
She Confessed??!!!!

"No!" Evrick had rejected her for the 86th times.

"What's wrong with you !!?? I've already asked for so many times, but you're still saying the same 'No!' answer over and over, without even explaining to me your reason. Why don't you surrender right now and just let me give you some helping hand."

"No!" Here comes Evrick's 87th rejection.

At first, Evrick only rejected Sevana because he was concerned about her safety, but after her 10th time asking, Evrick rejected her out of annoyance. Evrick never actually met any person who's stubborn to such extreme, and the first person he know is actually this beautiful woman walking behind him. *"Aaaaah I really don't know what to do !!!!"* He screamed miserably in his heart.

"Fine then! I don't care about you!!" Sevana said finally.

Evrick's eyes are beaming with joy as he heard that, "You give up finally!! Yeaaaah thank God!!!!" Somehow, Evrick didn't even know why he screamed with such ecstacy. He only felt that he heard something so refreshing after 3 hours of torture from Sevana.

"What the hell are you so happy about???" Sevana looked at Evrick with wonder.

"I don't really know!! I only know that you're going back to Beiruth's squad. Am I right??" Evrick asked with a gleaming face.

"Noo! I don't wanna return there !!" Sevana's reply made Evrick's face contorted to the extreme.

"I did gave up on your permission. But I'll still follow you in the battle, I don't care about your opinion. Hmmph!" In the end, the tigress will still follow him.

This result made Evrick fall even deeper into depression that made him finally showed some discomfort in his tone, "Do what you want then!!!! I was really concerned about your safety, because I'm fully aware of the enemy's formations, and the battlefield will be really deadly on the frontlines. Yet, you had pushed me this far. You don't even know waht kind of heavy pressure that's on my back, yet you want to act as you please as if it doesn't concern you. Don't expect me to save you later!!"

*"Heh, I hope she'd cry from that. That will show us that you ain't so strong girl!!"* Evrick sneered kiddingly in his heart. And he had wished for something he really should never have wished for.

Tears starts to well up on Sevana's eyes as she weeps little by little, "Wuuu uwuuu.." Getting suddenly scolded made her heart startled. She never expected that the cool headed Evrick would suddenly reprimand her really harshly, and she also unknowingly feel that Evrick is being unfair to her. All those added up made her heart stings as her nose started to feel sour and she weep involuntarily.

"Hey! Don't cry! We're in a dangerous place!!" He may had hoped for her to cry, but it was for his own humour, not for real!

Sevana is not listening to Evrick and keeps weeping, "Wuuuwuuu.. wuuu.. uwuuu.."

"Come on Sevana I was just kidding. Stop crying, okay?" Evrick tried to hold her shoulder and pacify her.

"Don't come near me! I hate you!! you SAVAGE!! UWAAAA!!!"

Not long after sevana started her loud weepings, a series of angry shouts could be heard not far from behind them.





Those rowdy guys can't stand silent after hearing their Princess' cry from up front while she's alone with Evrick, so they started to gather and run forward to encircle the both of them. *"Aaaaargh!! Screw this !!!"* Not being able to fix the problem, Evrick can only curse helplessly in his heart.

"OKAY OKAY!! You guys can take back your princess!! I have no business with her in the first place." Evrick said, as bitterness shows up on his face. He just wished this girl to learn her lesson and just follow along for now. But these rowdy guys can't seem to accept his compromise and wished to mock and reprimand Evrick for bad things he did that they don't even know of, when suddenly, this woman said something completely unexpected to all of them Including Evrick. "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE!!!! I JUST WANT TO ALWAYS BE TOGETHER WITH YOU EVRICK!!"

Without exception, every one of them got so shocked that they involuntarily dropped their jaws at the instant the little beauty dropped the bomb. None of them ever thought that this tigress would be able to spoke such a bold line, and all of them had asked the very same question in their head, "Did this girl just confessed her feelings to Evrick? Just what exactly happened between them before?" Most of them was only shocked, but there are still a few of the younger guys who are truly heartbroken.

The person who got confessed himself was already dumbstruck and speechless. This young Half-Elf might be quite adept at handling various weapons and is a close combat expert. But in fact, he is still very young and rather inexperienced in the matters of love, and this sudden confession from Sevana had made him feel really stupid as he can't avoid the warm and tingling sensation that suddenly growing in his heart which made him forgot his hate for her stubborness. Replacing it was Sevana's beautiful face with her daring smile.

