
Arriving at Little Garden

Usopp and Sanji thought the worst part of their day was being dragged through Whisky peak by their nose and ankle back to the ship before setting sail from what they thought was the best island made for pirates. That was until their crew mates explained the reason they had an extra passenger, a repeat passenger at that. Because somehow they were now on the hit list of Crocodile, a Warlord of the Sea. Who would likely be sending agents from his secret organization to assassinate them. For knowing his identity as the leader of this group, as well as his plans to take over the sand kingdom Alabasta. And for harboring princess Vivi of Alabasta who was intent on disrupting those plans.

To top it off, they were given a warning that the next island they set foot on would likely be their last.

However, their course could not be changed and there was no point in complaining. They just had to follow the log pose.

The winds seemed to be acting against them, the Going Merry was slowly gliding through but at the time the wind would just become nonexistent and the sails couldn't catch enough to move at a brisk pace.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll pick up soon," Nami said, noticing Vivi's distraught feelings even though she attempted to keep them off her face.

"I can't believe you guys got into so much trouble while we were asleep," Usopp grumbled as he took a seat next to Sakura at the table. She poked his face with a spoon.

"I can't believe you slept through all of that chaos last night,"

Sanji came around the table, dropping off each plate he had balanced on his arms, unbothered by the heat from the bottom. Luffy was the first to go for his meal.

Sakura took a bite of the steak, and swooned, "It's so good, I don't think there's any comparison to Sanji's cooking,"

She had some food back there at Whisky Peak, but it was plain in comparison to Sanji's. He always seemed to be attentive when it came to preparing meals and he didn't take shortcuts either.

"Oh Sakrua-chan, your compliments set my heart ablaze!"

Zoro mumbled, "Ero cook,"

"Marimo," Sanji bit back.

Luffy attempted to say something along the lines of 'Sanji's cooking is the best', but he was too busy stuffing his mouth and trying to reach for everyone else portions.

"Hand's off Luffy!" Usopp snapped when he watched another piece of meat get taken from his plate.

"Hey!" Zoro exclaimed when Luffy went for his food too.

Vivi sat quietly staring at her food; Sakura and Nami exchanged glances noticing. Nami went back to the paper she had been impatiently waiting for since this morning. But she didn't give anyone else a chance to read it.




"I've got to thank Nami for the clothes," Vivi tried to move the towel out of her face as Sakura roughly dried her hair.

"Surprised she didn't call it a rental," Sakura remembered how Nami had teased her about it when she had borrowed clothes. That's why she tried to go for the most inexpensive and plain set she could find.

Vivi laughed and Sakura was glad for that, the princess had spent that morning crying over losing Igaram though she had tried to keep her emotions in check.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better," Vivi understood the implication behind the question and appreciated it. "More determined than ever to make it back to Alabasta. I won't let Boroque works destroy my country."

Still, she was wiping away some tears, Sakura hugged Vivi's shoulders.

"It's okay to let it go for now. You don't have to worry about holding back."

The dam seemed to finally burst as Vivi allowed her tears to fall, she hadn't wanted to cry after everything. Staying firm to her goals also meant staying firm in her heart but it was cracked after the constant endurance, from watching her country fall into civil war and the helplessness she felt watching her loyal companion and guard become lost at sea for her sake. And knowing that she had to keep going or others would lose their lives just as easily. Everything was crushing her.

"We're going to get you back home," Sakura said with promise in her voice. "It's our mission, we'll see it through,"





'I can't tell her,' When Nami came down and saw Vivi in that state, muffling her cries and dampening Sakura's top, she knew that she had made the right decision in keeping the news quiet. The princess had been exhausted by her grief and fell asleep into what Nami hoped would be peaceful.

Sakura had laid her in the one bed while insisting she would take the futon while Nami shared with Vivi. But Nami didn't intend to settle in just yet.

"It must be rough on her, to have to go through all of this," said Nami. She sympathized well with Vivi. When her village had been taken over by Arlong, the people were living in constant fear, with tensions always high and the desperation she felt in needing to buy back her home even to the point where her life was meaningless for years. That you couldn't breathe without feeling a pressure pushing down on your chest.

Nami wanted to erase that from Vivi's heart. Like Luffy had done for her.

"Now you look like you're about to cry," Sakura stated, watching Nami's expression twist in dismay like she had eaten something sour and the taste wouldn't go away.

"I saw something in the paper today," Nami muttered softly, shuffling over to Sakura. She did one more glance back at Vivi to make sure she was still sound asleep and went over to her drawer where she had hidden the newspaper of the day.

Giving it to Sakura, and showing the highlight that had put a pin in her mind.

"This was what I read," Nami could see Sakura's eyes go wide in realization.

Members of the royal army, thousands of them that were meant to be protecting the royal family had turned sides and joined the rebel forces which had caused a new tide for the civil war.

"I didn't want to tell Vivi, but…"

Sakura silently put the newspaper back, settling in at the far end of the draw before closing it. "Don't.it won't do any good to make her worry, it's not like we can change our pace either,"





Sakura didn't know if she was feeling more sensitive, maybe due to the literal change of her whole environment, but she was having problems sleeping lately for periods longer than four hours. She was used to being in stressful situations and thought she could cope easily enough. But it seemed that she had become a victim of insomnia as of late.

