
Kuroko no Basuke: The King's Shield

Hideki was reborn into the Kuroko no Basuke Universe and embraces his second chance at life as "The King's Shield", one of the Uncrowned Kings. Hideki's story is a journey that goes beyond the court, intertwining his mystical past, unyielding determination, and bright future to carve his legacy as a basketball prodigy.

Pel47 · Cómic
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62 Chs

Chapter 56 - Teiko’s Semi Finals and Finals Match

As the time passed, it was again the Nationals Finals season for the Middle School division, tickets are selling like hotdogs and it's price raised a little. 

Now Hideki was done practicing in the afternoon when he messaged Satsuki, "Hey Satsuki, I'm done with practice today, can I watch your games? I guess you have extra tickets given to players and managers?"

Satsuki took 5 minutes to reply, maybe due to being busy to check, learn and analyze the enemy team, she said "Hi Hidekin, I have an extra ticket here, you can take it." 

Hideki responded with enthusiasm, "Sweet! So what do you say let's meet up an hour and 30 minutes before your game?" Satsuki responded with a small reply, "Sure! I would love to!"


Later, the couple had met at a nearby mall as Satsuki has to buy a couple of things, such as finger tapes for Midorima and snacks for Murasakibara. So Hideki told her, "Sure let's buy those things, good thing you got me here so I can carry your baggage!" Satsuki told him, "Aww, that's sweet of you Hidekin! I really love you!" Hideki chuckled and said "I love you too Satsuki, so let's go and get those things while on a date." Satsuki nodded as they went to the sports section of the mall to buy the Teiko basketball team's necessities that day.

And a little while later they bought a bunch of the team's necessities that day and it was a really good thing that Hideki was there to help her carry the things. 

But now a little date comes after that.

Hideki decided to eat at a nearby cake shop that also serves drink as they already had breakfast earlier and lunch is after Teiko's game, so they decided to eat light. 

Hideki ordered a cherry shortcake for Momoi and a strawberry shortcake for him. 

As usual it was a sweet short cake break for Hideki and Momoi, the latter who needs to take a break from anything basketball. Not that she hates basketball but with everything that's going on with Teiko and the Generation of Miracles, surely she would be tired and worst burnt out with the whole GoM shitshow of me-ball. Hideki knows this, that's why when moments like this comes, he doesn't hesitate to meet up with Satsuki and have a date, even if the said date is short due to basketball responsibilities, he doesn't mind this as he is a player too and also devoted to the said sport.

As they are at the confectionery, Momoi put out her English textbook, as there was an assignment and it needs to be done 2 days after the Championship game.

Hideki saw this and said "Oh English?" Momoi nodded and said "I have a homework needed to be done and this is long, so I need to get it done." Hideki said "Oh, okay, want me to help you?" Momoi said, "Oh you don't have to really." Hideki chuckled and said "Oh Satsuki, don't forget English is in my genes! I'll help you with things you have difficulty with." Satsuki giggled and said "Okay sure, like this item #7 what does this sentence mean in Japanese?…" 


After that sweet short cake break and tutoring session, Momoi was called to Teiko to meet with the team and drop off the team's supplies. So Hideki still helped her to at least drop off the supplies at Teiko before going to the venue.

As they were walking, Hideki still continued to talk to Momoi about the materials she was studying about earlier.


At the front of Teiko gate, Akashi and Kuroko were waiting for Momoi, as they were the first ones to arrive, Kuroko quickly helped to get the things from Hideki as Hideki signalled him that this was their team's supplies.

Akashi talked to Hideki and said "We meet again Hideki." Hideki responded with a neutral tone "Yes we have again Akashi-san" Akashi thanked him (without bowing) "Thank you for helping Satsuki with our supplies." Hideki told Akashi, "Welcome I guess? Well I always help y girlfriend with what she does when I'm with her so no worries on that Akashi-san."

Akashi then said to them "Well let us be on our way, we still have to prepare for the matches." Hideki nodded at that and hugged Momoi before leaving to the game venue, Hideki then told Akashi "Well, Akashi-san I know you won't need it but I guess I have to say it." Akashi didn't respond to Hideki and looked at him as Hideki said "Good luck on the match I guess?"

Akashi just blankly said "Indeed, we do not need luck when we just go through them." He just meant literally steamroll their Semi-Finals and potential Finals opponents. Akashi then said, "However, thank you nonetheless for that comment though Hideki." Akashi reached out his hand and Hideki said "Yeah, well screw that, I think advanced congratulations is the right phrase." Akashi now smirked at Hideki's "humor" and said "Thank you, although you're not the first one to congratulate us in advance, as it is destined for us to win. I don't see anything letting us deviate us from that."

Hideki didn't bother to stroke his enormous ego more so he kissed Momoi's cheek and said "I'll see you later Satsuki. Bye." Hideki then left the front gate of Teiko towards the game venue.

Hello Everybody I'm back!

Thanks to the timely pay I got from my new work, I am now able to access again my personal Gmail.

It has been a wacky 3 months for me as I transferred to a new workplace and a new University to work for. Why I got out of my previous University? Travel + Dorm expenses was a big dent in my wallet. Here in my new University (my alma mater) there is no big Travel and Dorm expenses.

The downside in my new work is that since it is a private university (State Universities are government owned so meaning higher salary), this has a lower salary and not really good financial benefits in the long run.

But enough of that. Now I'm making this story again since I'm kind of comfortable now in work. Well way more comfortable since I know how sh1t works here.

Cheers to more chapters and more likely to finish the story.

PS. I'll do a bulk release this week with the usual schedule. (8PM Singapore Time, Monday to Thursday)

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