The most silly thing to be precise, is that Evrick lost every sharpness he used to have at this moment, and he's begun to behave awkwardly which looked very stupid in everyone's eyes.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions while looking at her and Evrick's stupid reaction after her shout. Sevana just realised that she had said something really wrong quite loudly, and she can't help to get extremely embarassed as a huge mess starts to pile up on her head.

The tigress herself never expected that she could actually say something so daring in front of these men, it was too unlike her. Even though she's a 24 years old hardheaded tigress, but in fact she's still a virgin and have never experienced being surounded by a group of rowdy men, so she feel quite cornered and timid when she suddenly became their main focus.

She thought really hard to fix the situation, and finally thought of something good to explain her main reason as to why would she want to be together with Evrick. Even though she's feeling extremely embarassed, she still said it nervously, "No! Everyone, y-you're mistaken! I really have no other reason to follow E- E-vrick."

When Sevana mentioned Evrick she unknowingly glanced at him stealthily. But, both of them couldn't help to blush when their gaze coincidentally met. This had made her even more nervous and her messed up reasoning grew into a chaos. She's still trying her best to explain herself though, "S-since we knew e-each other... (..from the prison) I had always thought that h-he is really g-good... (..at fighting). So I want to always be to-together with E-Evrick and to always watch him... (..fighting the enemies) closely" She messed up for real this time as she totally missed all the critical points and made the misunderstanding grew worse.

"You really love him that much!!!" Everybody present could no longer doubt Sevana's feelings towards Evrick as they shouted that line in unison. "NOOOOO! YOU'RE WRONG!!" *"Stupid me!!!! What did I just said!! How did I became this stupid!!"* Sevana shouted in denial of what she just confessed a moment ago while at the same time reprimanding herself twice inside.

An older member slowly walked towards Sevana and say, "Stop doubting yourself girl. your prince is right in front of you, and he already heard all of your honest feelings towards him. You're like the only daughter of our big family now. We can only support your choice and wish for the best to your future together. Go on, we won't bother the two of you any longer. We'll be going back." He said in a very old and wise way.

"B-but I... I'm not-" "Stop! Say no more!" Sevana is still trying to convince them but the old dude cut her explanation. "It won't do any good if you keep denying yourself in front of Evrick himself. Men!! Our princess is confirmed safe and sound! Youngsters over there, don't cry now! We should go back to our squad formations before the Leader scolds us!" He gave his last advice to Sevana before finally ordered the other guys to retreat quickly, with the rest of them consented, they also quickly dispersed and return to their respective squads they had left behind, and even those few heartbroken young men who was hiding and crying behind the trees were no exceptions as they walked back quietly while in tears, leaving only Evrick and Sevana alone on their own.

After those rowdy guys went back to the main group, between Evrick and Sevana there is only silence. To the both of them, this short few seconds of silence felt like forever. In a situation like this, the young Half-Elf is absolutely clueless on what to do, and the same goes for the stubborn tigress. Sevana's huge mistake from before had made the both of them become more aware of each other.

The silence continued for a few more second and they just keep staring at each other without moving nor speaking. Ever since they escaped the dungeon together, Evrick never had much impression towards Sevana, not even her strong martial arts. But at this moment, Evrick just realized, that the woman in front of him is really beautiful. More than that, she just said that she want to be together with him.

Evrick couldn't help himself as he is drowning in admiration. Even though all of this was a mistake, Sevana herself was unexpectedly also caught up in Evrick's stare as her lovely eyes glitters beautifully while staring back at him in curiousity without knowing that a warm little flame had been slowly lit inside her heart.

Both of them are so engrossed in learning each other's features when suddenly, distinct sound of footsteps could be heard from afar. The one who heard them was Evrick, because he's got superb ears and he had been facing east all this time. Evrick can clearly see Beiruth, old man Hovan, and Simon not too far from his point of view, and there are also 6 squads walking behind them.

Evrick decided to break the silence, "I'm sorry, I was really mad before. I didn't intend to hurt you. Please forgive me." He apologized while smiling bitterly. "You don't have to, I realised I was wrong. I just want to follow you into battle, and those guys had terribly mistook my intention. I'm afraid that It made you feel ill and you would hate me." Surprisingly, the stubborn Sevana also apologized.