She tried to focus on the quiet waves and her friend's breathing as they slept, but the longer she was stationary the quicker anxiousness crawled its way up her legs to her torso, into her chest and throat. Until she couldn't breathe.


She rushed out silently, clutching her chest.




It was just like the case of forgetting the events but remembering the emotions that were created and Sakura felt nothing but utter disdain and a feeling of emptiness wash over her, as well as a sickening terror that she couldn't place without memory.

She focused on the smell of the sea, so hard she could taste it on her tongue until her breathing became stable again. She slid down on the side of the ship and just stayed.

The shaking floorboards and muffled voices between the wood got Sakura up and out of the headspace she was ready to fall into.

The voices were Sanji's and Luffy's. Then she saw the captain flying through the air until he landed against the mast. He had come from the kitchen, and there were chunks of food flying with him, from bread to fruit.

'Should I even ask?'

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop stealing our food Luffy!?" Sanji stormed out, glaring down at him. He hadn't noticed Sakura's presence yet and she was debating whether she should make herself known or just leave quietly. But Sanji was never one to miss the sight of women.

"Oh Sakura-chan, did we wake you from your beauty sleep?"

"No, I just came out here. I see you're being kept up though," Sakura felt bad for Sanji, he was up early to make breakfast for everyone, and he dealt with quite several chores, not to mention happily running around for Nami who was more than willing to drive him like a slave, and then he still had to guard the food against their jovial captain.

Zoro came up behind the ship, stretching his arms, "Will you all keep it down, I'm trying to sleep,"

"You're on watch, you're not supposed to be asleep," Sakura reminded him.

"I was training but then I got tired and decided to take a quick nap. My senses are sharp, I'll know if there's danger approaching even in my sleep," he stated.

Sanji shot daggers at Zoro, "Hey marimo! You couldn't even hear this guy sneaking into the kitchen and raiding our food!"

The good point was brushed off by the swordsman. If he didn't then he would have to take responsibility for his actions or lack of.

"It's Luffy, that's gonna happen anyway, what am I supposed to stop him every time?"

"YES" Sanji raved, "We're low on supplies already!"

"So, we'll just get more," Zoro yawned, turning to go back. He liked training on the upper level of the ship, where his weights wouldn't get in the way of sailing. It was also his favorite place to nap, aside from on top of the mass lookout. But it wasn't possible to stretch your legs in there. "I wanna go back to sleep,"

"You bastard….." Sanji ground his teeth together.

"You know Zoro, if you can't do the job maybe you shouldn't," Sakura didn't know if Zoro had some disposition, but he was always tired and napping around. He took a lookout most of the time, yet he usually slept through the night. When he was awake, he was lifting weights and training with his swords.

Zoro looked back at her, "Come up with that conclusion by yourself?"

Though her vein was beginning to throb under her skin, Sakura attempted to keep her tone calm. "I'm just saying that if you can't handle it, then maybe you should switch out with us more,"

"You're acting a little too tall for your height aren't you?"

"What you say!?" Flustered, Sakura dug her nails into her palm. She wanted to knock him into a coma.

Luffy mumbled, "Zoro does sleep a lot,"

"And you eat a lot," Zoro said back to him.

"Hey did you just insult Sakura's cute height!?" Sanji exclaimed, stomping over to him.

Her forehead was ready to bust a vessel, things had gotten so loud that Vivi had woken up as well, "Um excuse me…"

"Vivi, what are you doing up?"

"I heard some noises so…." She wasn't sure where to begin asking, with Luffy being tied up, the mess on the deck, and Zoro and Sanji battling.




In the few days that Vivi had spent on the Going Merry, she had picked up on a lot of habits of the crew. How Zoro slept most of the day away or would train far into the night, how Sanji was the first one up in the morning to prep meals or complete some chore, Usopp enjoyed telling stories to himself and messing with different concoctions to use with his slingshot. Nami navigated and in her free time drew maps or sunbathed. Sakura seemed reserved like she wasn't sure what to do with herself and tended to pick up on any chores that needed to be done. And Luffy brought chaos to everyone's day. It was never safe when he was bored.

She also had doubts, especially when she saw how they interacted and it became like quarrels between children. Nami assured her though that when the time came, everyone would be able to step up.

Vivi was grateful for the noise caused through the days and nights, it was a welcome distraction from her thoughts threatening to swallow her. And it didn't feel like it had taken that long for them to reach the next island.




From a distance, the island appeared as a lush green tropical paradise surrounded by crystal clear waters. It had curved mountains with high peaks and two large stone heads with the jungle around the rest of the area. However as they came closer, everything was in a new perspective and they were a lot smaller in comparison to it.

"This island's name doesn't quite fit," said Nam.

Vivi looked at Karoo, but had a distant expression, "I'm worried about the warning Miss All Sunday gave us,"

"I was thinking about that too," Although if this was a jungle, Sakura thought that she might be able to find some herbs. The only medical supplies on the ship were basics like bandages and headache tablets. They didn't have anything for poisons, burns, and deeper wounds. And she already came to realize that they were going to be a necessity with all the fighting.

