
KvD: Your atypical Katz vs Dogs story

In a world locked in an eternal struggle between Katz and Dogs, one young boy finds himself caught in the crossfire. Meet Katsu, a determined soul on a quest to heal the pain within his heart amidst the horrors of war. Driven by a burning desire for revenge, Katsu treads a perilous path through the treacherous battlefield. His singular purpose: to reach the heart of the Katz Reich capital and avenge the lives of his parents. But in this journey of vengeance, he will face unimaginable challenges and confront the darkness that lurks within.

WritersBlocku · Militar
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25 Chs

9 A promise

Katsu then found himself waking up at the riverside, on a bench, his head on Vin's lap. The beautiful sunset illuminated the towers and buildings on the other side of the river. Realizing he was awake again, Katsu quickly sat upright, which startled Vin.

"Woah there! Ha-ha, are you alright?" Vin said while casually smiling and slouching.

"Wha-… ye- yes sir…" Katsu said with a confused look on his face. His appearance had changed; every time he had these bursts of energy, something changed in him.

"You passed out while we were going back to Bon's store. I had to carry you to a nearby clinic, but they said you're fine. So, I carried you here until you woke up."

"Oh, is that so? Thank you, and sorry about that."

"It's alright," Vin started to sit straight and looked at the sun to enjoy the view. "Something like this happened to you when we first met."

"Yeah…" Katsu started to do the same.

Vin started to put up a mildly serious face. Katsu knew it was going to be serious.

"You know Katsu, I see myself in you."

"Huh? Really?"

"We're practically the same. I've experienced the same thing you've experienced."

"Wait!? You mean-"

"Yes," he interjected. "I too was a village boy."

Just like you, I had a family, friends, and a happy life. Just like you, it was just a normal day, or so I thought. I still remember the warm sun on my face and the sound of children playing. Then, one day, everything changed.

My village was invaded, bombed, burnt, and destroyed. The sky turned red, and the sound of bombs echoed through the streets. I still remember the fear that I felt, the fear of the unknown. I tried to run, but it was too late.

My family was killed, trying to save me. I saw everything, Katsu. I saw their bodies lying on the ground, lifeless. I couldn't do anything. I was frozen.

Like you, I lost everything. I ran away as fast as I could, trying to escape the onslaught. I remember running through the forest, not knowing where I was going. I was lost and alone.

After days of wandering, I ended up in a city. I was alone, scared, and hungry. I slept next to rats and ate from trash cans. I was hopeless, Katsu. I thought I was going to die.

Until I was found by a gang. A young, enthusiastic man offered me to join his "Gang," and if I refused… I'd be killed. I accepted, I was taught their ways, which made me do things I didn't want to do. I robbed, killed, and did things that I'm not proud of. After a few years, I knew it was not right for me. I wanted to be free.

So, I left. But they didn't allow me. They threatened me and my family. Eventually, I talked them down on releasing me, but had to pay them a huge sum of money. Even now, that I'm not in that horrible gang anymore, I don't feel free. I'm still chained to them.

I've been free from them for 3 years now, and then I saw you. A barrel flowing down the river, at first thought, the barrel might be full of cash. So, that's when I met you.

"Katsu, I don't want you to be like me. You're still a kid, you have a future ahead, I don't want anything that happened to me to happen to you as well. Well, even if the invasions have stopped, and the cats have been pushed back. I have something to ask of you," Vin said with a serious tone.

Katsu's heart raced as he waited for Vin to continue.

"I'm not as young as you, I am bound to this city, I cannot do anything, but you, you can do something, do something like what I've done, don't let others experience the pain we went through. Promise me, to do this…" Vin's voice trailed off as he looked at Katsu with hopeful eyes.

Shocked by the revelation, Katsu felt a lump form in his throat. He took a deep breath and replied, "Yes, I promise. I will."

Vin smiled and stood up, stretching his arms. "It's getting late, let's go back."

Katsu nodded, feeling a sense of reassurance that he had made the right choice to stand up against the Kats. But the good feeling was short-lived.

As they walked, Katsu sensed that someone was following them. He looked at Vin, who appeared irritated and stressed. "Vin, what's wrong?" Katsu asked, concerned.

"They're here," Vin replied curtly, his eyes scanning the area.

"Who's here?" Katsu asked, feeling a sense of unease settle in the pit of his stomach.

Before Vin could answer, Katsu turned around and saw two men wearing hoods following them. "Vin, look!" Katsu exclaimed, pointing at the pursuers.

"Come now, we're taking a detour," Vin said, grabbing Katsu's arm and leading him into a nearby alleyway. The pursuers followed closely behind.

Vin's heart was pounding in his chest as they ran deeper into the alleyway. He could hear the footsteps of their pursuers getting closer and closer. He could feel the sweat running down his forehead and his breathing getting heavier.

Vin stopped abruptly, causing Katsu to nearly collide into him. Two people had cut them off, and they were now facing them with pellet guns aimed at them. The other two men who had chased them down had caught up and pulled out knives. They were surrounded.

Katsu's heart was racing as he looked around frantically for a way out. But there was no escape. They were trapped, and the men didn't look like they were there to negotiate.

End of chapter 9