
Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

This story is being rewritten. All the chapters with (Edited) on them have already been rewritten and edited. I also advise all the old readers to go back and read it again. A lot of things have changed. ... What would happen if Shinji Koganei started playing basketball at a young age? Well, that's what we're discussing in this story. It is just that this Koganei has memories of his past life and improved physical talent. How would such a man fare against talented players like the generation of miracles, Shinichi Maki, Hisashi Mitsui, and Kenji Natsume? I guess we're about to find out.

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46 Chs

Winter Cup Finals. (8)

Bearing the brunt of Koganei's taunting, Aomine felt a surge of frustration that nearly caused him to retaliate physically. His fist clenched, and anger flashed in his eyes, ready to lash out at Koganei. However, the potentially explosive situation was defused as Mitobe and Damien swiftly interceded, forming a barrier between the agitated Aomine and the grinning provocateur.

Mitobe, with his towering presence, and Damien, with a stern expression, guided Aomine back to the bench, preventing the eruption of a heated confrontation. Aomine, seething with frustration, took measured breaths, attempting to rein in his emotions. As he settled onto the bench next to his teammates, the gravity of the situation weighed on him.

Reflecting on the encounter, Aomine couldn't help but admit the novelty of facing Koganei. The showdown with Sendoh during the semi-final had been enjoyable, but this was different. Aomine sensed a level of ingenuity and adaptability in Koganei that left him feeling outmaneuvered.

"He's got an answer for everything I throw at him," Aomine muttered under his breath, his words a testament to the formidable challenge posed by Koganei. Akashi, attuned to the nuances of the game, acknowledged Aomine's sentiment with a nod. The struggle they faced wasn't a result of sheer strength; it was Koganei's ability to counter every move they made against him. Whatever they did to stop him, Koganei responded with a versatility that left the Teiko team grappling with the unexpected.

As the anticipation lingered in the air, Momoi, armed with a pen and paper, burst forward with an exuberant shout, "I've cracked the code!"

Her sudden outburst jolted both players and coaching staff, prompting curious gazes in her direction. Undeterred by the surprised looks, Shirogane greeted Momoi's revelation with a patient smile, inviting her to share her newfound insights. "What did you discover?" inquired Shirogane, intrigued to see what their resident genius had unraveled amid the game.

"I've nailed down Koganei's attacking tendencies," Momoi declared, showcasing a meticulously detailed piece of paper outlining virtually every attempt Koganei had made at the basket during the game. With a sense of accomplishment, she elaborated, "After the first half, I had my suspicions, but now I'm completely certain about his attacking patterns." Standing before the attentive players, Momoi unveiled her findings.

"Most of the time, he leverages a ball screen to navigate through the defense. His exceptional court vision makes doubling him a challenge, but Akashi did an outstanding job countering that while defending. Your defensive stops were crucial in bringing these patterns to light. However, it's worth noting that relying solely on this type of defense may not always be foolproof against him," Momoi explained, acknowledging Akashi's pivotal role in helping her unravel Koganei's strategies. 

Aomine, unable to contain his impatience, interjected, "Just spill it out and skip the theatrics." His straightforward request elicited a few chuckles from teammates who shared his sentiment. With only a minute and thirty seconds on the clock, time was of the essence.

Momoi, slightly exasperated by Aomine's brashness, rolled her eyes and got straight to the point. "When Koganei drives through the middle, he aims to finish at the rim. On the other hand, if he takes the baseline, he's eyeing a mid-range shot in that vicinity. It seems to be his sweet spot, given that most of his successful mid-range shots originate from those areas," she elucidated, allowing the team a moment to digest her findings.

Akashi and Aomine, the primary defenders against Koganei, found her observations resonating with their experiences on the court. However, the challenge remained in devising a strategy to prevent Koganei from executing his plans, particularly considering his adept use of ball screens.

Noticing their perplexity, Momoi pressed on, "Understanding his tendencies gives us an edge in predicting his moves. The real puzzle is figuring out how to thwart his intentions." She segued into the next phase, retrieving another sheet of paper from her folder, ready to unfold the next layer of her analysis.