She would have to prepare to take care of this crew as she would take care of her teammates.

"Let's go to the next island without going ashore," Usopp's knees were trembling behind his pants.

"But the Log can't be restored so quickly," They would have to wait a few hours or a few days depending.

"And we need to stock up on some food, we didn't get so much as a sack of flour on the last island," Sanji said with a puff of his cigarette.

"That was because everyone was a little too occupied partying and almost getting robbed," Zoro huffed.

"How is that our fault!?"

"Maybe if you didn't let your guard down-

"Okay, okay enough," Nami sighed. "Let's just get this over with. I'm starting to worry about Miss Sunday's warning too,"



There was a river that pulled into the island, the Merry was able to sail through smoothly. Closer inland they were able to see what was in store. The plants stood taller than average, further from that point, and it was hard for even Sakura to decipher them. She was more than a regular doctor, as a medic, she had learned the art of creating medicines and had to study plants and animals for their medicinal purposes and even poison.

'This is strange,' There was more plant life out here that she couldn't identify than what she could.

Something that sounded like a cat retching up a hairball with a higher frequency echoed through the air.

"What could that be?'

Everything seemed fine until a giant lizard with wings came swooping down and almost picked up Sanji for a meal. Its talons are wide enough to take two grown men in them.

With his reflexes, Sanji was able to easily avoid the creature, ducking his head in time."What the hell is wrong with you dumb bird!?"

"That's not a bird," Sakura said with a serious tone. She had never seen an animal like this before. Was it perhaps something that was just native to this world? Her crewmates seemed as surprised as she was though.

"Think we can eat it?" asked Luffy.

A tremble ran through the entire jungle, reaching far into the Going Merry that made the floorboards shake along with everyone on board, they recognized the boom of an explosion that was like clapping thunder.

"That's it we are not going on this island!" Usopp declared. He refused, one hundred percent to set a single foot on this land that threatened to be their graves. They hadn't even gotten off the ship yet that was a prediction he was certain of.




Despite Usopp and Nami's protests, they had to eventually dock the ship. Luffy was grinning ear to ear, ready to hop off and go exploring. He was excited about an adventure and the only thing keeping him still was that he was waiting for Sanji to make him lunch. Vivi offered to go with him and unfortunately, that meant Karoo would have to join his princess. Despite the duck being visibly pale at the thought.

"Are you completely out of your mind, what do want to do?" Nami was trying her best to sway her captain from leaving. They could just wait for the log pose to reset. And that was a decision she was firm on after watching a giant tiger walking along the banks, following the ship, and seeing it collapse, spitting out blood with no explanation.

"We cannot get on this island,"

"Adventure! Adventure!" Luffy was pumping his arms, like a child ready to run to the candy store.

Sanji came back from the kitchen quickly with a packed lunch for the two, and a drink for Karoo. He even put the bag on Luffy and made sure that it was fastened tight enough to endure any of his shenanigans.

They hopped off the ship and were quickly in the thicket of the forest. But although Nami and Usopp hadn't noticed, Vivi and Luffy weren't the only ones itching to get off and explore the island. At least they hadn't realized it before Zoro came down the stairs cracking his neck.

"I'm bored, I'm gonna take a walk,"

"This is not the kind of place you go to take a walk!" argued Usopp, but the swordsmen were already off the ship. And Sanji quickly followed after he tried getting Zoro to go hunting so that they could restock their food supply. But that turned into a heated argument because Zoro chose to comment that he would be able to catch bigger prey than Sanji could hope to. And they started a hunting contest to see who could bring in the biggest game.

And then they were gone.

Sakura ran into the cabin for a minute after this happened, and came back with an empty sack, and a canteen of water.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go look for medical plants, don't wait up,"

"Oh, not you too!" Nami screeched. She tried to talk Sakura out of going but wasn't given the opportunity as Sakura quickly threw herself off the ship and vanished into the grove of trees and foliage.

"Are you out of your mind, Sakura come back here!"

"It's not safe!" exclaimed Usopp.

"I'll be fine," She just kept running until she vanished into the forest so that he friends wouldn't follow after her.

"No!" Nami whined, gritting her teeth. She wanted to go after the girl, but she wasn't even sure which direction Sakura had taken off in and this was a massive island with massive fauna that could make finding your way around harder.

"What are we gonna do now!?"

That’s all folks, although the madness won’t stop here!

Well that’s that. I am going to start showing chapters of the sequel for Through the Looking Glass for members only. But bare in mind this is major spoilers. And if you want to keep up to date with me on my stories and other projects, just check out my tumblr, where you can also get a sneak peek of an audio I’ve done for Kunoichi amongst Pirates.

You can also get the full schedule from there, but here’s an idea on what’s happening.

Available for MEMBERS NOW: https://ko-fi.com/katsura369/tiers

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 44 & 45

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 11, 12, 13 & 14

-Through the Spyglass chapter 1 & 2

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 10

Public Post May 15 th

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 11

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 10

Members Post May 15

-Kunoichi amognst Heroes chapter 46

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 13

Katsura_369creators' thoughts