
Kunoichi Yoruichi

What would you do if you lost your PP privileges? would you become an Eunuch or would you become a woman. Me, I would chose to become the best women in existence and I would destroy anyone’s balls that try to say otherwise. I would explore worlds, defeat my enemies, and creat a Yuri harem, but luckily or sadly that won’t ever happen to me… right? ___________________________ Yo new Arthur hear, I’m trying this out as a hobby because growing up I had a very big imagination and I always have these moments in life where I’m having thoughts like what if this happens or what if he never did that? so here I’m just bringing some of my imaginations to life. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE, but I suck at it (I will try my best though) I don’t own the cover art, if it’s yours you can let me know I will take it down. you could expect 1 chapter every Friday at 9:00am PST(1 chapter a week,6000+ words guarantee) ___________________________ All rights are owned by there representative owners. I don’t own any characters or verse other then my own OC’s!!!

Beat_Man · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

I’m Her

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo what's good. This chapter will have a small time skip because I don't think anyone wants to read the same "oh I'm born and can't do anything except drink milk from tit and cry" bullshit.

Also FYI the next couple chapters are mostly going to be about the MC and her relationships with others. There will also be some light training, and most importantly The MC will try to figure out her ability's that she got from her wishes.

Anyway same thing if you have any questions or concerns ask them right here and I will try to get to them as soon as possible. If there's nothing else enjoy your Chapter.


(Couple hours after the birth) 2/08/49 Sarutobi Hiruzen POV

'*Sigh*… I need a replacement soon.' Was the constant thought that played in my mind, as I continued to stamp paperwork that needed to be done today. That is if I wanted to go home, and give some attention to my recently pregnant wife.

While Thinking about my wife and how she became pregnant again, I managed to stumbled upon a birth report of someone that I've had on my mind for quite some time already.

"Yoruichi Shihouin hmmm… could she be her?"

I pondered as I remembered what my student had told me after getting back from Mount Myōboku.

(About 9 months ago)(5/09/48)

I was sitting in my office, working on paperwork when out of nowhere Jiraiya comes rushing in through the main door.

"Sensei you called." He spoke with seriousness, as Tsunade must of told him that I requested him to come as fast as possible.

"Yes, I called you regarding the girl you recently brought back Yuzuriha Shihouin." I picked up my pipe, lighting it with chakra.

"???" He looked confused probably wondering why I would call him over just to talk about a girl, although he seemed not to mind…

It wasn't until I told him about what she has told me that he finally understood why I called for him.

After I finished my recollection of what she said and speaking my concerns, I quickly noticed his eyes widening.

"Can they be related…" he muttered under his breath.

He looks back to my eyes after that as he was in deep thought.

"Sensei when I was reversed summoned I had a talk with the Great Toad Sage…He spoke about changes of faith that I think may be related to what you spoke about."

I give him the floor as I narrowed my eyes to make sure I remembered every word that comes out of his mouth.

"He said he had a vision of a great end. But whether a good or bad ending he doesn't know. He also spoke about some key figures in that vision, there are my two students one of peace and one of pain, a new born goddess, many type of rabbit people, ohh and a tree."



"… a tree?" I looked at my student with an eye brow raised from confusion.

"Yea… I dont really understand that part either. Or any of it really, I mean-…"

I let my student rant as I was busy thinking of the connections with these two visions that have recently been brought up to my attention.

After some thought I came to a conclusion that I dont really see a connection other than Yuzuriha and the goddess both being female.

'Could Yuzuriha be a goddess? …No if she was then she wouldn't have let that happen to her. Wait what if she became pregnant from her experience and she birthed a goddess?the prophecy did say new born…'

But after some thought I denied it as mortals can't give birth to gods.

'But if they can, then I will have to make sure that the baby she births will lead the village towards a better end.'

(2/10/49 13:00) Tsunade POV

I was making my way to the Hokage's tower with Jiraiya, after we had successfully completed our mission.

"Seriously Jiraiya, do you have to flirt with our clients every single time they have a pair of tits?"

"Tsunade your being to harsh, I wasn't flirting. I was making sure that she was co-…"

"Just save it for the report please."


"You know Tsunade, i've been meaning to ask for a while now but… are you seeing someone."

I looked his way as we neared our destination.

"What do you mean?"

"You have been rushing home for the past couple months, it's almost like you have someone waiting for you."

I gained a frown from his word but what he said next made me pissed.