"We don't need to focus on preventing the ball screen. What we do after he uses it is what we need to consider. So, let's strategically position players and be ready to double-team him at a moment's notice, similar to how they've been handling Daiki on the defensive end. Shintaro or Ryota should always be in the corners when he emerges from a screen, ready to contest the shot after he drives along the baseline. Atsushi needs to hover around the three-second zone while paying attention to Mitobe pulling him away from the basket whenever Koganei aims for a lay-up," Momoi explained, eyes on Shirogane, awaiting his approval.

With a smile, Shirogane affirmed her strategy and turned to address the players. "Let's implement that for the next few minutes. Also, Midorima, take a break and let Kise step in," he directed, receiving a nod of agreement from Midorima.

Turning his attention to Tooru, Shirogane continued, "You don't need to bring the ball up; let Aomine handle that. Akashi will be joining in shortly, so that won't be an issue. Just ensure you're ready to take the shot when a teammate faces a double-team." Tooru, though reluctant, nodded, recognizing his role in the team dynamics.

Shirogane then called Murasakibara's name. "Since Nijimura isn't available, you'll play the entire remaining quarter. I hope you're not too fatigued," he remarked. Murasakibara, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, shook his head dismissively. "Not at all. Their center didn't pose much of a challenge. Too weak to defend me one-on-one or make independent attacks," he responded, eliciting a chuckle from Shirogane.

"That's accurate," Shirogane affirmed before adopting a more serious tone. "I need you to be more involved in our offense, though. When Aomine brings the ball up the court, he'll pass it to you in the high post. If they double-team, leverage your height to survey the court and pass to the open man. Otherwise, take the initiative to attack. I understand you might be reluctant to pass the ball since you prefer holding it yourself, but if we want to secure the win, that's what you need to do," Shirogane concluded, smiling after Murasakibara reluctantly nodded.

In Teiko, every player boasted exceptional talent and desired to be the focal point of the team's attacks. Consequently, their stat lines, including Nijimura's, were nearly identical in every game. However, their plays were straightforward. Besides some orchestrated movements, most actions were completed within two passes. Otherwise, they relied on isolation plays to secure victories, showcasing the individual prowess of each player. Even Midorima, renowned for his shooting, could create enough space independently against most defenders at this level.

A few moments later, the game resumed with Aomine receiving the inbound and dribbling up the court. Despite the taunting expression on Koganei's face, Aomine resisted the urge to call for an isolation play and opted to follow the coach's instructions. He passed the ball to Murasakibara, stationed in the high post.

With the ball in his hands and Mitobe in a defensive position, Murasakibara surveyed the court. Koganei, marking Aomine, and Damien, guarding Kise, refrained from double-teaming him due to the threat of their sharpshooting matchups. Kotaro and Tomori, being relatively smaller players, were unable to offer effective help by doubling a big player like Murasakibara.

Wearing a slight grin, Murasakibara initiated a post-up against Mitobe, beginning to back him down. Despite his perpetual air of indifference, Murasakibara found great joy in scoring. If given the chance, he would seize every opportunity to add points to the scoreboard.

Nevertheless, all members of the Generation of Miracles and Nijimura shared a similar disposition, making it inevitable for Murasakibara to distribute the ball. Despite this, in moments like the present one, he couldn't help but feel an intense thrill, especially when facing a formidable defender. This sentiment was particularly true when playing against Teppei Kiyoshi, although he would never openly admit it.

Utilizing only three dribbles, Murasakibara backed Mitobe down to the low post. He subtly lowered his left shoulder, indicating a potential turnaround shot and prompting Mitobe to adjust his defensive stance. However, with a sudden turn in the opposite direction, Murasakibara took a step and emphatically slammed the ball through the basket with both hands.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Teiko's center silently retreated to his backcourt.

Koganei offered words of reassurance to his teammate and best friend before taking the inbound pass from him. Dribbling the ball up the court, he signaled for a screen, and Mitobe provided a robust one. Taking advantage of the screen, Koganei drove through the middle, with Aomine trailing closely behind.

