and the next day, Mina woke up to the light of the two suns falling on him like golden silk. He slowly opened his eyes to get used to the morning light. When he got used to the light, he looked around and saw that he was sleeping on a bed made of branches and leaves. At first he was surprised, but then he remembered what happened yesterday and felt really grateful to Sanferus, and also felt very guilty and ashamed of himself because after he treated Sanferus so rudely, Sanferus still took care of him as he had told him before. He decided he had to apologise. He looked at Sanferus who was sitting on B

A small distance from him preparing breakfast for the two of them. Mina tried to get up, but there was so much pain coming from his arm muscles that he couldn't get up. He remembered the fifty push-ups he did yesterday to eat. Only a faint smile could form on Mina's lips. He remained still for a while to reduce the pain, and when he felt that he could get up, he got up and went towards Sanferus and said with a smile: "Good morning." Sanferus glanced at him once, then looked back at the food in front of him and replied, in a cold and emotionless manner, "Good morning."

Mina didn't know what to say, because he felt the tone of Sanferrus' voice. But he took a deep breath, calmed himself, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry." "What did you say?" Sanferus replied in the same tone of voice. "I'm sorry," Mina said, but a little louder. "For what?" Sanferus replied in astonishment. Mina responded: "For what I said to you yesterday and raised my voice against you. I really didn't mean anything by what I said. I just... I just couldn't control my feelings at the time. I was disturbed by the amount of emotions I was feeling, such as fear and anger." And other negative feelings, because at that time I felt a terrifying feeling from that animal chasing me. I knew that it was much faster than me and could kill me any time it wanted, but it enjoyed its prey so that it would feel like it had a chance to survive "That hope once. Feeling like your life is being played by someone, especially an animal, is never a good feeling."

Mina's body was shaking slightly, her tone of voice was full of extreme terror, and her eyes were slightly dark, as if he had taken the life out of her. Sanferus noticed this and knew that Mina had gone through something that was not simple for someone who came from a peaceful world who did not try to tire himself out day and night for a living. This is also clear from his shape and the smoothness of his hands, which do not contain even a trace of roughness in the work. That's why he made Mina do these exercises so that he could vent his fear and anger with them, and also to help him strengthen his weak frame, which resembled a thin bamboo stick.

Sanferus smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, the important thing is that you know that you were wrong." His tone of voice was different from before, no longer containing indifference. A little sparkle returned to Mina's eyes when he heard Sanferus say that he was not angry with him. But suddenly Sanferus said: "Well, won't you come to breakfast?" Mina replied: "What are we going to eat?" "Like last night, pieces of meat," Sanfiros said. Mina responded with a frown: "Who eats pieces of meat for breakfast?" "If you don't want it, I'll eat it myself," Sanferus replied with a small laugh. "No, no, I'll eat it, I'll eat it." Mina responded immediately and took the plate that was in Sanferus's hand and began to eat quickly, afraid that Sanferus would take it from him

Sanferus laughed at Mina's reaction and didn't say anything else, and also started eating his breakfast. After they finished eating, Mina helped Sanfiros gather the things so they could continue on their way and look for the deer herd. But he told Sanferros that he wanted to go wash, because he smelled bad from last night's sweat. Sanferus said to him: "Okay, but not now. You can wash yourself at the end of the day using the water from the stream there."

A simple note: The watercourse comes from that lake in the valley, and the stream extends to the horizon and its size is not small.

Mina tried to object, but Sanferus was adamant about his decision. Mina had no choice but to listen to his words. They gathered their things and continued their walk along the stream. Only half an hour passed until they found the herd of deer right in front of them. They made the same plan, for Mina to hide and Sanferrus to attack them. Hide in the bushes and weeds. Sanferus took out his bow and arrows. He pulled the string and focused on one of the deer, took a deep breath and released his arrow. His arrow hit the deer in the neck and killed it. Sanferus stood up and started shooting his arrows at the rest of the deer, shooting down ten of them with little effort. The rest of the herd ran away again.

Mina went and went next to Sanferus who started gathering the antlers. "Well, we collected the antlers of six deer before, and now we have collected the antlers of eleven deer. So, in all we have fifty-one antlers. We only need forty-nine antlers, and we will leave. Well, take these antlers and put them with the rest." He cut the thigh of one of the deer and took out a bottle containing a strange liquid that was transparent in color. Anyone could mistake it for water. It was golden frog poison. He opened the bottle, dropped one simple drop, which completely dried the deer's leg and left a red layer on the outside of the skin. Mina was also amazed by the great power of this poison, and thought what would happen to him if that drop fell on him. He would turn into a mummy immediately. He felt a shiver run through his body after thinking about this, and Sanferus's voice brought him out of his thoughts: "Come on, also take this thigh with you in the bag."

