
Kurokawa clan

A boy down on his luck is reborn in the world of naruto only a few years from the founding of Konoha, will he be read https://www.patreon .com/lunático1995

Luna1995 · Cómic
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18 Chs

The Battle of Kora

The commander of the samurai division was Iku Ryu, whom I did not know, but from the name I was sure he was a high member of the Ryu clan.

Lord Kano commanded the ninja division, and for now we had no position on the battlefield, we just had to be aware of the movements of the enemy ninja and go to counter them.

Their quantity was greater than us, and their quality if there were no surprises should be less.

Now I was on the branch of a tree at my side was Yori while Kento was hidden on another branch above my head, in case someone chose us as their target he would take care of the surprise attack.

The sound around me was thunderous, the crisp sound of clashing metals and explosions from time to time surrounded me.

The samurai were the ones dominating the sight, and blood was already starting to puddle everywhere, but even though they were allies I should not waste my skills on them.

In the sector where I was, there were only thirty ninjas of the clan, the rest were enemies, we were at a numerical disadvantage, even so the enemy ninjas did not take any tactical advantage.

Until a guy appeared with a red armor, and long hair tied up, his strength was superior to the rest of his companions.

I concentrated on him and his movements.

Aki: "Yori, Kento the guy in red armor fighting Ohara."

Kento: "Yeah, he seems to be a decent ninja, what do you want to do?"

He knew what I was thinking about, we already knew each other but he wanted me to say it.

Aki: "Prevent injuries."

Kento: "That wasn't within your duties, but if you don't say anything I won't say anything."

He wanted to do it as much as I did

Aki: "fine, let's go"

We jumped out of the tree to intercept Ohara who was in a stalemate.

While the enemy didn't see me I summoned my sword and when I was at his back I released the Pressure Damage Jutsu, air currents gathered at his position and a few seconds later he exploded.

That ninja was too capable to be eliminated with a single move.

He appeared a few meters behind his position, he looked serious, he was aware of his own strength.

Ninja: "Looks like it won't be a fair fight."

He said it with a rather fake indignation

Kento: "It's a war, forget about fairness."

Kendo moved in his direction and their kunais collided, Kento was rejected with a kick and had to retreat.

I took advantage of the situation and moved behind the ninja to hit him with my sword, but when it went through his body he turned to water.

It seems that the enemy is a good Suiton user, that's a B rank skill.

I detected him a few meters back from his last position, I was waiting for some opportunity to generate a counter attack, which of course I didn't hit him.

Since he was the closest, I took it upon myself to lead the frontal confrontation, my longer sword gave me the advantage over him, who only had two long knives as main weapons.

His strength was already failing him, he had to take care of resisting my blows and also dodge Ohara's blows , Kento had to slow down the advance of other ninjas towards our confrontation.

Then I lunged at him and before I managed to pierce his shoulder he was able to withdraw it, and saw an entrance, he swung his knife in the direction of my stomach, but before it impacted I stepped back and my sword cleanly cut his upper abdomen.

Blood began to gush out and he and I realized it was all over.

Aki: "What's your name ninja?"

Jiro Ichi: " Jiro, from the Ichi clan, apparently the Kurokawa-ryu clan .... I was as strong as they claimed I was defeated by a mere child".

This seemed like an insult, but he was kind of disappointed in himself

Aki: "Rest ninja, you fought well, unfortunately I'm not a common child."

Jiro closed his eyes and didn't open them again, his breathing died down a little later along with his heartbeat.

I was unfocused by the recent events and I knew that it could kill me, I decided to retreat back to a position among the trees.

I just took a life and the feeling was horrible.

Yori: "You are needed, there is a wounded ninja."

Unfortunately the battlefield won't give you a chance to think carefully.

Aki: "Take me there."

The wounded was a sixteen year old ninja I knew little in the village, he had a kunai pierced in his abdomen, and the blood was gushing, I needed to stop it.

Aki: "Hold him still."

As Yori held him down and two other ninjas protected us, I applied the Mystic Palm Jutsu on the wound, large amounts of Yang Chakra began to close and rebuild the broken muscles, but I didn't feel his vitality improve.

It could only mean that he had a damaged organ, from the position of the wound probably the intestines, Normally it's a hopeless case, but not for me.

I released my Chakra back into the wound, and started to mentally perceive the organs with the help of the Chakra I introduced into his body, I perceived each section of his intestine in my mind until I found the wound, now it was easier as I closed it by directing the Chakra at that point.

The massive external Chakra flow did not damage his body, but it did leave the ninja unconscious, at least for a few hours, so a clan mate held him and removed him from the field.

I was not tired, but I was aware that I had spent significant reserves of Chakra, I had to avoid going into combat for a few minutes and if possible wait a few more minutes to make an intervention so complex on the battlefield.

Kento: "Aki, we have a wounded man here!"

Another cry of urgency pulled me out of my thoughts of rest that will not be possible for now.


I was in the camp, the battle dragged on for three hours and I managed to deplete my Chakra reserves during that time.

I had intervened to save twelve clan ninja, four of whom needed emergency surgery in the field.

And without realizing it in the work of saving people I had traversed the entire battlefield from end to end.

The lost ones of the clan were four ninjas, young, none of them over fifteen years old.

Lord Kano was in charge of cremating the bodies, for although it was not customary to do so, he correctly believed that it was better to do so than to leave them in a place where enemy clans could get hold of them.

Some clans should be able to get secrets out of the bodies although I am not sure which ones, it was not something I remembered from this world.

Anyway I decided, to enter the medical tent which was now filled with unconscious ninjas who needed operations and others who required to be cooked for superficial wounds.

I really wished I had Dr. Mori to help me, but he was requested by the Ryu Clan to head the medical center of the central camp, as he was the best in non-chakra operations.

The Ryu clan did not know about me, otherwise they would have pressed to take me to the main camp, but Lord Kano knew how far he had to protect the interests of the clan and how far those of the Kora city.

The losses among the samurai were numerous, they must have lost about two hundred warriors out of the thousand or so they brought.

But the enemy also suffered many casualties, as the enemy ninjas were defeated in the first two hours, the rest of the time the clan members focused on attacking the enemy samurai.

I estimate that they must be around four or five hundred soldiers, but I don't think it will be a problem for any side the losses of these warriors.

The war has just begun and the troops here should be considered as an advance, right now Igi and Kora should be recruiting and training more warriors, they should also be hiring some experienced ones.

Same with the River cities alliance, they should have many more troops and some important ninja clans in their zone of influence, right now they should just be gathering information and testing forces.

This will only get worse in the future.