Confident that he could score with Murasakibara out of the paint, Koganei made contact with Aomine on the ground and prepared to release the ball for a layup. However, just as he released the ball, a sudden instinct urged him to move aside. Despite the belated attempt to evade, two large hands forcefully pinned the ball to the backboard before it could reach the basket. In the process, Murasakibara collided with Koganei mid-air, sending the latter sprawling to the ground.

The referee remained unmoved as audible gasps filled the gym. Even Anzai and Yoshimune were on their feet, taken aback by the unexpectedly forceful block. While the players on the court grappled with their astonishment, Murasakibara threw the ball to Yuuki's backcourt. Aomine, already positioned there, caught the ball and effortlessly scored a layup, leveling the score at 76 all with less than six minutes remaining before the end of the game.

As soon as the ball was scored, Kimura called for a timeout, putting a halt to Teiko's building momentum.


As Yuuki returned to the bench, their spirits were somewhat deflated. They had anticipated a reaction from Teiko after taking the lead, but the intensity of the response caught them off guard.

Huddled around Kimura, who wore a serious expression, the players listened intently. "Kotaro, take a seat for a while. We need to reinforce our defense since their captain might be subbed in after this timeout," Kimura declared, earning a reluctant nod from Kotaro before shifting his gaze to the team captain.

"Hideki, I need you to control the ball," he said, surprising Hideki. Without allowing a response, Kimura continued, "They're targeting Koganei, so he needs to move around and find ways to score without the ball in his hands. If you see someone else with a better chance at scoring, pass it to them," he finished, looking at both Hideki and Koganei.

Koganei nodded, adding, "Getting to the rim will be impossible with Murasakibara fired up like this. I'll stay around the perimeter and stretch the floor. At least, two people will pay attention to me, opening up opportunities for the others." Kimura and the team members nodded in agreement.

"You can do that. If they slightly ignore you, Hideki will find you," Kimura said, addressing Hideki, who nodded. "They won't dare ignore him entirely at this point. He's our primary offensive threat. Still, I will keep an eye on it," Hideki added.

Kimura redirected his attention to Tomori and Damien as the plan took shape.

"I appreciate your defensive efforts on the court; you're doing a great job. However, to secure the win, we need to convert on the offensive end," Kimura began, pointing at Damien, who listened attentively.

"Your performance in the post has been excellent. Hideki and Koganei will help you find mismatch opportunities; make sure to capitalize on them," he said, directing his gaze to Tomori before continuing.

"As our shooting guard, Tomori, exploits openings in the paint with timely cuts. Mitobe will draw Murasakibara away from that area, so take advantage of the space," he advised, then turned his attention to the rest of the players.

"The same principle applies to all of you. Avoid staying static; be proactive. There's less than six minutes left in the game. Let's hustle and secure this victory," he concluded, motivating his players as the game prepared to resume.


The game recommenced with Hideki dribbling the ball up the court. Faced with Kise's persistent defense, he signaled for a play, prompting coordinated movements from the Yuuki players. Koganei and Tomori, positioned on opposite wings, executed a baseline cut, with Tomori setting a screen to free up Koganei.

Taking advantage of Mitobe's screen, Hideki maneuvered around Kise, driving to the high post, Murasakibara standing in front of him. From there, he delivered a precise pass to Koganei on the wing, avoiding confronting a fired-up Murasakibara. Akashi, who had replaced Tooru, closed in on Koganei, applying intense pressure and not allowing him space to shoot the ball.

Undeterred, Koganei protected the ball against Akashi's quick attempts to steal. Assessing the situation, he spotted Damien, who promptly set a robust screen this time. Using the screen, Koganei accelerated toward the basket, encountering Aomine and Akashi in his path.

Unfazed, Koganei executed a well-timed bounce pass to Damien, cutting to the basket after the screen. Aware of Murasakibara's impending defense, Damien opted for a mid-range shot from the short corner. Aomine attempted a belated contest, but the ball bounced off the backboard and smoothly entered the hoop.

With this successful play, Yuuki Junior High reclaimed the lead with approximately five minutes left in the game. 

