
Death and Infodump

Climent was having a pretty bad day.

He'd just died at the age of 73 after living a fairly average life. He grew up, graduated from East High School in Iowa, and after a few jobs ranging from McDonalds to Safeway, he finally settled down as an estate planner. Married at the age of 33 with his childhood sweetheart, he lived a fairly happy life. His life could be considered normal, boring even, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. After having 3 kids at the age of 35, 37, and 42 respectively, he retired at 65, working a total of 37 years. after all of this he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he tried treatment, but they caught it in stage 3, after 4 months it metastasized and a week later he died.

Climent was already pretty miserable after going through the pain of death and all, but to make his day worse, he was now in a stark white room, garnered with only 2 chairs and a desk crowded with paperwork, ignored by the only other person in the room, a man with the most boring face he had ever seen.

?????: Lets see here, a 58 in personality, 75 in intelligence, and 48 in luck. So, what are we going to do with you...

Climent: Ummm, who are you?

Jeff: Oh! sorry about that, I'm Jeff, the angel in charge of you're reincarnation.

Climent: So i'm dead?

Jeff: Yes.

Climent: If I'm dead then how am I still thinking?

Jeff: Well, you are a soul, and as I said before you're going to be reincarnated, also we've forcefully removed the ability to panic from your mind so that you don't do something stupid.

Climent: Well that's depressing, anything about my family?

Jeff: Oh, the constructs? They were destroyed when you died.

Climent: Constructs?

Jeff: Yes, now that you are done with the testing world there is no need for them anymore, so to avoid clutter we just got rid it all.

The man in white starts flipping through the papers on his desk, ignoring Climent in-front of him.

Climent: Well that seems destructive, is there anything I should know?

Jeff: Yes, in fact. There is plenty that you need to know before we progress further. First, have you ever read the bible?

Climent: Uh, which one? I haven't touched the original Latin version, but I read the English version of the Protestants.

Jeff: That one works. Any of them that stem from the original ten commandments are good. How much of it do you remember?

Climent: Not much.

Jeff: Remember the story about 7 days and God creating the world?

Climent: Yeah. Why?

Jeff: Ever wondered why it took 7 full days?

Climent: Because it was hard right?

Jeff: Nope, God exists and is very much omnipotent. he could create trillions of planets and not break a sweat, the problem was his lack of imagination.

Climent: What? Why would that be a problem?

Jeff: How would you create something that you have no concept of, that is what god did. When he was creating Earth, he first had to create the 3 Dimensions, then the concept of matter, then energy and after all of that, Earth.

Climent: There are 2 other dimensions!?

Jeff gives him a look like he's looking at the world's greatest idiot

Jeff: You never thought about what 3D stands for in 3D glasses? It's that kind of dimension. Before he created those there were no dimensions, just him. Things like that is the main reason that he had to spend 7 whole days. He needs to think up everything that he creates, thus bringing about a longer process than necessary.

Jeff: Think of god as a person at a computer, and each world is a word document, to create what would be considered 'a good world' you would need to write a few pages, and that would take time if you were properly editing them. If God just wanted to create a random planet he could hold down the metaphorical 'A' key and have a few pages full of the letter 'A'. That would be boring, like making a planet out of nothing but rock, the moon was God's first attempt at a planet and he did just that, but found it boring even after smacking it around randomly to create craters. Creating something original is hard, but making something boring is very easy.

Climent: Then why did he create Earth?

Jeff: Entertainment. He decided to make a species that would do the creation for him, and created the first creator soul, Earth was just a training ground for it. After the creator soul successfully created a world through writing, God put it in Earth as the very first novel, and duplicated Earth a few times before making a creator soul to go through each of them.

Climent: I don't get it, where do I come in?

Jeff: Well, it turns out that making a world through writing, and not physically creating planets leave what you humans call 'plot holes', if there are too many, the world just shatters into nothingness. So god created your kind of soul, an editor so to speak, a kind that yearns for adventure. Your job is to go to this world, and play around. We mark your soul to repair the gaps with whatever your subconscious thinks should be there, then we send you off and tell you to go on an adventure. As an added benefit, God gets plenty of entertainment from watching you people run around on 'adventures'.

Climent: How many worlds are there and how many souls like me are there to fix them?

Jeff: There are a few Trillion worlds and around 100-200 of you guys, when you guys fix a world, we apply the fix to the other copies of it if the fix is applicable. That is also why there are so many fan-fictions, because it's easier to duplicate Naruto and have 10 or so editor souls run through then to go and fix them manually.

Jeff: We usually give some sort of benefit to souls to ensure they don't die too quickly, such as systems, or keeping you'r memories, one of the basic ones is the so called 'plot-armor', in reality, it's just the effect of a soul conflicting with a construct, or what can be though of as a NPC. The soul is created to edit, and if luck can effect the soul's survival chance in any way, it will almost always tip in favor of the soul.

Jeff: Now on to the main topic, we put novels in earth so that incoming souls would have a bit of knowledge as to what world they would go on to edit, and what benefits they wanted. Where do you want to go?