
Kunoichi Conquer System(18+)[Editing]

[Please don't read if you hate old man Mc and if it disturb you sorry, there will be no scene b/w characters that are under 18 ] Gin a common old man who has wild fantasies but he hide it deep inside his heart cuz of responsibilities hold him. Now he died and reincarnated in Naruto world as set his journey with out limitations.

Villain116 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 8

"Hmm…" Gin looked down as he saw two naked women were cuddling him at both of his sides dearly. He smiled and Mabui slowly opened her eyes because she sensed gesture around her hand, saw Gin's face who was seeing her as she gave a morning kiss.

"Morning…..you can still sleep" Gin said, he caressed her head gently.

"Hmm, how can you've energy to wake up in early morning after that rough night pervert" murmured Mabui, he tittered at her childish behavior.

"You guys geez sleep already yawn~ in early morning…uh" Samui rubbed her face with her cheek on Gin's chest, with a sleepy eye and drowsed on his chest.

"You sleepyhead is very cute"

All of them got up from bed but Samui asked Gin to gave her piggyback, he felt his heart funny that how they both act like this childishly with him. He carried her on his back and went to bathroom to fresh up with Mabui.

"Well, I am on my way and I'll be in touch with you two in daily" Gin said, a bag was held on his back as he glimpsed at them.

"Why you going in single just if you apply a task Mabui will let me take that task" Samui said while cross-armed her hands as she leaned on the wall of the room.

"I know but you have to be here cuz some will doubt about your behavior in these days so, the best thing is let me go alone"

"Huh, ok as you wish but if you are in trouble don't hesitate to tell us" Said Mabui. She adjusted his dress with a grin.

He nodded, tasted her lips and later kissed with Samui. He left out of the room and disappear in sight of their eyes, Samui downhearted looking at his back but instantly recovered while her face became aloof and Mabui had a clam attitude, both nodded each other and left in a different direction for their work as it no one can find out their indecent behaviors.


In a dense forest group of four people were hiding in the bushes and trees as they were ready to assault a person. The leader of the group signaled his underlings to attack Gin who was walking alone on the through fare. The shortest one, took out a bunch of shurikens throw all towards the Gin. All stabbed on his body as he fell on the ground, three people came to his place with raucous on their faces but suddenly Gin turned in to wooden trunk because of substitution technique. They froze, felt a strong sense of crises then like a smoke Gin appeared behind them as he placed his sword on his shoulder which had a line of blood was slithered on its surface.

He gaited towards the leader; a gust of wind blew out in a circle form as the three of their heads fell down and blood slurped from their necks as their bodies slumped on the ground. The leader astonished, angerly stomped his foot on ground.

'I actually killed people…..control your emotions cuz next is a big one'

"Oh, did I surprise you" Gin said while controlling his contend of killing.

"Tsk I thought we outnumbered you but who could've thought you'd be outsmarted us" said he stiffened his face, instantly took out a honed kunai as he stood in battle stand.

'Hmm I thought he's gonna use some jutsu..that means'

Both collided the sword and kunai, sparkled and clashed sounds while moving their hands in maneuvered manner and try to control the situation. Gin pushed him back with his sword as the looter balance slipped, immediately Gin swung a heavy sword as looter blocked it with his kunai, tripped and slide back while he pressed his legs to the ground as it made a harrow by his foots.

He instantly noticed that Gin was not in front of his sight, his back felt chill as he unconsciously turned head but it was late to react as Gin flashed behind him and stabbed his back and rolled front to make a distance from Gin. His back drenched with blood as he was hissing painfully while kneeled in one leg as his hand held on his knee to support his body to not fell out.

Within a movement Gin appeared, spined his sword within his hands towards his left side and ready to kill him to swung the sword horizontally. But the looter blocked it with kunai as it has paper bomb, he smiled with madness to blast himself and Gin legs were dug in to the ground because he can't escape from this blast.

"You are good.."


A big blast with heavy smoke spread throughout the area, after clearing of the smoke with a turn up ground as it has burn marks, finding a cauterized dead body and a burned wooden plank.

"Now I understand why Kakashi like to use Substitution technique….by the way I really killed a person and…and its just I'm not having any feeling after I did, something that I can't bring back fuu~ let this clean this area"

He cleaned the whole area as it not has any clues of battle and joined to the main road. In his sight, saw a small village furthermore it was a rural style village. He went in as everyone observed him in different manner but Gin didn't take it in his heart as he gait casually. The reason he came to this specific village because he had information of a child to awake a different type of release of course he got this from Mabui as she maneuvered the information easily that he ought to.

"As expected of Mabui information, now time to look for that child cuz this village will face an inevitable disaster" while moving to a small bar as he sat in an empty chair. He then ordered the worker to get some beer, activated his detection skill to listen the discussions. After he bottled up, went in the direction that he listened in the bar.

A small shabby house which was build in ages, he slightly opened the door and noticed a girl as wore a teal short kimono with fair skin, dark eyes and blue hair. The child has tied her hair as it spiked at the end, she wore navy blue sandals as she stared at Gin who entered in the house without asking anything.

"My bad, can I come in?" Gin said, closed the door and sat in a stool as his eyes glimpsed her.

"You already came in and who the hell you are old man"

"Well, my name is Gin and hear about your peculiar situation so, I come to take a look of course to take you with me" said Gin as she nimble after hearing his words.

"Don't worry take your time but finish it quickly cuz this village will be disappeared of course I won't do any thing that harms you it just you have to follow me"

"Huh, w-why are you saying that and tell me why me; I am just shabby person and everyone just ignore me" said she downed her head by clutching her hands.

"I'll say truthfully I came here cuz of your bloodline release to tell you clearly I want to use you for my purpose of course you can concede my request or not is your choice but you are coming with me"

She could feel his last words are actually commanding her but she was hesitating to agree him. Gin looked at her calmly as he was waiting for her replay.

"For what purpose I have to work with you, will it be difficult and I don't believe you"

"Haha it's ok you can decide by learning about me and pack up quickly we have to leave this village immediately cuz of less time"

They both left the village as soon as possible, she still have fear to follow him and also thinking about escaping or did treacherous to him but she held back to knew about him. Suddenly she saw a dark smoke in the sky as she looked back in the sky as it was coming from the direction of her village. She wobbly moved, Gin caressed her head as she unknowingly cried because she knew that her village was diminished completely.

"It's ok for now only live for your happiness, everything is gone that those people always fear of your strength can be used to protect yourself"

As he lifted her up in his arms, cried in his embrace. After calming down she lifted her head and glimpsed at him.

"M….my….name is Guren"


Full of black smoke covering the village as the screams of people were contended with fear. A very pale skin with slitted pupils and a color of gold iris. He has long black hair, purple markings around his eyes with fang-like teeth portrayed like white snake.

"Hiss~ that child whom I'm looking for is not here, did you all check clearly"

"Hai! We didn't find the child anywhere in the village master…should we check the surrounding places"

"No, we don't have time for that capture villagers in cages and left this village immediately"

They flicker and disappeared in to thin air as he fell in to thoughts about the child.

'Now where this child should go or someone should take her away....ok no problem, I have enough people to experiment'


Sorry for late my exams are finally over XD. Remember there is no loli lol I'm writing sumt scenes with 18+ characters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Villain116creators' thoughts