
LANCELOT (Fire Breather Series)

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasía
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92 Chs

Chapter 85: The Nights!!!

Chapter 85: The Nights!!!

The entirety of the monastery was silent as Kun spoke, his voice reverberated throughout the area.

His elder brother, Monk Lui moved closer to Kun and gave him a stern look, Kun understood the look but he wasn't intending to stand down. He wanted to see the matter to the end.

"l am sorry for my brother's silly actions, at times he gets in over his head." Monk Lui spoke quickly to douse the tension.

Lancelot Jr smiled but didn't say anything. He understood the situation, what puzzled him, however, was how the Night name, his surname seemed to upset Kun so much, so he pondered over it for a couple of seconds and decided to ask.

"Why does my surname upset him so much?"

"The Night name could, of course, be used by anyone, however, in our monastery, James

Night, a powerful man who once saved our monastery and so many lives millions of years ago from the brink of collapse and destruction, so we worship him here like a god,

"Ordinarily, to bear the name Night wouldn't mean much if it has nothing to do with James Night, but if you were to claim to have a relationship with the founding father and first generational elemental of all elementals then you're saying you're a descendant of James Night."

"Kun however worships James Night like his personal superhero and feels you're stepping out of line by inciting his surname to get cheap fame."

Lancelot Jr now understood after Monk Lui explained, he looked at Kun who was frowning and giving a hostile gaze. "l am indeed a descendant of James Night, My father's name is Lancelot Night, the elemental King that was killed 19 years ago."

"So just because you say it is true, we are supposed to believe it's true?" Kun interjected dismissively

"How do I prove to you that I am indeed a seed of the Night lineage?" Lancelot Jr asked as his facial expression changed from a smile to a serious one.

"Take the monk test then"

"The monk test? What does that have to do with anything?" Lancelot Jr sneered.

Monk Lui understood the reason for his brother's sudden desire to use the monk test as proof, so he decided to explain.

"There are different kinds of tests that the potential monks take before they are accepted as official monks. Out of all the tests, there is one that James Night prepared for his descendants, he left behind some inheritance in this monastery and commanded that if ever a descendant of James Night were to come here, he should be given the test and the right to claim the inheritance."

"If he or she were to pass the test, the entire monastery would fulfill any desire of his but only one and also give him all the inheritance left behind by James Night."

"wow" Lancelot Jr was stunned, he never expected that sudden build-up of events.

He was just in the Dream state a few hours ago and now he had woken up, he hadn't even consolidated his gains and he is on course to even win more.

"This stupid guy doesn't even know that he is helping you" the spirit speaker chortled in

Lancelot Jr's head.

Lancelot Jr also tried his best to suppress his laughter, Alisha who knew everything he said to be true also shook her head, 'only if Kun knew that he was helping Lancelot Jr.' She thought as she looked in the direction of Kun.

However, the monks and non-monks, (or rather failed monks) around, thought differently. They all sided secretly with Kun even though they didn't voice their opinions.

The elders around found it strange that he called his surname Night but they didn't bother since they felt that bearing the name Night was possible, any name can be used by anybody.

However upon questioning Lancelot Jr, not only did he claim that the name Night was relating to James Night, but he also claimed that he was a direct descendant of James Night, what are the chances of that.

Initially, they were in support of Lancelot Jr, seeing it unfair and disrespectful for Kun to verbally insult him that way, but after they heard his reply, they felt Lancelot Jr was really trying to get cheap fame by using the Night name, and they very much revered the name Night in their hearts, they won't allow a nobody to come and claim cheap fame using their revered ancient authority.

"Lancelot Jr, inciting the name Night is a serious offense in our monastery, you could even be exiled or killed for that" An Elder suddenly got up and spoke, even Kun wasn't expecting the support he was getting.

There was a murmur in the crowd, nobody believed Lancelot Jr.

"What a fool, initially I wanted to stand with him against Kun, but now that he claims to be a

direct descendant of James Night, what a joke, in that case, I'm also the son of Emperor Wang, hehehe"

"Descendant of James Night, how can you blaspheme against our legend like that to get cheap fame, I've seen so many idiots in my life, this one is a step above the others...hehehe"

"Is that how descendants of James Night can so randomly be found? What a joke"

"This dude. He claims to be the descendant of James Night, he doesn't even have shame, such a shameless guy"

"1 was initially angry at Kun, now I think Kun is justified"

The murmurs grew louder and continued until Lancelot Jr spoke, he used his spiritual power to ensure that his words rang in everybody's ears. "Since you all doubt my identity, why don't I take the test and prove it to you, however, I have a bet..." even Lancelot Jr was shocked that he was capable of doing that.

He quickly checked with the spirit speaker, "mom, I couldn't do this before, is this part of my gains from the dream world?"

"Hmmm, I think so, Sir Zuco said he gave you half of a pair of powers, this must be one of the five it's obviously incomplete so it might not display the full extent of the capabilities of the power"

"What is the use of spiritual powers anyway?"

"The use is immense! First, you could project your voice, your consciousness, aura, your power to have various effects on others according to your innate strength and powers. You could even mind control others if your spiritual power is high enough, it's a shame it's incomplete, the capabilities might have been unlimited"

"Wow!!! It doesn't matter if it is incomplete, I

can still make do with what I have. Thanks, mom.'

After a brief chat between himself the spirit speaker in his head he then started paying more attention to the people around him. Of course, the chat was only heard by him and the spirit speaker, since it all happened in his mind so naturally others had no inkling of this. By that time Monk Lui had spoken but when he noticed Lancelot Jr had not responded, he decided to ask again. "What do you want to bet

"l want you all to make a bet with me since you all doubt me so much, if I pass this test, and I'm recognized as a descendant of James Night, you would all bow and apologize to me"

Lancelot Jr used the spiritual powers again, so it was loud and clear.

"Now he wants us to bow to him, what an arrogant prick" Kun shouted out loud, not minding the effect his words would have.

The elders were stunned and the crowd started

another round of murmurings.

"To think that we were here to celebrate this guy's gaining of consciousness from his 6 years sleepy state, I think he should go back to sleep, it's much better for him there"

"What an arrogant man, even Kun isn't your match in being arrogant"

"Such a fool, you want the elder monks and all senior monks to also bow to you, who in the world do you think you are?"

'I've seen so many things in my life, a guy wants elder monks and senior monks to bow to him'

"There is a name for this disease it's called King complex"

The crowd continued to murmur before Lancelot Jr then spoke.

"What is the matter? Are you all afraid to take the bet? Maybe in your minds you secretly believe I am truly the descendant of James Night" Lancelot Jr spoke with a smile, as he incited the crowd.

The crowd went into an uproar before an elder monk stood up to calm the crowd by lifting his hands.

"This monastery has tended to your unconscious body and welcomed you and your friends, the least you can do is show some respect. It's disrespectful to ask your elders to bow before you. I will add something to this bet if you're found unworthy, you would be killed, do you agree?"

There were gasps from Zain, and Lamil, even Alisha got up, "Elder monk...." Alisha said with a look of disappointment.

"1 agree, as long as you all agree to bow and apologize" Lancelot Jr said with so much confidence some had to think twice about their stance.