Akashi, freshly subbed into the game, received the inbound pass from his Center and smoothly advanced up the court with the ball. Koganei, opting not to exert unnecessary energy, refrained from applying full-court pressure, unlike the strategy employed against Tooru earlier. Nevertheless, as Akashi crossed the half-court line, Koganei assumed his defensive stance, prepared for any defensive challenges.

Surveying the court, Akashi found no apparent defensive vulnerabilities to exploit. Tomori, the lone substitute on the court for Yuuki alongside Damien, had previously served as the starting small forward and a formidable defender alongside Hideki. As a result, Akashi recognized that Tomori was not a defensive loophole for Teiko to exploit.

Keen on making swift decisions, Akashi opted for a lob pass to Murasakibara, stationed at the low post. Given that every other player on Teiko's roster was a proficient shooter, doubling Murasakibara became a problem. They couldn't let Mitobe, who had suffered the whole game in single coverage against such a menace. So, Tomori left Masaya in the corner to provide the double-team as Murasakibara initiated a backdown against Mitobe.

Upon reaching the low post and sensing the impending double-team, Teiko's agile center swiftly kicked the ball out to Masaya in the corner. The pass, however, revealed the teenager's limited practice in this particular skill. Despite the less-than-ideal pass, Masaya gathered himself for the shot.

Before he could release the ball, Koganei, sprinting from the top of the key to the corner, closed in on Masaya. Recognizing Koganei's defensive presence, Masaya hastily redirected the ball to Akashi, who had positioned himself on the wing. As Akashi secured the ball, Tomori swiftly took over defensive duties, seamlessly stepping into Koganei's place.

Undeterred, Akashi promptly initiated a drive against Tomori. The latter, displaying remarkable agility, managed to stay in lockstep with Akashi as they approached the free-throw line. Akashi, employing a snappy behind-the-back dribble, momentarily halted Tomori's progress, only to follow up with a quick spin move that left Tomori trailing.

With both Mitobe and Damien effectively blocked by Murasakibara and Aomine, Akashi capitalized on the opening and effortlessly scored a layup.

The game was deadlocked at 78, and possession belonged to Yuuki Junior High. Hideki advanced with the ball, attempting to orchestrate a play, but Teiko's defensive pressure surged, prompting a quick adjustment in their offensive strategy. With the shot clock ticking down to ten seconds, Hideki signaled for a screen.

Using the screen, he aimed to penetrate the defense, yet Kise, having experienced numerous screens during this game, anticipated the move and managed to stick with Hideki as they headed toward the basket. Murasakibara positioned himself in the low post, ready to thwart Hideki's drive, and the other Teiko players held their ground, trusting their towering center to make a defensive stand.

Arriving at the free-throw line, Hideki found himself in a dilemma. However, a quick glimpse to the side revealed Koganei's movement. Utilizing his strength to create separation from Akashi, Koganei sprinted from the corner to the wing. Seizing the opportunity, Hideki delivered the pass. Although Akashi attempted to intercept, he narrowly missed, momentarily shifting out of position.

Capitalizing on this opening, Koganei charged towards the basket along the baseline. As he reached the short corner and prepared for a shot, the towering figure of Murasakibara loomed in front of him, obstructing his view of the basket. Faced with limited time on the possession clock and Akashi's recovery, Koganei launched the ball towards the hoop, aiming high to evade Murasakibara's reach. Despite the effort, the ball bounced out, and Aomine secured the crucial rebound.

Seizing the ball, he dashed swiftly toward Yuuki's defensive zone, initiating a rapid offensive play. Hideki and Tomori, stationed on the perimeter, hustled back to impede Aomine's scoring attempt.

Approaching the basket, Hideki attempted to intercept him by heading straight for the hoop. Aomine, coming in from the wing, recognized the move but found himself unable to exploit the opening due to Tomori's proximity. Undeterred, Aomine skillfully evaded Tomori and continued his drive. As he neared the low post, Hideki aggressively reached in, compelling Aomine to halt his advance.

