
Land of decent

tolamide337 · Ciudad
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

"I don't know, it was you and at the same time it was Kross". She replied a bit confused.

"You don't know who raped you, that's amazing".I said to her she stared at me angrily.

"It wasn't rape, I was drunk. It seemed like a plan work and that is exactly why I am confused, are you sure you didn't get me drunk just to make me yours?". What was she insinuating, I would never do that. I won't just rape anyone when a lot of girls are swapping around me just to be by my side.

"Do I look like someone who would rape for fun even if you were drunk I still won't take advantage of you". I said to her, but she kept shaking her head negatively.

"It was you or your brother". She insisted, 

"Should I call Kross? He is in hotel rooms". I asked her but she seemed a bit tense. 

"He would just continue to disturb me if I gave him a chance". She already hates Kross for who he is.

"That would make it more fun. Flynn call in Kross ". I said out loud so Flynn would hear me.

"Yes, boss ". Flynn replied from outside the door.

"Don't call him, what if he isn't the one who made love to me". 

"Why are you doubting your vision, you clearly said it was one of us, me or Kross and Kross is known for womanizing habits so even I don't trust him". I said to her, that Kross would have easily done this but that also can't be possible because she was with Flynn all the time. Why would Flynn let Kross get his way with her when he knows I want her to be my slave?