
Land Of Gods

Black Daemi was the Scenario lead for game Land of Gods,a game created in the necessity to top their rivals newest and latest hit game. They put their heart and soul into making this game. Around the halfway area with the scenarios, Black, who was working extremely late for the third day in a row, heard a soothing voice tell him to sleep, and so he did just that. When he opened his eyes up, he was in the body of a previously untouched character known as Damien, a child living in the woods with a care taker. Although his future looks Bleak, he still holds the hope that he can keep on pushing through, gain strength, and find out the true identity about his nature. Please note that Black is entirely uncaring about going back to the real world, as he's been hoping to get and adventure like this in such an amazing world. He has no attachments in the real world, so he feels as if even if he was given the short straw in this new life, it's all okay, as long as he can forge himself a path in this Fantasy world. Plus, unbeknownst to him, he's Aliven't in the real world.

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6 Years in the Blink of an Eye

From here, Damien spent the first seven years of his life with Granny, whom he eventually learned to call Granny Cynthie. During his first four years, he quickly showed Cynthia that he could easily retain memories at a young age, prompting her to teach Damien how to take care of himself, as well as how to manually provide healing to yourself. During his fifth year, he showed something amazing. Something that would cause normal kids to only be able to show around their 12-year mark. Damien showed how to use very basic magics, mostly just being in thread form. Doing so prompted Cynthia to ask Damien a question in a very serious manner.

"Damien. At the age of 5, you are showing that you understand how to use magic. As it is so, I will teach you some healing magics, and I will teach you some basic strengthening magics."

Damien nodded as he stared up at her eyes, as she began her weekly teachings of magic.

Now, what is magic, you may be wondering. According to the lore that Blake and the team made, Magic in this realm originally started off as a kind of compensation to the humans and Demi humans once the Old Gods disappeared. Every person's magic is special. They all have a hint of some type of attribute that can strengthen a spell.

There are barely any overlapping Magic Attributes, but there are some that are "common" elements such as Attributes pertaining to the five chief elements, Water, Earth, Fire, Wood, Lightning, as well as subsets of those, such as the earth elements Metal subset or the Water elements Ice Subset. But there are a lot of different types of attributes because everyone agrees that these attributes are formed from the very core of your being, and you can usually tell how some people act just by knowing their attribute, although there are cases of this being false. An example of this was when one girl's attribute was found to be Love, but she was shunned by her towns people who were thinking that meant that she was not only being a harlot, she was being one while still being a kid. Eventually, a Mage Tower came and took that child with them, and they found out that her attribute was actually leaned more towards the type of love that something like Mother Nature gives to its inhabitants, and usually can't help but to care diligently for hurt animals or humans she came across. She did not go back to the Village she was shunned from, but instead stayed at that Mage tower until she eventually became the Grand master of that Tower. Her name was Elaisa Anailese. She received that last name after becoming the Grand master of a Tower.

Although most of this was stuff that Damien already knew, what with helping with the lore, things were much more fleshed out, as this could be considered a 'real' world now, instead of a game.

After a quick test, Damien's attribute was odd. The Visualization of the attribute showed it as a White Wing encircled by a Black Halo. This was odd because its abilities were not the same as word master-type attributes, and in fact, felt as if it was sealed, waiting. He wanted to know more about what other changes happened compared to when he was still on earth, but Granny Cynthia refused to tell Damien anything until a year later.

In the meantime, she had Damien start to learn how to hunt, as well as give Damien practical trainings, as, surprisingly, his physical body was actually taking shape earlier too, and he always seemed to be doing trainings on his own since he was four. He found it difficult at first, what with not having been very good at exercising on Earth, as well as his small body, but eventually, with tips and time, he came to understand how to properly shape his body.

Something that Cynthia had Damien do, was to train with small versions of real life weapons. He would be allowed to pick whichever weapon he chooses. Originally, his goal with this was to become a Swords master or Saber master, but surprisingly, there was a weapon type that was not originally in the game. A Halberd. He was conflicted at first, before trying the halberd, as he had felt like his movements with the saber were very befitting Damien, even forgoing the old saying of "Swords are the Emperors of weapons", before trying out the Halberd.

At first, he thought it'd feel awkward and the movements would be weird, but as he slowly used the stances that Cynthia showed Damien, He felt like he was able to cut, chop, and pierce easily with these techniques and a halberd.as he swung, he could feel an amount of freeness that he could never feel before. As he chopped, he could feel power residing in it, and as he pierced, he felt as if his arms and the halberd were turning into a drill capable of piercing anything. Of course, these were mere feelings, and did not have much truth behind them as he is now. In the end, he opted to have the halberd, as well as to have his long-range weapon be a crossbow, which he would eventually work up to using a longbow. These weapons were made from an odd material not found on earth, which Granny Cynthie refers to as Folkstein, a special type of metal with looks and feels of wood, but with the strength and durability of steel.

When his sixth year came around, it was almost time for Granny Cynthie's promise to Damien to come true. However, this got pushed back by a few months after Granny Cynthie suddenly became ill, prompting, for the next few months, Damien to take especially good care to her, as well as keeping her company the whole time. Seasons came to and fro, what was once spring was now Winter, and Granny Cynthie was making a great recovery.

The only thing that truly bothered Damien over this course of Six years, was that he never truly knew what Granny Cynthie was like. She never revealed anything more than that she was a Granny who knew some fighting techniques. She never talked about her past. In fact, she would tense up when he would ask, simply initiating her to say "o-Oho. Silly Child, it's best for you not to find out." She would mutter, before being quiet again. To Damien, it just always felt as if she was somebody that was just out of his reach.

Despite this, one more month passed, and it was now the middle of winter, the month of Autarch, a month that was the most violent of Winter months, causing Snowbanks and even snow-ins to be possible. During this month, was when Cynthia, now healthy, decided to finally speak about the state of the world.