"It's almost like back in the day. But we both know what happened, so I can only imagine that you have some man wai-… wait where you going?"

Before I can do or say something that I might regret, I left him by utilizing my body flicker Jutsu.

Reappearing the top of a building I utilizing my movement technique a couple more times before I managed to appear in front of the Hokage's tower.

Making my way inside I barge into the Hokage's room.


"Hmm? Tsunade welcome back-…"

"Here is my mission report, when the idiot arrives you can ask him for the rest."

I usually hid my hide my emotions pretty well, especially in front of my Sensei. But after spending the entire last 2 days with Jiraiya, I would be needing some time off to cool down.

"*Sigh* I understand, you are dismissed."

Nodding I turn around and start to making my way back, yet before I can make it passed the door I stopped at the Hokage's following words.

"You can take the rest of the month off."

Turning around I looked back in confusion when I noticed his knowing smirk.

"You will understand when you arrive at your home."

Still staring at him I was about to ask him on what he meant. But just as I was about to open my mouth, my eyes widened making me turn back around before I ran full speed towards my destination.

It didn't take long as the Senju compound and my new residence are relatively close to the tower. As I arrived at the door I take some time to stop my racing heart before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.

I didn't have to wait long as the door was opened from the inside where I came face to face with a purple haired woman that sported a beautiful smile as she came up to hug me.

(Yuzuriha Mommy IMG)

"Hey… how was your mission."

"Forget about the mission, how are you, are you ok. Is she…"

I released the hug at this moment. Only to be pulled inside by my arm all the way up the stairs, to the designated baby room.

When we reached the room Yuzuriha releases my arm. Then proceeds to open the door while looking my way with a finger over her mouth. indicating me to stay quiet.

Nodding I followed her in where I quickly came to notice a baby rapped in a blanket, lying on a bed.

After getting close enough I was able to get a good look at her. Almond colored skin a cute puff of purple hair alongside her chubby cheeks. 'She's just so cute.'

"I was finally able to put her to sleep. Believe me she's a handful."

Taking my attention away from lil Yoruichi, I looked back at Yuzuriha finally noticing her tired getup alongside her messy clothes.

Closing the distance between us before I fixed her cloths then proceeded to properly tie her hair up properly, and finally answered to her words.

"Yes I can tell, but luckily for you I have the rest of the month off so I won't be going anywhere."

She smiled at my words before sighing and falling on the bed right next to her baby.

"*sigh* Thank goodness."

I was about say something else when we both heard shuffling and crying.

Looking back over at the baby that managed to roll over on her side from the weight of her mother falling on the bed.

Just when Yuzuriha was going to stand and calm her down, I reached for Yoruichi first and pressed her against my chest while rocking her side to side.

I whispered to her calmly trying to not frightened her even more. "Shhhhh it's okay, it's okay auntie Tsunade is here."

As she calmly and slowly fell back asleep I continued the rocking motion, making sure that she's was as comfortable as possible.

"Not fair, how can you make her sleep so fast…"

I took my eyes away from the bundle of cuteness and looked at her pouting mother.

I smirked and stuck out my chest slightly. Clearly pointing out at what the difference between us was.

She clicked her tongue as she looked the other way, but not without crossing her arms under her chest making them appear bigger. Although she didn't have to as after birth they have gotten much bigger, but still not on par with mine.

Still smirking I look back at the little angel in my arms calmly snoozing away before easing the rocking motion to a stop.

Watching her sleep calmly I used one of my fingers to slowly caress her cheek softly.

'How can you be so cute… I wonder, how will you look when you grow up and get older.'

Placing the baby back down on the bed. I looked back to find Yuzuriha still on the bed but at the corner smiling at us as any kind mother would.


"No problem, that's what I'm here for. So how about I make us some lunch."

She smiled at my words before letting me know what she's craving.

I nod, but before I left for the kitchen I take one last look at the baby. 'I wonder if she has been fed yet?… I guess I will ask Yuzuriha about that later. Now where did I put that rice?'

(Almost Two years later) 2/07/51 Yoruichi Shihouin POV

"It's almost been two years huh."

(Yoruichi Shihouin young IMG)

"Mmm yea two, Yeaar…years…? Ne, Ichi what does yars mean?"

"First of all don't call me Ichi, it's Yoruichi , YO-RU-I-CHI. *Sigh* You know what forget it. And a year is when the earth rotates around the sun completely. Which is approximately 365 days."


