
This is the Overpowered Main Character writing!

Chapter 6!

[ Where the heck is this story going to kjdskljdklasjdkbfjkdsfhfdsfhffhdjhjfdhsdf sd nd dsfbndsfn dn ]

"Just keep on writing author, I haven't permitted you to write any insert comments!"

Continue to what we left in the previous chapter. So all the beings were nearing now. They are all emanating extreme killing intent.

The stars in their way rippled as it's surface was bursting with solar flares like a star with pimples on its face. Some even collapsed into a supernova, bursting the sky with extreme brightness. Planets were sucked into their gravity and the fleets of universe conquerors have their own system orbiting around them. But that was the least of their concern for all the officers in their fleet. It was the masters boarded in every ship.

" I am the strongest among you all. You are all pretenders claiming for the throne that isn't yours. Before my birth, you were the most deserving to sit in such but now I am here. Somebody is more deserving to sit on that, I am telling you frankly that it's not going to be you, it is me. No, I don't want to be your king, your lord, your emperor or your master, who am I is that I am above you all. In other words you are all below me. You can be angry all you want, I will gladly be the receiver of your rage. Blast everything you've got at me, nothing disappoints me but an opponent holding back against me. However let me warn all of you, it doesn't matter if you use 50%, 100%, 200% or !,000,000% it won't be enough to defeat me. Bring it on, I am waiting for all of you. Soon, you will acknowledge the truth, the facts that I am way above you all. Please do not call me arrogant or anything related to that, because what I am saying is true. I am the Overpowered Main Character. All of you are just side characters with no character arc, just an existence unjustified. Even if you are a protagonist you have survived ten thousand chapters, you wont stand against me though I have existed for more ten chapters yet. The gulf that separates us all is too wide, and you are not even qualified to stand opposite of me, I am only letting all of you stand because this is just a beginning."

Some were boiling with extreme anger, cursing and punching in their room. They can't believe how a baby was able to mock them like that!

"How dare that little baby run his mouth like that! "

" He will soon know that sucking milk from his mother should have been the first thing he should be doing right now, not spouting non-sense 'overpowered himself!' "

" You stupid Fu*ker! You dare call yourself above me? Hmmp! I will have you suffer and begging for death! "

" Just wait you stupid baby, I will smack your butt until you die of old death yourself! "

The baby himself, Better Dick kept on mumbling and talking and blabbering.

" So you already know my parents, our clan leader, my aunts and uncles and all my cousins. So again, I will flash their faces on the screen again with their names and with their immediate and important information. This one, do you remember this face? How about this one? Okay that is very good! ".

However not a single soul belonging to the Dick Clan was in the least satisfied with the way they are introduced to the rest of the universe. They all very much wanted to hide and bury themselves somewhere safe that nobody can ever recognize them. That damn baby, he had made the ruin of Dick Clan so utterly complete with no possibility of ever coming back.

Yet the faces of the baby's parents were beaming with pride and joy. They could hardly keep themselves composed, unable to believe that they had given birth to such a bold and extremely confident baby. On their face was the smile of a proud parent. They couldn't care less about the fate of their clan, it was their fault anyway that started it. Being too greedy for power, they desired more and more. And now they have it.it taught them the lesson of achieving great power means paying a large amount too. Probably not the first of the Dick clan being taught this kind of lesson but it might be the last. The baby have provoked too many and too powerful even for the tier-S sorcerers, not too mention there was a lot of them. However they didn't stop their son as he talks, they wanted him to learn the confidence in himself and to stand up to whatever word it had given. It is too late now, everybody have already heard the words their son have spoken and stopping him would only bring humiliation. Paying with the life of fellow Dick clan member is far too acceptable for the two new parents.

It was a different case for the Clan leader of the Dick Clan. He was desperately trying to save his clan.

"You baby! Better Dick listen to me! Stop this madness right now! " but the baby he wants to talk to wasn't even the slightest listening to him. Instead the parents were glaring at him with fire in their eyes. " You, the two of you, stop this right now. Stop your son from blabbering anymore! He is going to get us all killed! Stop his mouth right now! You two are the parents so you should the one holding responsible for this mess! Stop your son before everything is too late! "

The Dick Clan leader was on the verge of crying and madness, tears was threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes. He was shouting right into the face of the parents, who happens to be the two S-tier sorcerers of the Clan. He would have never dared to do such kind of things before but now doesn't care.

But the two parents only gave him a cold eye, not even a word.

" Do the both of you hear me? The Dick Clan is going to be wiped into extinction if you are never going to act right now! I commanded you as your clan leader, stop that stupid boy of yours! "

And as if ignited by some spark, the two parents burned into some sudden anger.

" You are an old man, you were the one responsible for this. You are the one who started it! You want to make some weapon? There is your weapon! That boy is the weapon you desire, am I not wrong? Look at how fierce the weapon you wanted! Look! But you never expected the weapon to be aimed at your own throat! And now you are washing your hands from this responsibility? Look at how your desire is the very thing that is going to destroy your beloved Dick Clan! ". It was the mother, Ms. Butterfly Dick. Though she was a S-tier sorceress, with a mind tempered to extreme clarity under any situation in the field but it was the first time for her. Hearing somebody called her own son an idiot and it was its own grandfather too. She was almost bursting as the magma deep within hear was building up pressure, ready to erupt any given moment with even just a slightest increase in pressure.