After those few seconds of meaningful silence, this tigress can't seem to show her stuborness to Evrick any longer. Instead, she acted like a cute little kitten. She's trully inexperienced. After hearing her true intention, Evrick approached her slowly and stopped right before her. "Not at all, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to hate you after this." Evrick told her as he smiles warmly towards her and gently caress her head.

Hearing Evrick's reply made her heart throb as a warm sensation filled her heart. Even more than that, seeing him smiling warmly to her and suddenly caressed her head, she can no longer resist another strong surge of a brand new sensation. She don't hate it at all in fact, she really like it!

True enough, her face blushed red like a cherry, and she's holding back her strong urge to throw herself to his chest. If the others were to know about this, they might think she's too easy. But what can she do, she's only a 24 years old virgin. She never felt a man's warmth before aside from her late father, and this handsome young man before her had just gave her that exact warmth.

Too bad for her, she's completely unaware of her true feelings as she's thinking that some nervousness from those misunderstanding is still lingering in her heart. She's totally inexperienced.

She might have been observing Evrick from afar before, but it's only when they're in battles, she was only focused on his movements and techniques, not the person himself. But the big misunderstanding from before has led her to a situation in which she's alone with him, and had made them feel really close to each other. That situation had made her too aware of Evrick's outstanding features as a Half-Elf.

Evrick had treated her coldly before, and she even resented him secretly for that. But her huge mistake a few moments ago had unexpectedly changed him into a really gentle person. She even felt really happy for his change somehow, and her resentment had turned into something really different.

"Evrick . . ." She called him gently without even thinking. "Sevana ?" Evrick too, he called her back without thinking. *"hmm?"* Sevana felt a good sensation coming and called him again, "Evrick . ." At the moment, both of them has become a pair of idiots as they kept calling out each other's name for a few times for no reason, yet they feel really happy somehow as they can't hold their urge to smile.

They only stopped when they hear Beiruth calling them out from afar, "Evrick!! Sevana!!" For a few moments now, they felt happy for calling each other's names, but somehow, Beiruth calling both of their names make them felt annoyed instead."What happened ? Why are you stopping ?" Beiruth's shout had startled Sevana, while Evrick maintains his composure and giving an 'everything is okay' sign with his arm as he don't really want to shout at this moment.

"Sevana, let's go. We need to get going." Evrick invited sevana to go together with him. "Is it really okay ? You've been rejecting me since three hours ago though." She asked Evrick with a doubtful expression. Seeing her doubtful face, Evrick felt a tinge of regret. "I was concerned about your safety before, and I didn't really want to be burdened while I'm fighting later." Evrick told her the reason he kept rejecting her for 3 hours straight.

Sevana feel quite at a loss when she hear Evrick's reason, and it instantly shows on her face in. "But don't worry, I've changed my mind. I will bring you as you wished. Not as a burden, but a partner." Evrick said as he look straight into her eyes, but he didn't saw any happiness in her eyes, only worries.

As of now, Sevana can finally see the big picture and she genuinely feel woried that she would be a big burden for Evrick in the upcoming fight and also many other reasons.

Seeing her still worried eyes, Evrick breathed slowly and think resolutely to himself. He suddenly stood close and firmly hold Sevana's shoulders. Evrick smiled gently and say, "Trust me, I'll guide you with everything I have. We'll be strong together."

Seeing a strong determination from Evrick's eyes, Sevana thought to herself, *"His eyes are full of resoluteness. Maybe I can really trust him."* She smiled and nodded her head, "I trust you Evrick."

"Thank you Sevana. Now, let's go!" Evrick led sevana to move forward and slowly vanished from Beiruth's line of sight. Beiruth couldn't believe what he saw a moment ago as he muttered in his heart, *"What the hell happened between those two ???"* He recalled those rowdy bunch had rushed ahead of his leading squad after hearing Sevana's scream, he then asked one of them, "Nollan, what happened with Evrick and Sevana? You guys just returned from the front. Did you guys see anything strange?"

Seeing the leader questioned him curiously, he can't help to laugh before answering, "Hehehe, Boss!! Sevana just confessed to Evrick. She's actually quite the shy girl!"

Beiruth couldn't hide his bewilderment as he shouts, "SHE CONFESSED??!!!!!"