I slap my forehead as I reminded myself that for a normal two year old this type of knowledge should be impossible to understand.

"You know what Kurenai why don't we play ninja."

"YES let's go."

Just as we were about to run out and play, we were stopped by a voice coming from behind us.

"Where are you girls going?"

We stopped dead in our tracks as we slowly, almost mechanically turn our heads back in slight fear as we came face to face with an angry red headed woman.

"Granny-Mito we were just about to go-…"

"Did you clean the room young lady?"

"N-No, but I will after-…"

I stopped myself as I noticed that the more I speak, the more her glare hardens. So with a sigh I reluctantly started heading my way back into my room alongside kurenai.

"And you young lady need to go home, it's getting late."

I stopped and watched as Kurenai slowly gained a happy smile, after she figured out that she doesn't need to help with cleaning.

Nodding she proceeds to make her way back to the door where a servant of Mito's was waiting to take her home, as usual.

Yet Before she left, she turned around and quickly rushed my way. Knowing what she was going for, I spread my arms out for a hug as I caught her in my arms.

"Bye bye Ichi, see you tomorrow."

"…Yea, see you tomorrow."

After we separated she made her way out the door, while in my case I made it back to the Senju clans guest room that was transformed into a play room by Granny herself.

After getting through the door I proceeded to close it before I started cleaning up the mess we created.

As I was cleaning I again started reminiscing about my past, and how I was put in this situation.

It was about 2 years ago that I was brought into this world as a healthy young baby girl. But what others don't know, is that I'm a reincarnater, Or at least I think I am.

Because one of the things the goddess failed to explain to me was in fact how I will reincarnate. My past self thought that he would reincarnate as himself in the body of Yoruichi Shihouin, taking all of his emotions and memories along.

But sadly for him that did not happen. Although I don't know exactly how it happened, what I do know is that I don't carry any of his emotions or his state of being.

It's more like i'm a new person just with some extra memories in my head that play like a movie whenever I need them to. Although that can't be said to the other set of memories that I gain as time progresses.

They are the memories of the original Yoruichi, or at least they seem to be original. Because After being born I started to gain her memory slowly over time, and by this point I was given her first 5 years of life experience as memory.

After gaining these memories I slowly started to notice my change in character. I noticed pretty quickly that these memories are different than my past self memories, and that they actually hold emotions and feelings in them. At first it frightened me as that meant I will slowly cease to be myself but after some thought I figured that it didn't really matter anyways, as I started to see myself as my own being that is formed of two people Micheal Joevana, and Yoruichi Shihouin.

So after that thought I just treated these incoming memories as another set of past memories that I failed to unlock. And luckily for me I can somehow combat these emotions that come from these memories by circulating Micheal's memories through my head.

As I was thinking about what came to be, I started reminiscing about the other wishes that my past self has wished for.

'Immortality, and a world hopping system.'

'First of all who would wish for something stupid as immortality.'

Just thinking about that wish I started to remembering the incident that happened 2 months back, where I stol- I mean borrowed a kunai from my mother to play with.

Although I managed to play with it for some time, I quickly figured out that my small chubby hands weren't made for holding Kunai. So it slipped and managed to cut pretty deep into my leg. But to my surprise just about a minute later, the wound healed like it never even happened.

Again I blame the goddess for not explaining to me how my wishes worked. Although some would say that since my past self wished for them, that I should know what I wished for. But I would have told those people that my past self was in some way manipulated to ask for those wishes.

Anyway, I didn't know exactly what kind of immortality I was given. As the only things I can go off of is that I can't die by age related ability's. So I it's that little information I hypothesize that I at least have infinite lifespan.

"*Sigh*" 'At least you make the most sense, right system.'

As I thought of my system a little window got pulled up in my mind, and not in my vision like I first thought it would.

_________System interface_________

Yoruichi Shihouin

Age 1 (????)


[SP Multiverse Travel System]

-time remaining before next travel function 31 years 04 months 13 days 06 hours 08 minutes

-Available Worlds


[Template System]

-Yoruichi Shihouin 001%





Trying to get some extra information out of it, I tried to click on anything with my mind. Although like all my other attempts, this one failed as well.

Although this system is pretty self explanatory there are some parts to it that I don't understand. Like the three dots under the Naruto world. Do they mean I only can travel to three other worlds? Or maybe I can save them there and travel back and forth through them without any delay. And what does it mean locked, because I believe I only asked for one template. Maybe that Bitch- I mean goddess couldn't give me a singular template and had to give me a faulty template system with locked options… 'at times like this I really wished this was an interface system, so I can click on it with my fingers.'