Mina really didn't know how this bag could fit all these things. Also, the bag was heavy and his back hurt from carrying it for a long time. But he knows he has no other choice but to carry her and obey Sanvirus' orders. Sanferus started walking, and Mina followed him. An hour passed in the blink of an eye and the herd of deer was nowhere to be seen. They continued their march without stopping for another hour. This time, Mina could not bear the fatigue and dropped the bag on the ground, and he also dropped himself in order to rest a little. Sanferus, who saw this, frowned slightly, but said nothing and only let Mina rest for a quarter of an hour. He said to him: "Come on now, stop so we can continue on our way."

Mina, who was still resting on the ground, looked at him. He had a look of unwillingness on his face, but he had no choice, so he got up and picked up the bag again and they continued on their way. Mina was breaking the barrier of boredom by looking at the picturesque landscapes on both sides of the road, of bushes, flowers, and strange birds flying here and there, and the gentle breeze that filled the nerves with a beautiful scent that soothed the nerves. Another hour passed and the herd of deer was nowhere to be seen.

Mina was surprised how the herd could get so far in just a short period of time. But he remembered Sanvirus's extraordinary speed. If humans were fast, then animals would also be faster and stronger than the ordinary animals that existed in his world. Mina broke the silence, saying to Sanferus: "How are you so ridiculously strong and fast? Are all Spartans like that?" "We were created with great physical strength to survive in a world like this," Sanferus replied.

Mina said in surprise: "Are you born with a strong build from the beginning?" Sanferus replied calmly: "Yes, even a Spartan who does not train or work hard has a strong physique. Even women, although their appearance shows that they are weak and unreliable, are also strong and can defend themselves. The old man was telling me Achilles said that the people of Sparta were the strongest people among the ten worlds in terms of their own strength and the strength of the Spartan army, which was feared by the rest of the kings of the ten worlds.

Mina replied with the same look of surprise: "Did Master Achilles tell you stories about the Ten Realms, and you believed him?" Sanferus replied: "The truth is, I never believed him. I treated them as if they were just imaginary stories, and I saw that this old man had a great imagination. I mean, I can't be blamed either. A person like Achilles, the first person to see him would think he was just a beggar old man. It wouldn't occur to you that he was "He was a nobleman, and he was also the advisor to the King of Sparta. Above all, besides the Ten Realms thing as well, I thought he was just a crazy man who liked to make up fairy tales, but it seemed like he was telling the truth."

Saying this, he looked at Mina. A helpless smile appeared on Mina's face and said, "Can you tell me what kind of stories he was telling you, and what the rest of the worlds are like?" Menes wanted to collect a sufficient amount of information, because when he left Sparta, he would at least know what world he was in, in terms of a distinctive environment, and the customs and traditions of the humans in it.

"Well, one of the things he told me," Sanferus replied, "is that the Grand Wizard told them that most of the humans in the ten worlds were created according to the world's environment so that they could adapt to it. Or more accurately, the first two humans were created in each world. For example, the humans of the world of Freeland." They were created with a more developed mind than other humans, so they are more intelligent and the world of Freeland is considered the first world in terms of technological progress, although at the time I did not understand what technological progress meant, even with Old Achilles' explanation, I did not understand either."

Sanferus scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and continued: "For the people of the Sky Realm, as old Achilles said, something called gravity is low, so there is a large percentage of the Earth's surface floating in the sky, forming a group of islands. And the humans there are accustomed to high pressure and lack of oxygen." At the high altitudes they live in. But some of the lands are still natural and not floating, so some people still inhabit them, and their physical structure is different from those who inhabit the floating islands. The old man also said that they made strange boats to help them move between the floating islands and the lowlands.

As for the humans of Dryland, they are known as skilled sailors and navigators. Their world is submerged in water. The largest percentage of their world is approximately oceans. As I remember, the percentage was about 90%, and the other 10% was land area scattered like islands and small continents. They are also known for the strange creatures that inhabit their oceans. These creatures were causing them many disasters and hundreds of thousands of human casualties every year, but the Great Magician was able to help them suppress them and make them not leave the bottom of the ocean. In addition to that, the fish wealth is unparalleled. Imagine fish of all types and varieties that you have heard about and have not heard of, of different colors, shapes and sizes, present with them. As old Achilles said, it tastes very good.

