
Chapter 17 - New skills

I am woken up with a cold sensation on my face, opening my eyes I see Saemi's face, tears are falling from her eyes towards my face, even seeing that I had already woken up Saemi was giving no signs that I would stop crying.

"What happened, did we both die?"

I asked confused as to why Saemi was crying.

"We managed to defeat the monster, but you almost died"

Saemi answered in the midst of crying, putting her hand on her head, I slowly started to stand up, but as soon as I got a better look at the back of my hand, I realized that they were quite red, it looked like I had been inside a sauna for too long.

(The firepower of that boss was no joke, and this was only on the first floor?)

After these thoughts I look around and soon notice the salamander's body impaled on top of stakes made of shadow, that was kind of an incredible scene to see, looking back again I notice that Saemi was still crouched on the ground with her eye swollen from crying, walking over to her I take her hand and help her up.

"Let's go back to the lake and take a bath"

Saemi looked at me and nodded her head without saying a word.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that, wait for me here, I'll be back in a second"

Saying this I turned away from Saemi and went towards the salamander's body, as soon as I approached its body, I stretched my arm towards the salamander.


Following my words the ground around the salamander turns completely black, black hands made of smoke started to grab the salamander's body trying by all means to pull it to wherever those hands were taking it, being honest I think that because the enemy was bigger the scene was quite grotesque, all those hands trying to get a piece of premium flesh, as I thought about the bizarre scene unfolding in front of me a familiar message rings in my head.


(Probably this ability came from the salamander's power to let off fire)

I thought as I let out a satisfied snort, but when I least expected it the message pops into my head again and not just once but twice, I had gotten three skills in total.



With these three skills the messages had come to an end.

(I didn't know it was possible to receive more than 1 ability from the same enemy)

I thought while trying to understand how exactly my ability worked, but within seconds my question was answered by Aurora-sama.

"That's because bosses are much stronger and tougher than normal enemies, usually the skill turns a characteristic of the target into a skill, so usually bosses have many characteristics giving you more than one skill"

Said Aurora-sama, for some reason as she was saying this, I was thinking of her in a teacher's outfit, and well, what to say, just magnificent, but that also led me to another question.

(Aurora-sama, now that we have killed the boss weren't we supposed to go to the second floor?)

I asked in doubt.

"You are right, actually you can already go, all you have to do is think that you want to go to the second floor, this also serves to switch between the floors whether they are lower or higher"

(Um, I see, in that case Saemi can also go with me?)

This was an important question, as I thought that the way to switch between floors would be through portals, I didn't pay much attention at first, but now that I know how it works, I wonder if I didn't have to do something for Saemi to be able to go to the second floor as well.

"You don't have to worry about that, the way for a group to alternate between floors and forming a group, but just by you walking together and not having malicious intentions towards each other you will already automatically be considered as a group"

Hearing Aurora-sama's response I sighed with relief, putting these thoughts out of my mind I started walking towards Saemi again, as I approached her, I took her hand and started walking towards the lake following the marks we had made earlier, Saemi stayed all the way in silence letting me guide her, as soon as we reached the lake it was already dark, which was not surprising since when we left the boss area it was already getting dark, releasing Saemi's hand I turned around while closing my eyes.

"You can go inside first, I will make a fire so we can warm up for the night, in 10 minutes I will come back here so we can change"

I said starting to walk right away, but as soon as I moved forward a little, I felt a tightening behind me, Saemi was hugging me.


I tried to call her name not understanding what she was trying to do, several possibilities came to my mind.

"P-Please come in together with me"

I could sense from Saemi's voice that she was serious.

"Are you sure about this...you know...we are a man and a woman, I am afraid that I might not be able to hold on"

Even though I tried to scare her Saemi tightened her embrace even more after hearing my words.

"I'm fine with that, I... I just want to be with you for now"

Sighing I decide to give in to Saemi's wish.


Saying this I turned around having full view of Saemi, her cheeks were flushed and she was looking at me, her beautiful black eyes were shining, taking Saemi's hand I started to walk towards the lake, as soon as we reached the edge of the lake Saemi and I took off our clothes, leaving us in our underwear, but for some reason I was thinking that we would also take them off, with that Saemi and I entered the lake while being illuminated by the moonlight, at that moment I felt as if we were the only people in the universe and I am sure Saemi felt the same way.

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