Even though I'm grateful for these wishes and my reincarnation, I still feel like I got cheated by that stupid goddess.

(Some where in the Omniverse)Ava POV

"*Achoo* hmm, oh it's you.."

I started at the poor mortal, or should I say immortal. That got scammed by me as what I have given him, is nothing in comparison to what I gained.

Smirking in victory I look down at my fellow goddess that I managed to enslave with my new penis.

Although the law of equal exchange is a real thing and is impossible to go against, there are loopholes that are very easily exploited. Like for example giving someone something that's equal in worth but with seals in place to prevent it from ever reaching its full potential.

'Although it's a shame to give away a very overpowered system that was made by an omnipresent being to some lucky mortal, that was lucky enough to awaken the demon god penis from his ancestor.'

But as I remembered that I couldn't use it anyway I wasn't that upset as it was designed for mortals, and not gods such as myself.

I broke my set of thoughts when I felt that I was on the verge of cumming. So grabbing the Ex virgin goddess hair I made her deep throat me. All the way to the point of tears.

"Good girl."

You know, the more I think about it the more bigger my smile becomes as this might be my best scam yet.

(Back to MC) Yoruichi Shihouin POV

"Hmm strange… I felt like someone's looking at me."

I looked up, as that's where I felt the gaze.

"Was it that bitch go-…"

"Wow who thought you that word"

"Aaaaa!" I jump backwards in fright at the unexpected voice. Which lead me to bump into a shelf that was right behind me. Resulting in me hitting the back of my head against it.

"Ow ow ow ow."

"Pff Hahahaha"

I looked up at the owner of the voice only to find a bright red haired girl bent over laughing while pointing my way.

I blushed in embarrassment before charging her way in anger.


Although sadly for me I was no where fast enough to catch her as she's already a ninja in training.

Dodging my tackle she landed perfectly on her feet after executing a perfect side jump. Which resulted in me failing to stop in time and crashing into a big pillow fort that hasn't been cleaned up yet.

"Hahaha look at you hahah."

Crawling out the stack of pillows I look around the ground, trying to find something small so I can chuck it at the laughing nuisance. But not finding anything I just fell on my back in defeat.

"… you done?"

"Hehehe haaa, yea I'm done."

She walked beside my laying form then proceeded to fall right beside me.

"When did you get in here Kushina Nee-Chan?"

"Not long ago, you were daydreaming and I snuck in."

"Mmm." I nod as I was not really paying attention to anything.

"How was the academy?"

"It's alright, others still try to bully me but it's nothing I can't handle."

"I never understand the bullying, I mean your hair is so beautiful Nee-Chan."

She smiles widely at my response.

"Jeez you're so cute."

Knowing what was coming I quickly try to stand and move away, but again I wasn't fast enough.

"Where you going, come here."

I was pulled by my arm and forced to turn her way as she started crushing me in one of her over exaggerated love hugs.

"I can't breathe, I can't breathe."

Yet to my horror instead of easing the hug, she instead hugged me tighter

I was about to start tapping out but thankfully she finally let go, allowing me to step back while simultaneously putting up my guard. Just in case she tried to do anything funny.

Thankfully that didn't happen as instead she walked away with a spring in her step, while playing with her fingers behind her back.

"??? You're acting weird. Did something happen?"

"Why does something have to happen for me to be like this?"

I just raise my brow giving her my the most perfect 'oh really' face I possibly can.

"Fine I was planning something big for your birthday tomorrow, and I'm just a little nervous about it, you know."

I nodded as I get back up and continued cleaning up the mess, and luckily Kushina had time to help as we kept a short conversation as we cleaned.

I still remember when we first met. It was about couple months ago when she moved in to live with granny Mito. At the time she looked depressed as she had to leave her home and family because of an obligation to become the next Kyubi Jinchuriki.

When she first saw me she took an interest in me because of my darker skin color. After our first meeting she started going to the academy but I quickly noticed that she hated going.

And then I remembered that in the Anime she was bullied into hating her own hair color. And I don't know why but for some reason I started getting mad on her behalf. But since I was still a child and couldn't do anything. so instead I just stuck with complementing her on her hair whenever I could.

Which led us to be friends in a way, although she wouldn't admit it but I think my words and company helped her in more way then one.

