
Land of Vantaria

How do you feel when you are just a 16-year-old boy and your life changes 180 degrees because of a strange woman’s voice that you hear? This is Mina’s story. Come with us so we know the rest of the story.

mohamed_meno · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs


Sanferus saw the looks of astonishment and admiration on Mina's eyes. He smiled slightly, then turned his gaze towards the valley, and said:

"Let me introduce you to the paradise of the little valley."

Mina said:

"The name of Paradise suits her very well."

Sanferos said:

"Okay, let's go down."

Mina replied:

- "How is that?"

Sanferus pointed to one side of the valley, and when Mina looked he saw a wooden ladder heading down. He said:

- "this way".

They went towards the stairs, and Mina said wonderingly:

"Who made this ladder?"

Sanvirus replied:

"This place is known for its animal and plant wealth, so many people come here to hunt and collect herbs and other plants, so they made a safe way down. In fact, this valley is considered a treasure, because animals of various kinds gather here every year from the Kingdom of Santaria and the Kingdom of Furia, and until now this The valley is shared between these two kingdoms."

After Sanferus finished speaking, they had actually reached the bottom, and then Mina felt a strange chill as if he had entered a different world from the air he breathed, even the sounds he heard, he truly felt a comfort that he had never felt before. This was the calm and peace he was feeling right now

Sanferus saw that Mina was starting to relax his defenses a lot, so he stepped in and put his hand on Mina's shoulder and said:

"Do not relax yourself, because as I said, this valley contains many different types of animals, including carnivores, so be prepared so that you do not turn from a hunter into a prey. Understood?"

These words made Mina wake up from the state he was in a few moments ago, and he said:

"Yes, sir."

Then he began to walk carefully towards the lake in front of them in order to be near the three-horned deer until they arrived, and the two hid behind one of the large bushes, and Sanferus raised his head to see if the rest of the animals sensed them or not, so he sighed with relief when he found that the animals did not sense anything, and said Lamina:

"Try not to make any sound."

He took out a bow and arrow that were in the bag that Mina was carrying, then he drew the arrow and his eye was on an adult male deer, and then he released the arrow.

The arrow hit the deer's neck and knocked it to the ground, and of course the rest of the deer and animals that were nearby started running away from the place, and then Sanferus took out several more arrows and fired them at the fleeing deer, fatally wounding five of them, while the rest fled away."

Sanfiros said to Mina:

"Let's go take the horns and catch up with the rest of the herd."

They approached the deer carcasses, and Sanfiros took a sharp tool out of the bag and began removing the antlers from the deer skulls.

Blood splattered on the ground and on Sanferus's hands. This was a terrifying sight for Mina, and he tried not to show any expression of fear; So that Sanvirus wouldn't notice him.

After Sanvirus finished removing the antlers from the first deer, he stuck the sharp tool into the deer's thigh and amputated it. He asked Mina why. Sanvirus replied:

"It would be a waste to leave out the venison, right."

Mina said:

"But the meat will rot if we take it with us."

Sanvirus replied:

- "Don't worry".

Sanferus took out a bottle containing a strange liquid, and poured some of it onto the deer's amputated thigh. Mina was astonished at what happened. After that, the thigh completely shrunk, as if it were a flower that had withered due to lack of water!

Sanferos said:

- "This poison of golden frogs is known for its great ability to dry and absorb liquid substances from the organism's body, and accumulate them on the outside of the skin as a layer. Therefore, it is used to preserve quickly spoiling food."

Mina was astonished by what he heard but still said:

"But how does he get back to his original self again?"

to reply:

"Just put it in the boiling water and it will return to normal. So come on, help me, take this thigh and put it in the bag. We will also take with us some other thighs that will be our food for the next few days."

Then he cut off the other thighs of the deer and headed towards the rest of the deer, removed their antlers, and began walking in the direction of the one he was heading towards, the herd of three-horned deer along the water course.

They walked for a while, and Mina was contemplating the beauty of the plants that he saw inside the valley, and he said to Sanferos:

"Can you tell me more about the nature of this picturesque valley?"

Sanvirus replied:

"Not really, there is a lot; this valley was created by erosion from the air and heavy rains over the past centuries, until it became the shape you see now."

As I said, this place contains many animals of different types, including rare animals that can be sold for a lot, and other plants, some of which are used in the field of medicine, and others in the manufacture of wonderful-smelling perfumes. This valley is a priceless treasure, so I obtained Many wars between Santaria and Furia over who would take the valley for themselves.

It was the Kingdom of Furia that would have won, but the Kingdom of Santaria presented a proposal that they divide the valley into two parts according to the borders of the two kingdoms. Of course, Furia did not like this decision; Because they were going to win in the end, but they were pressured by the Han Kingdom and the Jiriya Kingdom.

Now this war has affected them negatively as well; Because their trade routes and many others were halted, and also the Kingdom of Furia was winning so far, the greater part of the valley was finally within their borders."

