
Chapter 172: Dangerous

What did Mo Kun mean by this?

He Jiu looked at him, his face asking "what about his hand?".

[Just observe them carefully] He tapped.

Ethan and He Jiu did what they were told.

It's really Ethan's fortune to have Song Mo Kun with him. Besides Lillie, he's the one who has the keenest eyes—he's the commander of White Bird's elite assassins after all.

"Hm?" Wei Fang suddenly turned his head sideways to catch the person—or persons—that's been staring at him for so long.

His eyes landed at the trinity who appeared to be so engrossed with what they were discussing.

Their facial expressions and the movement of their lips made them look as if they were really talking some serious business matters.

Wei Fang narrowed his eyes to take a closer look.

"Is there something that caught your attention, Mr. Wei."

Lillie's cold voice made him snap his attention back to her.

"It's rude for you to suddenly avert your attention somewhere else while I am talking."