"Fyuu we finally finished."

I wiped my imaginary sweat of my forehead making Kushina giggle.

"Hehe yep you worked hard… look at the time I think it's about time I take you home."

I looked her way before questioning her why would she walk me home as usually Granny would walk me back.

"Yes but she's not feeling the best today and asked me to do it."

(Kushina Uzumaki POV)

I lied of course, because Although granny Mito is pretty old. She still has enough energy to take the little girl to her home. I just wanted to spend more time with her because although she's only about to turn two. She's the only girl that understands me, that is if you ignore her mother and Tsunade… alongside Mito.

Still, seeing her questioning expression I decided to hurry her up before Granny finds out.

I reached my hand out indicating her to grab it as I tell her that it's time to go.

I take her small chubby hand in mine, and yet again like every other time for some reason it made feeling fluffy inside, as it gives me this feeling that no matter what will happen I will always have her on my side even in my darkest times.

(Yoruichi Shihouin POV)

"Thanks for taking me Kushina nee-san."

"Mmm no problem, see you tomorrow."

I watched as she disappeared into the crowd of people, making her way back home.

Turning around I take a deep breath before opening the door.

"I'm home." I exclaimed.

I waited by the door for a couple moments before a figure made its self present.

"Hey honey how was your play date."

It was a beautiful woman with purple hair, that's tied in a messy ponytail that didn't reach past her shoulders. She wore revealing cloths that would draw anyone her way with her cleavage basically hanging out for the world to see. Following that description there is only one woman in all of Konoha who fits the bill.

"It was good mommy."

(Mommy Yuzuriha IMG)

"That's good why don't we clean you up for dinner as auntie Tsunade is supposed to come back soon."

I perk up at her words

"Auntie is coming back?"

"Yep, didn't she promise you that she would make it before your birthday tomorrow?"

I nod as I remembered that it was about two weeks ago when we made such a promise.

I watched as my Mother made her way towards me with a smile. once she reached near me she stretched out her hand before patting my head.

"How about we get you in the bath." She looks me up and down. "You're dirty."

I look down at my self and notice that she was right. I am dirty.

Nodding we start making our way over to the bathroom.

After we arrive I take my clothes off and hop in the bath. Slowly floating in the water I was about to start scrubbing away yet I stopped myself as I noticed my mother taking her clothes off.

"You don't mind bathing with mommy, do you?"

I shake my head. "it's ok, I don't mind."

I watched as her perfect figure revealed itself. But luckily for the both of us I still don't know what the feeling of lust feels like. Although if my past self saw this same image in front of him, I bet he wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself.

"Thank you honey, can you stand for a sec."

I nod as I stand up allowing her to take a seat behind me before she proceeds to pull me into her breasts.

I sigh in relaxation as the marshmallowy boobies make for a perfect pillow to the back of my head.

"Fufu enjoy the seat missy."

"Mhm it's the best."

She just giggled at my words before proceeding to clean and scrub the both of us. After about 20 minutes we were done with the bath. so getting out we both got dried before getting dressed in new clothes.

"Ok baby I'm going to make some dinner so why don't you head up stairs and wait in your room ok."

I nod as I slowly make my way up the stairs and get into my room where I fell face first into my bed.

Rolling over I get back in my thoughts about figuring out how my system works.

"Ok if mental touch doesn't work then what will?"

As I thought about different ways to work this thing, my mind slowly drifted back too the words the goddess spoke.

"She really didn't specify anything."

"Hmmmm? Wait what if the System is connected to my soul, and the only way I will be able to access it is if I become a soul being like the Shinigami… But if I do that won't mom and everyone worry about me."

Because I know what it takes to become a soul being, and it's Death.

"Wait… if I can somehow learn the way Urahara manages to take away the soul from the body, without killing the body. Then maybe I can still manage… But for that I would need to ask him myself."

When I thought about asking him myself I first thought off traveling to the bleach world, but then it hit me that I won't be able to travel any where for many years.

"Wait what about Yoruichi's original memory's wasn't she a sealing master. Maybe she learned how to do it herself… But that will also take years since the memory's come in very slowly."

"Ughhh… this sucks."

I just laid there not thinking about anything as there wasn't much to think about. It seems that none of my options will actually help me, at least for now that is.

I don't know how long I laid there but I was brought back from my daydreaming state by a door slam and a shout.

"I'm back!"