Mina interrupted Sanferos' dreams of tasting those fish with a question: "If it's a group of islands and continents, how can they maintain security and so on? You know what I mean?"

"They have their own way," replied Sanferus, shrugging his shoulder. "Well, the world of Octoa, as old Achilles said, is known for their great excellence in the arts and literature: drawing, singing, poetry, dancing, and building. And especially in building, old Achilles was very grateful for their greatness in Unparalleled architecture. There were buildings as tall as the clouds in the sky, as I remember. They were called skyscrapers, but of course they were also geniuses in singing, painting, and other things.

As for the humans of the Black Blood Empire - I know, strange name, but the important thing is - humans, how do I say it? Geniuses in trade, first-class businessmen, and also in negotiations, and very rich. They have been investing in a lot of businesses in the various ten worlds, especially Freeland, so they consider the second world to be technologically advanced.

Mina asked: "How rich are they?"

"The poorest person among them is considered the richest in whatever world they are in," Sanfiros said. "But for your information, the most important thing for them is not to be deceived in their business and to get money in an honest way."

Well, the world of Vantaria. Vantaria humans are known to be excellent cultivators. Their lands are very fertile and their crops are always of the best quality. Besides the unparalleled livestock, old Achilles used to say that Vantaria was a paradise, a paradise in the truest sense of the word. Green lands everywhere, fruit trees of different types and colors scattered here and there, and large cultivated areas. He used to say it was the best place you could ever visit in your life. It is unfortunate that a place like this was destroyed by its foolish ruler.

Sanferus cursed the King of Vantaria, took a deep breath, then continued: "As for our world, Sparta, their humans, as you know, are known for their long lives, their physical strength, their tactics in battles, and their organized army."

Mina sighed and said, "I really hate you. Not only are you ridiculously long, you're also strong."

Sanferus replied: "As I said, we were created like this so that we can survive in this world. Sparta is considered the most dangerous world among the ten worlds in terms of the environment and the dangers lurking everywhere. As for life, it lengthens the more dangerous the environment is, as the Great Magician said." World Sparta is in first place, followed by the world of Dryland. Humans there can be up to 6,500 years old. Then comes the Heavenly World, where humans can be up to 4,000 years old, and then the world of Octo. After that, humans can be up to 1,000 years old The lifespan of humans in other worlds ranges between 500 and 100 years. It seems that the lifespan of humans in your world can only reach 100 years, as I remember. Also, it is not only lifespan that increases, but also the physical strength of humans depending on the danger of the world we consider The strongest people."

Mina said: "Okay, can I ask you a few questions?"

Sanferus replied: Ask if there is something I can answer.

Mina said, "You said that Freeland's humans are the smartest, right? Then why aren't they the best in all the areas that other humans are?"

Sanferus smiled faintly and said, "This is the same question I asked old Achilles. At that time, he replied, 'That their specialty be those scientific things. You teach technology, and these are the things that bring headaches.'" He continued, saying: "Every human being in every world has their own specialization, depending on the environment of the world. The humans of Vantaria, because of the environment of their world, became professional farmers. The humans of Dryland, the environment of their world made them specialists in navigation, and they became professional sailors. And the humans of Sparta, because of our great physical strength." We have become specialists in fighting and wars, and so of course we can all do other fields, such as navigation and others, but we are not professionals like other humans who specialize in this field, do you understand now?

Mina said, "Yes, but what about my world, Earth and the Ninth World? You didn't talk about what they specialize in."

Mina said: "Nothing. They are not specialized in a particular thing. They can do all fields, but if we compare the field of one of them with the humans who specialize in that field, they will lose. So Earth and the Ninth and Tenth Worlds were in the lowest ranks among the ten worlds." "

**do you have other questions?"

"Yes," Mina said.

He paused for a second, as if he didn't know whether he should speak or not, but still spoke: "I want to ask you about demons."

Sanferus paused for a moment upon hearing Mina's question, looked at Mina and said, "What do you want to ask about them?"

"I want more information about them," Mina said. "Master Achilles hasn't told me anything useful about them. I thought he might have told you stories about them, such as their appearance , abilities, and weaknesses."