
Mysterious group

Mysterious group

Chapter: 16

After the introductions were done, Kyle then said with an honest looking expression. "It is amazing that that there are still nice people out there that are going to risk something to help someone in need. I must thank you again for that. If there is something I can do for you two and I can achieve it then I will try my best to help you out. I am now owing you something."

Richard and Sniffy were seeing this and they were now completely sure that they did the right thing.

Richard then said to Kyle: "There is indeed something which you can help us with and it should be also more than easy for you to do it. Can you introduce us to your kin and maybe let us take a look at your library? I am really interested to see what I can find inside it."

Kyle heard this and did not expect something this easy to handle and answered promptly:

" That's no trouble at all. We have nothing against wizards and it was them that stopped coming to us, just because of some rumors that gradually spread over time. It is my pleasure to invite you to my home and to have a look at our local library. It is free to use for everyone, therefore it's no trouble at all.

If you want, we can go right now and I can show you around."

Richard was perplexed at the easygoing manner of Kyle and that he had expected more resistance on his part, but he had apparently no problem to let them visit his home. It really looked like vampires were shunned from the magical community in Britain due to the rumors. It also surely did not help that they said that their pureblood supremacy was complete and utter bullshit in their eyes. That should have done the rest and they were now only seen as monsters in the eyes of most British wizards.

The main problem should be because of the before mentioned Feeders.

Richard then said to Kyle:" Sure, right now is as good as any other time. We have almost achieved our goal here and only finding the local magical community is left on our list.

We two are currently on vacation here from Britain and were trying to find its magical counterpart in here but to no avail. It is better hidden then we thought and because we had not looked into any details before we left for Rome, we are completely helpless by the fact that we have no idea where the local magical community is hidden in this country."

Kyle heard this and began to laugh on the spot. After that he said:

"Hahahaha, you could have searched for a much longer time inside all of Rome and would not have found a single thing. The magical community is not here and apart from some wizards and witches living here, there is nothing to find at all.

Most of the magical beings reside right outside of Venezia. Most of the businesses are there as well."

Richard and Sniffy were hearing this and Richard thought about himself being stupid to automatically think that the magical community should be in the capital city of a country and he then began to think.

'If Kyle is being truthful about this and it would seem like it, then it perplexes me that it was some random occurrence that a wizard just found Kyle inside Rome and wanted to catch him. There should be a bit more to this whole story. Also, if this was a planned thing then there should be some kind of traitor inside the vampire camp that alerted said wizard of Kyles whereabouts. This could become quite an interesting trip after all.

I was getting bored of not doing anything other than searching in the last few days.

I am quite sure if this is a plot against Kyle himself then it could be some power struggle over the control of the vampires. Its good that we got some protection amulets and a portkey necklace for emergencies, therefore we should not be too much danger and I am quite eager to see the fighting capacities of vampires.

There should be nothing to fear here and I am also curious about the collection of books that the vampires have. They should be much older than wizards and therefore have much more books. I am quite looking forward seeing them.'

Richard was now more than a little excited about their trip and asked. "How are we getting to your place?"

Kyle simply stretched his left arm forward and said:" Just touch my arm and then we go, it´s like apparating for you wizards but we call it teleportation. Almost all of us can use it. It is also a lot easier on the body than your apparating. Although, I only know this because I read it in some books. But you will surely tell me after the trip is over, if it is true or not."

It took Richard and Sniffy a couple of seconds to reach Kyles's hand and Kyle could only let out a sigh of relief that the return trip didn´t need much power even with two companions. The only hard thing was to get out without being caught. Getting in was much easier.

Richard and Sniffy were curious about this kind of teleportation and they both took his hand and after Kyles eyes shone in a red glow they were gone.

Meanwhile in another part of Italy, inside a big mansion that stood on a mountain between a cliff and a forest, could be found two wizards inside the living room. The weather weas quite bad and rain was constantly streaming down from the clouds and winds were raging about.

One of the men inside was sitting on a couch. His features could not be seen because he wore a cloak around his body which even hid his face completely. The other man was the bald wizard that attacked Kyle inside Rome earlier. He was standing respectfully in the middle of the room and just got back from his failed job in Rome.

The bald wizard was cursing at his failure to catch the noble vampire inside his mind while he was sweating cold sweat after he explained the story, why he failed to capture his target and told the man in front of him that he did not even see his assailant. He knew what happened to people who would displease this man in front of him and could not help but shudder at the thought of his punishment.

He pleaded in a shuddering voice.

"I am really sorry that I could not prevent the vampires escape. I did not expect that anyone would help him and from the looks of it, it should have been another wizard. I felt magical residue of apparation there but could not follow it because it was completely masked. I did not even know before that, that apparation residue can be masked. That stumped me and I came back promptly to report to you."

The other man in front of the old man heard this and was also very curious about this unknown wizard. He then began to think.

'That's really interesting. That is something new that Brian could not follow another apparating wizard. Normally that should be no problem for the number 2 strongest member under my command. He is not an incompetent person and every job he did in the past was completed without any issue.

But who would be able to rescue our noble vampire from him? Could it be that someone got news of something and they hired help? But why would they hire a wizard? They would just send a vampire escort and even if they would have done that, it would have not made any difference at all.

But the only good thing to know is that we now know that our anti vampire device works as intended.

It really is intriguing how a wizard came to help our prey, it seems that I need to make a few changes to my plans in order to be a little be more cautious.'

After he contemplated the top priorities right now, he then said to Brian.

"Go and investigate if you can find out anything about this unknown wizard and see if you can capture him. I am really curious of how he could mask his apparating. And this time I want to see a result and if his capture will somehow interfere with our plans than you can pause it and report back to me.

We don´t need much time anymore to set our plans in motion and I will hope that no one disrupts this plan on our behalf.

You can take your leave now."

Brian heard this and was glad that he got another chance and was soon almost gone from the living room when he heard.

"I do hope that you know what will happen if you disappoint me another time. Just think about your old mentor." Was heard from behind and Brian could only gulp at the thought of what had happen when his mentor failed a second time.

Till this day he had nightmares of the day he needed to see at the punishment that his boss handed out to his teacher. It was in the dungeons under the mansion and blood was flowing everywhere. It was more than only torture that his mentor had to endure this night. He was slowly stripped of his flesh in a manner which did not allow him to slip into the freedom of unconsciousness and needed to endure the pain of feeling his flesh slowly peel of from his body. He had endured it almost completely but then succumbed to the pain and died in the most gruesome manner Brian had ever seen.

From this day onwards he had vowed himself to never let that happen to him and worked especially hard every time to not make any mistakes.

Brian cursed this unknown wizard with all his being and found some calmness at imaging what he would do to him/her when he found him.

An angry looking Brian was found storming through the mansion on the way to the room where he could apparate away to search for his informant. Who had sold him the whereabouts about the vampire? 'He ought to know something, it would have been too much of a coincidence that this wizard helped our target. Oh I am really looking forward to the moment when I meet that guy again.'

Was Brian thinking while he went on his way.

If Richard and Sniffy would know that they only got away because of their invisibility cloak, that had masked their apparation, then they would thank their luck, but also curse it because they now were on the hitlist of some dangerous wizards.