I smiled in excitement. Standing up from my bed I rushed back down the stairs. When I was bout to reach the bottom of the stairs I quickly noticed Tsunade making her way towards me. So knowing that I will be safe, I jump from the stairs straight towards Tsunade.


She quickly catches me in her arms before she proceeding to push me into her huge breasts for a hug that lasted shorter than I would have liked.

"Hey there you little rascal how were you these past two weeks."

I pout at the way she addressed me, as she always would call me that. But I chose to ignore it for now and instead tell her that I was fine and that I missed her very much.

"Oh you missed me huh, well don't you worry, I managed to convince the Hokage to give me a week off. So I'm going to spend lots of time with you."

"Really, hooray!"

As we were celebrating mother called us from the kitchen.

"The foods ready so why don't you get yourself cleaned Tsunade before joining us for dinner."

"Yep good idea." She pats my head as she makes her way to her room.

"And you young lady, go wash your hands and come take a seat."

"Ok mommy."

It didn't take long for me to wash my hands as in about a minute I was already in my seat waiting for the food.

I didn't have to wait long as mommy sets the table with three bowls and three pieces of bread.

Right after she placed them down I noticed Tsunade was already heading down the stairs.

"Oh smells good, what you make?"

"Just some rice with curry."

Tsunade takes a seat that was right beside mine, where mother took one across from us. We then proceeded to put our hands together in a prayer motion before saying.

"Itadakimasu" X3

As we were eating our meals mother brought something up that made me and auntie stop our spoons inches from our mouths.

"I recently found a job."



"Wait, didn't we agree that I would be worrying about the money."

Tsunade brought up a good point as she already makes good enough money for all three of us and then some.

"Yes but it's not about the money."


"*sigh* Tsunade, do you know how boring it is to stay home all day every day and not do anything other then clean and make food all day."

I stayed silent as I let the two of them talk it out.


"So yesterday I went to the Hokage, hoping that he would have something that I could do in my spare time, and he pointed me to one open position."

"… well where will you be working at?"

"The ninja academy."

"… oh ok,… Wait what! How did you get in I thought it was only experienced ninja that can get in."

My mother pouted at her words.

"I am experienced ok."


"*clears throat* well your not wrong that they want really experienced ninja, so I'm not actually teaching any normal curriculum."

"Don't keep me waiting, what will you be teaching."

Mother hesitated to answer as she looked my way. Tsunade understanding the message, as she covered both my ears with her hands and chakra. But luckily for me I am an expert at lip reading.

"I will be teaching sexual education classes to the students, more specifically to the girls and how to prevent accidental pregnancies."

I wasn't able to see it as my head was forced to stay still but I believe Tsunade nodded her head while saying something as mother took couple seconds before speaking again.

"Yes that's why I'm taking this job."

Tsunade then proceeded to let go of my ears as she pats my hair down before she began eating again.

I look her way and gave her a pout for not letting me hear anything.

Which in response all I got was an eye roll.

I looked back to mother and took my time to appreciate her looks before asking a serious question.

"Will you be leaving me then."

"Oh no honey, mommy won't be leaving you. The job only requires me to be gone for 3 hours a day every week so you will still be seeing me a lot."

"That's good then."

She smiled my way before letting me know that she's happy I was alright with it.

After we finished our dinner, both auntie and mommy stood back to talk. As I was told to go to bed as tomorrow was a special day.

I didn't argue as they still probably want to have an adult conversation, so I told them good night before heading to bed.

As I make it to my room I quickly change into my pajamas and get ready for bed.

"Yosh that's everything."

Getting into bed I look to my left where a plushie of a white bunny sat.

"Night, Night Kaguya."

I smiled at the name I chose, as for me it was pretty funny.

I look over to my right where the moon managed to shine through the window. I looked at the moon before repeating my words again.

"Night, Night Kaguya."

I close my eyes as I anticipated the coming day.

(Tsunade POV)

"Is she asleep?"

"Let me check." I walk up to the stairs before pressing my ear to the door on the left.

Not hearing anything other then soft steady breathing I nod to my self before heading back down.

"She's asleep."

"That's good."

"Yea,… hey about that job are you su-…"

"Yes Tsunade I'm sure I will be fine. Even if I have to… bring my experience up, I will at least manage to make some kind of difference."

"…Fine it's not like I can stop you anyway."

"Fufufu exactly, now why don't we pull out that ice cream."

I smileed her way before letting her know I will go grab it.