Luckily her husband was able to restrain her with the help of some spell and ever powerful hug. Though he too is hot with anger, it was a good thing that he was able to kept himself on leash. So he too added some words laden with spice of anger toward the clan leader, his very own father-in-law.

" That is our son you are calling stupid. And your grandson too. My wife is right. You are the one who started this. You are the one who insisted and made this match for the hidden purpose of yours. Don't get me wrong, I very much loved my wife and I am very happy with my marriage. I too treasure my son. I have to thank you for that. But too interrupt him? He need to be confident about himself! He don't need us adults to keep telling what he can and he can't do! Today is his own decision. I will not stop him nor stand in his way, he will have my support. I have very high hope for my son and I know he will do things that will be great and his name will be known far and wide! " Mr. Arsenius Dick defiantly said to his father-in-law.

"What the heck is wrong with the two of you? With all that provocation that your son is telling to every powerful being, do you both think there is still future? There will be none after that powers he have angered, it will be the same for the rest of the clans, nothing will be left of all of us. Not even the two of you can even hope to escape! Much less that son of yours! I will do everything right now to stop the incoming destruction. You are both selfish with that support you are giving your son. After this, nothing will matter after the Dick clan is thoroughly annihilated. You both are doing wrong parenting! ".

With that the Clan leader walked away and hurried himself to the technical station broadcasting the livestream. Maybe it is not too late to stop it now and offer sincere apology to those who were provoked.

" What were all of you were doing all this time! Stop the broadcast! " the Clan leader thundered into those who are tasked with the broadcast.

" I am sorry Clan leader. We have been trying to do that since. Numerous times we have attempted to cut the signal but it wasn't running on our controlled frequency. We are trying to hack into it with both our spells and technology but it was far too protected. We can't even scratch the surface of its security. " The man was paled with fear himself, but he was still a professional and trying his very best to do the duty he was tasked with. " What are we going to do now, Clan leader? We are already picking up signals and scans of powerful signatures coming fast this way, they are arriving anytime now " the man added with this report.

"Hopefully after they have taken the heads of Dick Clan, they will leave some for the name of clan to continue to exist. And if we will be lucky, we are not going to die with much pain, a quick death would be welcomed with gratitude. Damn that boy! " The clan leader was giving an eye at the boy still speaking, giving praise about himself that surely will be received as provocation by all the other powerful beings. Damn, surely my grandson is capable with the way of words and it is a pity he have chosen to wield it as soon as he was born. If he only have waited for a few years until he is powerful enough to challenge anybody, he could have been the fire that consume this universe. And now he is just a spark that is doused by the great ocean waves. The Clan leader said to himself.

Now the sky suddenly turned dark as something like glass was getting broken in the sky. Sparks was flying up above with the dimensional doors and spatial tunnel was opening. Bright stars was shining in the background, never have been closer than ever seen before. No, it wasn't some any stars visible form this planet, some were from another galaxy, another from another universe. Dots of light burst out as those who are using teleport make their arrival. There was a countless of them, more than a hundreds or thousands or even ten thousands.

The air was heavy like a cold metal, the smell of fear was bitter in the air. The chest of everybody was pounding hard, beating like drums into the war of slaughter. Too late, there was not an escape right now.

Above was ships floating like huge mountains, flying beast and beings alike descended from the air. Usually the challenger went into the place of the champion to challenge it but the champions have been provoked themselves, now they are going to teach a lesson or two about humility that challenger.

The challenger, no more than a baby. His name is Better Dick. He faced the arriving ships with open arms of extreme excitement, his eyes twinkling like a kid seeing his favorite toy.

The first one to reach the baby was Maldog. From his ship he jumped, transforming into a streak of light yet he landed in front of Better Dick with no much of a sound of gentle wind. The air after him hissed and then exploded into loud thunders. The sonic wave followed tearing the tops of the mountain. He is packed with large muscles of iron. Ripped and extremely articulated throughout his whole body like columns of temple. His face was twisted by savage sneer of a demon. His eyes burning and its pupils were like a molten metals, boiling and shifting shapes. The air around him was dancing with all the heat his body is emitting.

" You! A child dare to call something better than me? You are nothing but a weakling, empty in his head with mouth running faster than his brain! " his voice were rasp like a howl. And he stoop himself low to face the baby.

" Yes, I called you that. I don't want to be rude but you already know the rest of what I have said. Please don't repeat it, it is rather a low-level move if you do that. " baby Better Dick replied with a smiley face.


"Here, fill this one and you are going to be the first to face me. Hurry up please. I am intending to finish everything before the sunset today. And as you can see, a lot was waiting in line. Please hurry up."

There were ten of thousands apex champions gathered right now because of this little brat's provocation, isn't that enough? Even the best among themselves would pee facing against this number, victory only possible after days or even months of fighting one on one, and this little brat dares to finish them all before sunset? How daring the newborn rat before the tiger!

Those who have heard it exploded. Some in anger and others in extreme fear. They all shuddered at the boldness of this poor baby, who is no more than a day old.

" Oh and one thing to everybody, listen closely to me. It is a spoiler alert, all of you..." the baby intentionally dropped his voice into a whisper so not a lot can hear it, except for those the apex beings who have extreme hearing. They heard it loud and clear. " …will lose to me! "