
Chapter Eleven

My eyes nervously dart to the clock hanging on the room. Two hours, it's been two hours. Why hasn't he showed up yet? I push myself off the chair and begin pacing the room, chewing nervously on my thumbnail. "Stop that," my eyes fall to the camera and a speaker in the corner of the room. "Chewing on your nails is a nasty habit!" I don't know who is watching me or who said that, but either way I raise both middle fingers and stare directly into the camera as I flip them off.

"That's not very ladylike," my heart leaps out of my chest as a manly voice speaks up from behind me. I turn around, eyes wide like a prey meeting with a predator. I might as well be, the guy that bought me, I know him. Well, I know those eyes, those fierce silver eyes. The one I escaped from the alleyway. How is this possible, does he know it's me? No, that can't be, I was in disguise, even if I lost my wig the alley was too dim for him to see anything, right? Yet here he is.

As if knowing he's being put under scrutiny by my gaze a smile spreads across his face and a hand runs through his black hair. "Might I say, you look very familiar." He walks closer, his hand falling to his side. With each step he takes closer to me it's another second I feel like my heart gets closer to leaping out of my chest. Even so, I don't stand down, I can't show my fear. "However; I guess that's to be expected, since we've met before and everything."

My hands ball into fists, nails cutting into my palms. "I don't know what you mean." I refuse to let this man scare me. I have witnessed the massacre of my people, of my mother. I will not let them down by letting this arrogant rich guy intimidate me.

The man's silver eyes seem to light up with the challenge I presented to him, a big contrast to his sun kissed face which radiates hatred. His smirk turns into laughter. Of amusement, delight? "Do you really think I don't know it was you? The runaway that owes me." He lifts a bandaged hand up to my hair and twirls a strand around my hair. "The one that bit me." It comes out almost like a growl, his gaze hardening.

"Don't touch me," that's all I can bring myself to say as I tilt my head away from his grip and taking a step back. His hand is extended mid-air, with a scoff he lets it fall to his side.

"You still deny you're the girl that bit me?" He glances at me and I nod. He rolls up the sleeve of his tux with a shake of his head. "Very well," for the first time, he looks away from me and to the camera. "Bring it in," the door is opened on his command and a soldier walks in with a bag. The silver eyed man takes the bandages wrapped around his hand and slowly unwraps them. "If you continue to deny the obvious that we both know I will have no choice but to force the truth on you." My breath comes out in shaky puffs.

"What do you plan on doing?" I question following the bandages all the way to the ground. When it completely piles up on the floor he speaks once more.

"Showing you the truth." I take a step back and he scoffs, shaking his head. "Try as you might you can't run away from the truth." He holds up the hand he unwrapped to show me the already healed over bite wound. It looks like it will stay there for a very long time, if not, forever. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for that.

"So," I lift up my chin, narrowing my gaze as I talk. "That bite mark could be anybody's, that proves nothing." He nods and claps his hands behind his back.

"You're right." I blink, shocked that he could agree with me. The silver man eyed man notices my shock and reveals his straighten teeth in a smile. "My apologies," the man rolls his cold eyes, a knowing smirk on his face, "actually, I brought you a gift, it's why I took so long." He takes the bag from the soldier who nervously glances between us before fleeing, lucky bastard. "Here," the man throws the bag at me, I barely catch it. Slowly, I open the bag, inside is a wig and everything Daniel packed for me. I didn't even realize I lost that stuff. My eyes widen as I reach in and pull out the sleeping medicine. "So you do remember?" He takes a step forward, our chests inches away.

"I...of course not." I look away and shove the stuff against his chest to push him away. He doesn't move an inch, a sly smile growing across his face. He lets the bag fall and kicks it out of the way.

"I think you do," he purrs, his eyes growing darker with each passing second. With each step the deranged man takes forward, I take another one back. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you want to know how I can tell you're lying?" My back hits the wall and traps me with his body, hands laying against the wall.

"I'm not lying."

"Oh, but of course you are," the man's nearly black eyes roam over my face, studying me before meeting my eyes. "Haven't you noticed the way your heartbeat picks up at my questions? The way you bite then lick your lips and look away before talking. You're an open book, slave. So why don't you just tell me the truth?" His fingers curl into my hair, I hold my breath, fear replacing any and every emotion. I don't say a word and he sighs, releasing me. "That's what I thought." He pushes away from me and checks the time. "Come on, it's time to go home, gattina." He turns his back to me and walks to the door.

"My home is destroyed," I spit out, anger and hated boiling up in my chest. How dare he call any place he takes me home. My home is gone because of people like him. Buying people, it's terrible. My hands ball into fists and he glances back at me.

"What?" He furrows his brow, a genuine look of shock on his face, or what seems to be genuine. Shit, I shouldn't have said anything.

"Nothing, forget I said anything, it's not like you would care anyway." The man does a full turn to face me. Stalking over to me, his hands grip my shoulders. My eyes widen and my heart hammers against my chest. This man is so scary, he gets angry so easily. I really need to start watching my tongue around him, but he irks me so much it's difficult to keep my opinions to myself.

"You don't know anything about me and you seem to forget I saved your life from those guards when I should have turned you in. So don't presume to know anything about me." He released me with a shove and I stumble away, my back hitting the wall.

"Then tell me," oh god what am I saying? Shut up, Zmiena, didn't you just decide you have to watch your tongue around this man? Why do you never listen to yourself?

"What?" The man asks, venom dripping from the very word making it seem more of a threat than a question. By the gods, I'm so dead.

"Tell me about yourself," I repeat, more firmly this time, nails digging into my palms as I talk.