I don't know how or when it started, but every time I come home from a mission. We would take out some ice cream and sit on the couch, talking about what we had going on.

So like every other day I pull out two different ice cream flavors, vanilla, and chocolate. Before I make my way back over to the living room couch, where Yuzuriha was already seated.

Handing her the chocolate flavored ice cream I sat beside her before I turned her way while placing my feet over her lap and resting my back on the armchair.

"So how was the mission."

"Ughh can we not talk about it. Literally all that happened was Jiraiya being Jiraiya."

"…you know I don't understand."

I stopped the spoon from entering my mouth as I looked her way.

"Why would you still work with him, if he's that perverted of a teammate.

"…Well although he is perverted, and has got us in trouble more times then I can count. He… I know deep in my gut that when the moment arrives he will always carry out."

I stopped looking her way as I focused back on the ice cream.

"What I'm trying to say is…I know that I can safely put my life in his hands. Because although he has his shortcomings… he's one dam good ninja, and friend."

"Sounds nice."

"Heh yea, I guess it does… what about you. Other than that job anything else happened."

"Well actually…"

I lift my head from the ice cream to look her in the eyes, before I narrowed my own.

"Spill it."

"Well you remember that guy that I told you is bad news."

"Yea, wasn't his name Dan or something."

"Yep that guy. Well you see, recently he has been following me around for some reason."

I stopped all my motion as I slowly placed the ice cream on the table top.

"He followed you?"

"Well I don't know actually. You see I recently started seeing him more often than not, almost daily if I think about it… At first I thought that maybe he lived close by and we just managed to bump into each other. But after I noticed him stealing glances my way multiple times, and even following me around most of the day. I figured that he may be stalking me. And I think that's it's probably out of revenge… as you know… I stopped him from making any advances towards you."

"… So let me get this straight. That prick Dan is stalking you because of me?"

"I'm honestly not sure.. *sigh* you know what just forget it. I'm probably just hallucinating or something."

"… if you say so." 'Yep Dans dead.'

After I mentally plan Dans execution we continued talking about random topics until it turned midnight.

"I think it's about time we head to bed don't want to sleep past the big day."

I smiled as I imagined the happy look of the birthday girl.

"Yea we can't do that can we. By the way Yuzuriha, who exactly did you invite to the party."

After she tells me a list of a few family names that I recognized I politely asked if I can invite my teammates over, so I can finally introduce them.

"I don't see why not, but know this Tsunade if Jiraiya in any way shape or form looks at me or my daughter in any funny way or says something inappropriate. I will kick him out this house forever."

I gulped as I haven't seen her this serious… like ever.

"U-um yea sure I will let him know."

Still staring straight through my soul she finally changes her expression back to a happy one.

"Perfect then. Oh and make sure they bring gifts, it is a birthday party."

I just nod as I quickly clean up before I head to bed as I hope to get at least couple hours in. When I made it into my room, I thought back to the expression she made when talking about Jiraiya.

'Holy carp, Momma Yuzuriha is scary when she's serious… and hot'

'Wait what am I thinking… she's my sister… Adopted sister…'

"Ughh I need to sleep."

I bury my head under the pillows as I try to keep the naughty thoughts away. But to my horror they wouldn't go away, so not seeing any other option I take my clothes off and proceed to lie on my back with my legs spread open.

"*sigh* why does this keep happening."


Roughly 6400 words

Sorry for the slow updates.

Regarding the poll on the previous chapter, it has been decided that I'm gonna go with Futa 100%, but it will take time. Also, I will not prioritize it so basically what I'm saying is I will stick with Yuri sex and only pull the cock out for some specific people and times.

About clone sex, I noticed many have bad experiences with it due to many Naruto fanfics ruining it for them. Trust me, I've read them too, and I can agree with you.

But I think I will give it a shot, BUT only in a controlled manner. And I will try not to ruin it. Plus you have to remember that this is a Yuri Harem story. So I think having two of the same girls making love to there lover would be pretty normal, and it would be pretty hot. Also before any of you decide to depart from the story. I will let you know that this is not guaranteed, you guys/girls can still change my mind about it.

So if you want to debate it you can comment on this.<——< p>

vvvvvvvvvvSPOILER vvvvvvvvvvvv

Next chapter should be the birthday party, and afterwards there will be another time skip.


I don’t own anything other than my own characters. All representative characters and settings are owned by their own owners.

I don’t own shit


Beat_Mancreators' thoughts