Having maneuvered the ball away from Hideki, Aomine executed a slick behind-the-back dribble, creating valuable space for a shot. However, just as he prepared to release the ball, Tomori executed a determined dive, swatting it out of Aomine's grasp.

The crowd, electrified by such intense action, erupted in cheers for Tomori and the Yuuki Junior High team. Even Coach Anzai, known for his appreciation of solid defense, leaped to his feet, enthusiastically applauding Tomori's relentless effort.

"Do you witness this kind of play every day?" she asked, a playful laugh escaping her lips, echoed by Yoshimune. Nevertheless, Yoshimune leaned in towards the microphone, responding with a smirk.

"Certainly not an everyday occurrence. But when it's a team under Kimura's coaching, surprises are to be expected," Yoshimune added, observing as Hideki swiftly picked up the loose ball and embarked on another rapid dribble up the court.

Crossing into the frontcourt, Hideki spotted Damien being marked by Masaya, with Aomine yet to return to defend. Seizing the opportunity, he zipped the ball to Damien in the corner. Damien, utilizing a quick jab-step and his impressive speed, maneuvered past Masaya along the baseline. As they neared the paint, Murasakibara emerged from the opposite short corner, poised to challenge Damien in mid-air. However, Yuuki's player had a different strategy in mind.

Executing a rapid pass, Damien fed the ball to Hideki, who exploited Kise's momentary lapse in defense to cut through the middle toward the basket. Catching the pass, Hideki leaped and executed a layup. Kise, attempting to recover, leaped from behind to block the shot, but Hideki intentionally placed the ball higher than usual, anticipating his defender's recovery attempt.

Yuuki surged ahead once more, reclaiming the lead as they shifted back to defense. Jogging back to his backcourt, Koganei approached Tomori with palpable excitement, initiating a spirited high-five before the two engaged in a celebratory chest bump.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Koganei exclaimed, his face alive with enthusiasm, a rare sight given how long it had been since he felt such excitement.

"That's nothing! That's nothing!" responded the undeterred Tomori, their exchange brief before both players swiftly returned to their defensive assignments, gearing up to face Teiko's offensive push.

Tomori, a defensively-focused forward who could also slot into the shooting guard position, typically played a limited offensive role, especially against formidable defenders. Yet, on the defensive end, he assumed the role of a leader. While not reaching the defensive prowess of Hideki and Koganei, Tomori thrived on energy. The more the crowd and his teammates fueled him with enthusiasm, the more effective and dynamic he became on the defensive side of the court.

This was evident moments later when Akashi attempted to exploit a defensive switch onto Tomori. Employing his exceptional ball-handling skills, Akashi endeavored to maneuver around Tomori. However, the tenacious forward clung to Akashi's side, denying any space for a drive or shot, all the while unleashing roars of 'Yeah!' directly into the face of Teiko's captain.

As Tomori intensified his defensive battle with Akashi, the crowd's roars and cheers grew louder, fueling his enthusiasm and elevating his defensive intensity. Despite Tomori's relentless efforts, Akashi skillfully drew a foul, earning himself two free throws. The infraction occurred as Tomori sought to thwart Akashi's attempt at a layup under his tenacious defense.

Nonetheless, Koganei and Hideki high-fived the excited Tomori and stopped him from protesting the referee's call. They didn't want to lose such an asset at this time of the game. 

With just three minutes left on the clock, Akashi successfully converted both free throws, leveling the score once more.

The intensity of the game persisted as Midorima subbed in for Masaya, and Asuma replaced Damien; Yuuki strategically aimed to counter Teiko's offensive rebounding with added height.

Over the next two and a half minutes, both teams showcased the pinnacle of their abilities, delivering performances that marked the zenith of their young basketball careers. As Shirogane called for a timeout, the score stood deadlocked at 84. Murasakibara and Kise contributed crucial baskets for Teiko, while Hideki and Asuma answered with significant points for Yuuki.

With only a minute and thirty seconds, the time-out ended as the players swiftly returned to the court. Each coach retained a timeout, offering them opportunities to halt the game if necessary. The suspense hung thick in the air as the teams prepared for the thrilling climax of this closely contested match.

