
Chapter 16: I AM.............

******* author note****

Yo!!! the lazy author here!!! I am doing a time skip as our female lead or MC is just a freaking baby and I am not making her 19 or 17 years old but 6 years old as she needs to control her powers and learn more about her non-human parts. Tehe... I hope y'all enjoy reading it...

*******end of author note*******

Isaac's POV

"It's been six years since I been reincarnated in this world and I can't believe that I was finally able to learn freaking magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vicky screamed as she was happy that she was able to learn some basic magic. And I can't believe that I was able to survive, this long with her. I was shocked to learn the fact she wasn't a human in her previous life. I wanted to know more about her life in her world but Kamii-sama didn't let me know, he said I will get to know her later if she was able to learn magic.

I wanted to know but I wasn't in a rush. Vicky, on the other hand, wanted to learn more magic as she said that it's her dream as an otaku but when I asked her what is an otaku she had a strange light in her eyes which gave me goosebumps and she later gave me full lectures of being an otaku. I still remember the nightmares she gave me.

"Hey, Isaac what's ya doing there? Come on teach me some Magic. I was just able to learn body strengthening magic and fireball. Now I wanna learn more." Vicky asked me with full expectations in her eyes. We are currently in the training field of Turner.

At first, The Turner couple were a bit skeptical about me being her teacher but after seeing what I can do they seldomly let me teach her.

"No, your body won't able to handle it more. just take a full rest and then we'll continue."

"But why!!! I was finally able to learn it!!!"

"No, first master the basics of the principle of these and then we'll move on to the next." as I firmly rejected her request. Vicky has terrifying talent in Magic, I was shocked by that. In less than a month she was able to feel mana. Due to her physical defects which were caused by her overflow of order energy, she was finally able to learn magic at six years old.

I was also making her defect go away by balancing her energy with mine. It was quite a hard task but I was able to fulfill it. Vicky was frustrated that she wasn't able to learn more and went straight to her room.

"leader!! we have found some clues about the organization that you were looking for. It seems that they have started their move." one of my subordinates reported to me after sensing Vicky was not near me.

" Hmm...is that so. they started to move huh!. Well, their pawns are perfect for Vicky's training. I should introduce them after she fully masters the basics. hahaha..!!."

"Umm...leader you are making scary faces again," he reported to me with a defeated tone.

"*cough* *cough* is that so.....forget what you saw and keep on keen eye on them and give me all the reports of their movement" I ordered him as I was quite embarrassed by my demeanor.

" yes...leader!" he said and disappear from the spot he was in.

" * sigh* what should I do with my hectic life." as I watched the clouds drifting in the blue sky.


Rose's POV

" No!! master the basics of the principles of these and then we move on to the next" Isaac said as he rejected me to teach me more magic.

I was so frustrated by this that I stormed to my room.

Although his teachings are good, I can't help it because magic for me is so fascinating, and new feelings. Somehow it makes me feel alive and it feels familiar for some reason.

It's been six years since I dreamed that dream. The dreams I have been dreaming are recurring and sometimes it doesn't make any sense at all.

The people I dream of seems to be special to me but I don't remember them for some reason. I wanted to speak about this with Isaac but he won't believe it, I guessed and didn't talk about it.

I mean who will believe me, who was a human for a freaking whole life and was an orphan with no relative or whatsoever have suddenly had someone dear to me and I forgot about them because of the curse.

I guess I have little faith in him but what can a person do, I just barely know the guy for just six-year while he is an old man who lived thousands of years.

As I was contemplating what to do about my situation I suddenly hear someone calling me.

{ ey...hey....hey..}


{ Hey...Can you hear me?}

" Huh!!! have I gone mad because of how much mana I used before" I wonder

{ hey... I know you can hear me?}

"Who are you and where the heck is you? " I asked as I can't feel anyone near the radius of my mana circle."

{ Finally, I can talk to you after so many years}

" Just answer to me who the heck are you? And where the heck are you?."

{ I was waiting to talk to you for so many years now. I am your half-side your companion.}

"The heck!!!"

{ I am.....} before it could complete, it's a full sentence I was called by my brother as call out to me from my daze.