Two young girls are used as sacrifices by a Satanic cult. They both return to life as a vampire and a werewolf. However the girls also wake up in hell. They must try to get home.
Narration by Ms Elizabeth Claude
December 25, 1970
Our little band is going through a rough patch.
It was the holidays and the crowds were thinning out.
It was cold and windy outside.
There were not many people around.
We played a song, and no one cheered.
"I hate the holidays," I said, "They make me depressed."
"Yeah," said Jessica, "I hate them too. They used to remind how lonely I was when I was walking the streets."
"Oh," said Elizabeth, "I didn't know you were a prostitute. How sad."
"Yes," said Jessica, "I was. It's okay though, Margaret saved me from an abusive pimp. If it wasn't for her, I would probably still be selling myself."
"Wow," said I, "Margaret really does seem like a guardian angel."
"Hey girls! Merry Christmas!"
Felicia walked in with a big smile on her face, she was carrying a case of booze.
"Look what I got us! Merry Christmas everyone!"
"Yay," said I, "It's a Christmas miracle. Say, where is Margaret?"
"She out picking up so dinner. She will be back soon. We can talk more then. I drink up girls."
"Yeah," said Jessica, "let's drink."
We drank and talked for hours.
We laughed and had a good time.
Sometime after midnight, Margaret burst into our room.
"Felicia! Jessie! Liz! I need a little help!"
Margaret was dragging a little girl with long raven dark hair like her own in through the door.
"What's going on?" Asked Jessica.
Margaret laid the girl down on the floor and took a deep breath.
"I had no idea that she was alive after all this time! It's blind luck that I ran into her tonight. She was betrayed by her coven of vampires who abandoned her."
"But who is she?" Felicia.
"This is my Florence, my baby sister. I thought she was killed by the cult. They turned her into a vampire at age six."
"Wait, your baby sister is a vampire? That's a little creepy." I said
Margaret bend down to comfort the young girl.
"Florence, please talk to me. Why did they abandon you?"
Florence was crying.
"Oh Margaret... I thought I'd never see you again... it was the cult who turned me and left me for dead. I spend centuries looking for you."
"Easy Flo," Margaret comforted her.
"Well," said Jessica, "this is certainly an unexpected turn of events."
Felicia bend down to talk to Florence.
"You have bite marks all over your body. Did other vampires drain you? Who did this? Why didn't they finish you off? Tell us what happened."
Florence was shaking and crying.
"I made a dozen vampires, I thought they would help me find Margaret and I would have a family again, but they turned out to be monsters. They said I wasn't worthy of being a vampire and left me for dead."
I was shocked.
"Oh my god," I said, "That's horrible."
"It's okay Flo, I have my own coven. You can join us. We can be a family again."
Florence's face lit up.
"Really," she said, "That would be amazing. Thank you big sister!"
Margaret smiled.
"Of course," she said, "You're my baby sister. I love you."
"I love you too," she said, "Thanks, big sister."
Margaret gave Florence a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay," she said, "Those bastards drained a lot of blood out of you. You must be starving."
Margaret bite into her own wrist and placed it over Florence's mouth.
Florence sucked the blood from Margaret's wrist.
"There," she said, "That's should be enough. You feel better?"
"Yes," she said, "that was delicious."
Felicia extended her arm to Florence.
"Here," she said, "have some of mine. Your big sister loved the taste of werewolf blood. So, I am sure you will as well."
"Wow," she said, "Thanks."
Florence took a sip of Felicia's blood.
"Mmm," she said, "It's delicious. I can taste the wolf in your blood."
"I know, right?" Said Margaret, "I love it. You are going to love being a part of our family."
I stepped forward, this seemed like a good time to introduce myself.
"Hi," I said, "My name is Elizabeth, and am a pianist in our band. Felicia made me into a werewolf."
"Hello," said Florence, "Nice to meet you. My name is Florence."
"I'm Jessica," said Jessica, "I'm the drummer. And, I used to be a prostitute until your sister saved me. She turned me into a vampire."
"Oh my..." Florence was shocked.
"I'm Felicia, we met briefly back at the town party in 1743. You probably don't remember me."
"Yeah," said Florence, "Sorry, I was only six years old. A lot has happened since then. Thanks for taking care of my big sister all these years."
"No problem," she said, "Margaret and Felicia are the greatest friends I have ever had. I would do anything for them. So, if there is anything you need, just ask."
"Thanks," Florence said as she sat up, "I think I am starting to feel better."
This was incredible, Florence was in the body of a six year old girl, but was talking like a mature woman.
"I think the best thing for you is a good nights sleep," said Margaret, "come, get into bed. You need to rest."
"Okay," said Florence, "Thanks, big sis. Say... we all sleep in one coffin? My coven never did that."
"Well," said Margaret, "We do. And, yes, I am aware that it is a little odd, but we prefer to stay close to each other. We're family.
"Okay," said Florence, "Sounds good to me."
"Alright," said Margaret, "Climb in."
Florence climbed into the coffin and lay down.
"Goodnight," said Margaret, "Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight," said Florence, "See you tomorrow."
Margaret closed the lid and locked the coffin.
As I ladies down, Florence crawled over to me.
"Excuse me, Liz, could lay with you?"
I smiled.
"Of course, dear."
Florence snuggled next to me and put her head on my chest.
"Goodnight," she said, "And merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas," I said, "Now go to sleep."
Florence fell asleep.
It was a sweet gesture, and it was nice having a little girl sleeping next to me.
I still wanted to kill all the members of Florence's coven.
But, for now, I was happy.
I drifted off to sleep.