With only 45 seconds remaining in the game, Teiko gained possession and methodically dribbled the ball up the court. Akashi, displaying composure, resisted the urge to hastily shoot, orchestrating passes until a mere 10 seconds remaining on the possession clock. Aomine received the ball on the wing, and in a burst of acceleration, zipped past Asuma. The determined Asuma, however, maintained tight coverage on Teiko's star player. Sensing Mitobe rushing in to support Asuma, Aomine abruptly halted, executed a quick turn, and released a fade-away shot, scoring the ball and helping his team take the lead. The crowd cheered and clapped at the high-level move.

Still, the game was far from over.

With just 31 seconds left, Koganei seized control of the ball and swiftly dribbled it up the court. In contrast to Teiko's deliberate approach, Yuuki aimed for a rapid offensive to secure the last possession. Upon reaching the frontcourt, Koganei maneuvered to the wing and signaled for a screen. Mitobe promptly set a robust pick, affording Koganei the space to drive along the baseline. However, as he initiated his move, he encountered Murasakibara blocking his path.

Fearing an imminent double team, Koganei promptly retreated beyond the three-point line. To his surprise, he spotted an open lane through the middle since Murasakibara had vacated the paint. Seizing the opportunity, Koganei drove past Akashi, who shadowed him. As they approached the three-point line, Aomine, stationed near the high post, rushed in for a double team. Recognizing the defensive maneuver, Koganei executed a nimble spin move, evading Akashi before launching a shot over him.

*Sound of somebody whistling*

While the ball was in mid-air, the referee's whistle pierced the moment, signaling a foul as Akashi inadvertently used his hands to nudge Koganei. While unintentional, the call was made just as the ball descended toward the basket. The crowd erupted in exaggerated cheers as the shot found its mark.

Tomori hurriedly dashed to Koganei, extending a helping hand as Koganei hit the floor due to Akashi's subtle push. The rest of the players on the court joined the celebration, circling around Koganei, offering congratulatory slaps on the back and playful taps on the face.

The referee intervened, restoring order among the jubilant players. Koganei, now at the free-throw line, received the ball from the official. With a deep breath, he dribbled twice, finding his rhythm before launching the ball high into the air. The ball traced a perfect arc, descending through the hoop, granting Yuuki a one-point lead with a mere 21 seconds remaining in the game. The stadium buzzed with anticipation for the thrilling conclusion.

Akashi, the maestro of the court, took control of the ball and initiated a deliberate advance. Employing three precise passes to milk the clock, the ball eventually found its way back into Akashi's hands with a mere 6 seconds left.

Executing a fluid between-the-legs dribble move, Akashi made his move, attempting to drive past Koganei. Yet, Koganei's agility proved formidable as he shadowed Akashi's every step. Just when it seemed Akashi might overpower him, the Teiko captain abruptly came to a halt after a single step, deftly dribbled the ball behind his back, and seamlessly transitioned into a step-back, unleashing a long mid-range shot.

The ball sailed through the air with precision, finding its mark as it gracefully dropped through the basket's net. The crowd erupted into a new wave of cheers, the roar echoing through the stadium. The clock now showed a mere 2 seconds remaining before the end of the game. In response to the electrifying turn of events, Kimura swiftly called for a timeout, setting the stage for a dramatic and decisive conclusion to this intense matchup.

The usually calm Akashi turned around and loudly screamed, the crowd reacting to his excitement with louder cheers as it felt like the stadium was shaking. 

Sensing a palpable heaviness in the air, Haruno Koganei felt a twinge in his heart as he watched Shinji and his teammates make their way back to the bench, many of them lowering their heads in disappointment. Just as the threat of tears loomed, Tsuji gently grasped Koganei's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't let the negativity show. This is the moment they need us the most, so let's keep cheering," Tsuji encouraged. Before the emotions could fully surface, a powerful voice resonated from one section of the stands, slicing through the jubilant cheers of Teiko Junior High fans. The voice demanded attention.

"Who are we?" the voice thundered, momentarily drowning out the surrounding noise. In unison, the fans who had been ardently supporting Yuuki Junior High responded with unwavering unity.

