Two young girls are used as sacrifices by a Satanic cult. They both return to life as a vampire and a werewolf. However the girls also wake up in hell. They must try to get home.
Narration by Ms Felicia Ada.
My parents were nowhere to be found. I assumed they were both dead.
"Any luck?" I called out to Margaret.
"No one is here." She yelled back.
We must have searched every room in this mysterious building, but there were no bodies anywhere.
"I found the exit!"
I ran towards the sound of Margaret's voice down the corridor.
The first day in hell
Narration by Ms Margaret Dracken
I pushed the large door open and I saw a world that was not a pleasant sight. It was like a desert with mountains and rocks, but what was really odd was that the sky seemed to be burning; the horizon was a giant burning flame.
Are we in hell?
"Margaret?" Felicia called as she rushed through the door and then froze with terror, "Where are we?"
"I think those creeps brought us in hell..."
Suddenly, rising up from a short distance away out of the dirt was a large Minotaur looking creature.
"So you two are the ones who held the power of the vampire and werewolf?"
I gasped in horror at the sight of this creature, was I looking at Satan?
"Who are you?" Felicia asked.
"No one important, just a beast that inhabits this part of the underworld. Don't worry about your families, they are not here."
The Minotaur laughed.
"You two were only brought here for the ritual. Your families are both in heaven."
I cleared my throat.
"How do we get back to our world?"
The Minotaur chuckled.
"Since you two are not dead yet there is a chance. Beelzebub has a book of spells that can open a portal to earth. The cult who brought you here used it earlier, but they ran towards to direction of Beelzebub's castle."
The Minotaur pointed to the north.
"Just keep traveling in that direction, but it won't be easy."
"What do you mean?" Asked Felicia
"Everyone has their own private hell, you will be traveling through quiet a few horrifying places."
"In other words we could be passing through some other forms of hell." I said
"Yes," said the Minotaur, "that's a good way to put it. Good luck ladies."
The Minotaur laughed as he sunk back into the dirt and disappeared.
"Well," I said, "Let's get moving."
"I'm scared." Said Felicia
I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her.
"I know I'm scared too, but we've got to try to get to the castle. It's our only hope."
Felicia nodded and we both started walk across the rocky landscape.