Mina replied in amazement:

- "Why didn't the Han and Jira Kingdoms participate in the war to obtain the valley?"

Sanferus replied calmly:

- "For now, this will not help them, and for now the valley was between the kingdoms of Santaria and Furian, and the kingdom of Han and Jeria are very far from the valley, so they did not participate in seizing the valley."

Mina replied with a charming expression:

"Are there other places as beautiful as Little Valley Paradise?"

Sanvirus replied with a smile:

"Of course, Sparta itself is beautiful."

Mina laughed, and after their conversation Sanferus stopped Mina and said:

- "Look in front of you."

Mina saw the herd in front of them. It seemed that they had not gone very far. Sanfiros said:

"Fate is really smiling on us. It seems that we will collect 100 antlers very quickly. We will only need to kill 27 more deer."

Mina was very happy; Because he will end this matter quickly, and he is afraid that if he stays longer in this valley, he might become a snack for a predator. He remembered this huge animal that had tried to prey on him since his arrival, and had it not been for his good fate, he would have been dead now, even though this place was extremely beautiful, but it was He remembers the saying, "The more beautiful something is, the more deadly it is."

Sanvirus began to approach the herd, and prepared to launch, but a huge animal appeared with long fangs, golden fur, and black stripes on its huge back, and it stood on four legs, looking like one of the felines from its appearance. Sanvirus said to Mina, his voice full of firmness and seriousness:

"Don't make any sound."

At that time, this creature attacked a deer, preyed on it, and began eating the deer's carcass.

This sight of flesh being sliced ​​apart by fangs and claws was terrifying to a mere 16-year-old boy.

Mina looked at Sanvirus to see that his face had not changed, but rather was stable, and Sanvirus began to prepare his arrow to hit that animal with it.

He focused a little and aimed at the animal, but what was unexpected was that the animal jumped avoiding the arrow. Then Sanferus became afraid and looked in Mina's direction and said:

- "Run."

The two of them started running against the animal's direction, and of course Mina was much slower than Sanferus, so he couldn't keep up with him.

Meanwhile, the animal turned around and saw two prey running. Its instincts prompted it to leave that deer and begin hunting.

Mina looked behind him as a natural act, hoping he had ignored them, but the opposite happened; The animal was running after them. 

Mina pushed himself to run faster, but the animal was fast and there was only a few meters between them and the animal.

Sanferus saw that Mina was behind him, but what quickly made his mind think was that the animal was behind Mina, as animal instinct always drives him to eliminate weaker prey.

In this case, Mina was the weakest, and the animal jumped to pounce on Mina. Mina looked at the animal and saw the tape of his life before his eyes, and many thoughts began to occur to him... Am I going to die here? I don't want to die. I am still too young for this, but something made... All his thoughts scattered, Sanferus pushed him away from the animal's pounce.

But Mina was still stunned, and couldn't gather his thoughts, so Sanferus carried him on his back and started running, not slowing down Sanferus' movement because Mina's weight was not something that could disturb or slow him down.

Sanferus tried to find a place where he could hide, but there was nothing but small bushes and beautiful green plains in front of him, he had no idea what he was going to do now.

After a few more seconds had passed, he whispered something to Mina, who was carrying him while running, and after he whispered to him, he put him on the ground, and Mina had fainted, and Sanferus took out a dagger that he had with him, and waited until that animal arrived in front of him.

As the animal charged at him, Sanferus dodged the attack, aimed the dagger at the animal's eye, and the animal staggered from the pain that struck Sample.

When the animal looked with its other eye, it did not find Sanvirus anywhere nearby. He thought he had taken advantage of the opportunity to hide, but he did not pay much attention to him. Then he looked towards the unconscious Mina lying on the ground. The animal approached him to devour him. Meanwhile, a strange sound was heard coming towards the animal. It was an arrow.

The animal avoided the attack, but what he did not expect was that another arrow was directed at the place he had avoided, and the arrow hit the animal's foot.

He didn't care much for the stock; Because he did not hit a dangerous place, but after a second the animal began to make sounds of intense pain, and his body began to dry out and bones began to appear through his skin. His body dried up.

The animal fell to the ground, a completely dry corpse, and Sanferus came out of one of the bushes and headed towards the animal's corpse, and said:

"Indeed, the golden frog's poison is very effective, but it is almost finished. I think I should go to the Marshes of Despair to find more after this mission is finished." Then he left the animal and went towards Mina, and said:

- "Wake up, the animal has been killed."

Mina opened his eyes and looked in Sanferrus' direction, but he did not say anything. He remembered that Sanferrus had asked him to pretend that he was unconscious, and that he had a plan to eliminate the animal.

Mina remained calm and said nothing. Sanfiros said to Mina:

"Come on now, stand up. We'll rest a little, then we'll continue on our way."

Mina Sanviros interrupted and said:

- "no".