"Yuuki Junior High!"

"Who the heck are we?" the voice persisted, its volume increasing. Some wondered if a speaker enhanced the resonating sound.

Yet, the response from the Yuuki fans and even many neutrals grew louder and more resolute. "Yuuki Junior High!"

The mysterious voice continued its rallying cry. "Lift your heads, and let's close this game out!" The unexpected pep talk sparked an eruption of cheers as Yuuki fans, and even some neutrals, found renewed excitement and determination in the face of adversity.

Upon hearing the resonant voice, a warm smile graced Kimura's face as he addressed his players. "That's the first captain this team ever had under my guidance. He's currently a college basketball player," Kimura revealed, the affection in his voice unmistakable.

Though the source of the voice remained elusive, its impact was felt by everyone. Surprised yet reassured by the presence of their senior, the players absorbed the encouragement.

Kimura, having taken the reins of the team as its coach, transformed it from relative obscurity in the Tokyo area to a nationally recognized force within five years. Despite the remarkable progress, Yuuki had yet to secure any trophies in its history. Consequently, whenever the team reached the finals, a multitude of former players and students would gather to witness the game.

Now, thanks to the rallying words of their college-playing predecessor, the current players shed their initial timidity. Empowered by the words of their senior, they faced the remaining moments of the game with newfound confidence.

Observing their focused demeanor, Kimura swiftly outlined the play he envisioned for the critical seconds ahead. With mere two seconds on the clock, the challenge was clear — how to orchestrate a shot within this tight timeframe. Yet, there was no doubt in anyone's mind, from Teiko players to Yuuki players and the spectators both in the stands and at home — Koganei would be the one to take that shot.

Ever since his buzzer-beater against Seki Junior High, the responsibility of these crucial moments belonged to Koganei.

The timeout concluded swiftly, and the players stepped onto the court, positioning themselves to execute their coach's plan. Koganei took his place on the wing with Akashi monitoring every move. As the referee handed the ball to Mitobe, signaling the start of the play, the players sprang into motion.

Executing a deceptive move, Koganei initially mimicked his previous actions, prompting Akashi to respond accordingly. However, in a sudden twist, Koganei pivoted and sprinted to the corner, with Asuma setting a well-timed screen as Akashi turned to pursue.

Catching the ball, Koganei had no luxury for dribbles as Aomine and Murasakibara closed in with rapid intensity.

"Stop him!" Akashi commanded, and both Teiko players leaped, vehemently contesting the shot. The ball soared through the air, and the crowd collectively held its breath. In their eyes, time seemed to slow as the ball reached the rim, rattling around before cruelly bouncing out, hitting the ground as the buzzer sounded.

With that, the game concluded, and Teiko emerged victorious, leaving their mark as the first team to ever win the Junior High Winter Cup three times in a row. 




______________ (End of Volume 1) _________________




AN__: I've gone through numerous revisions for this chapter, and when I say numerous, I mean a significant amount. That's the reason for the considerable delay in its release. I've written multiple endings to this chapter, none of which seemed to satisfy me entirely. Even with this one, I'm not entirely content, but it's time to post it since it's been a considerable hiatus since the last chapter.

If some of you have grown tired of this ongoing game, I want to assure you that it has finally reached its conclusion.

Regarding the outcome of Yuuki Junior High winning this game, I initially leaned towards that direction. However, upon reflection, it became clear that such a victory wouldn't align with the narrative logic. Moreover, I needed an opportunity to foster growth and maturity in both Mitobe and Damien as players because they will be important characters even in the professional stages. While I might not be entirely satisfied with the outcome, I've come to accept it.

I hope you, the readers, found enjoyment in this chapter. The upcoming volume will delve into the high school era, and I anticipate it to be a long one. I kindly ask for your patience and continued readership as I craft and share this next phase of the novel. Thank you for your presence, and I genuinely hope you find pleasure in the unfolding narrative.

This is the link to the discord server I started. If you are interested, you're welcome. 

Link: https://discord.gg/2Vf9q93c