
Kunlun Divine Punisher

I am the Divine Punisher of Kunlun I am feared not only by unorthodox sects of Kunlun but also by the orthodox sects I am the nightmare of all those who sin Or at least I was all of that But now, "Who is this ugly old man and why is he looking at me like that? I don't want him to look at me like that" But now I am a toddler or at least in a one ======================= Hello guys, Author here This is my very first novel English is not my mother tongue so there are bound to be some mistakes, but I hope you can ignore them and give my novel a try. The first twenty chapters are a bit about the settling down of the mc after which the prologue will end and the first arc will begin. Until then, please give it a try. Also, there will be one chapter every day for now, but if I gain support, the chapter count might increase. Read it and let me know if I should change something in it. Thanks, and enjoy reading. Also, the cover does not belong to me so the owner can let me know and I will remove it.

Dark_keeper · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
80 Chs

Chapter 70

3rd person Pov:

Noah folded the piece of paper in his hand and put it back in an envelope. Joseph and Carla were sitting opposite him, waiting for him to speak. Noah lengthily exhaled and rubbed his eyes with his fingers and stayed quiet for a bit. "I have received a piece of unfortunate news about the accident of Michael von Revstein. This came as a shock, and I am very saddened that such a tragedy happened to Michael. We, the Messiahs pray that he gets better soon and wakes up. Also, we would like to visit the Revstein manor to visit Michael and offer our condolences in person."

"These are the words of John Messiah. He and his wife along with Sierra and a few sect masters of the Frozen valley sect are visiting next month." Noah said to Joseph and Carla. Joseph dissatisfiedly said, "What condolences? My son is supposed to be in a coma." While Carla ignored his remark and asked, "Why are the masters of the Frozen valley sect coming? As far as I know, we have little interaction with them."

Noah again sighed for the second time in the last few minutes. He was somewhat regretting betrothing Michael and Sierra. For four years, John Messiah is looking for excuses to break off the marriage and pester him greatly. If that was not enough, now even the sect masters of Sierra's sect were getting involved. "We know the reason, don't we? John wants to use the influence of the Frozen sect to break the engagement between Michael and her daughter." Joseph replied instead of Noah.

Noah also nodded in agreement and said, "Not only them, but now even Phillip is requesting me to break this engagement. He wishes for his son to be married to Sierra." After saying this part, Noah glanced at Carla and said, "Not to mention, Andreas also wants the same." Carla clenched her fists at those words.

"Andreas is acting aggressively lately. The tension between him and the church is also increasing day by day." Noah said while stroking his beard lightly. Joseph also contemplated his words and said, "He is trying to gain support. He is not only targeting Sierra but Michael as well. Last week I captured a spy. That's the seventh in the last six months. And…..." Joseph trailed off at the last part. He didn't want to say it. Noah glanced at Carla who was sitting with her fists clenched and head lowered.

Noah sighed again. This daughter-in-law of his was the most victim of her father's schemes. He felt pity for her. Everything she had worked so hard to build was crumbling with each passing day. And the worst part was, he couldn't help her. If he did, he would be going against his oath of harming his own kingdom. 'Maybe I should forget about this oath. What good is this oath if my family is not happy? My ancestors are not in this world anyway.'

Noah contemplated his options. "Carla, I wi---" Noah stopped speaking when he saw Carla lift her head and interrupted him, "You don't have to worry father. Everything will be fine soon enough." Carla was putting up a strong front, but she had no choice. She couldn't give her father a reason to take her son. Noah looked at her for some time and finally said after sighing, "Don't leave the manor. You're safe here."

"Understood," Carla said while trying to smile. Joseph grabbed her hand and smiled. This brought a genuine smile to her face too. Noah was about to say something, but a knock was heard on the door. Noah glanced at the door dissatisfied and said, "Come in."

A knight dressed in silver armor, the trademark of Revstein knights and soldiers came in and said, "My lord. Good evening. You too, Sir Joseph, Madam Carla." Noah, Joseph, and Carla nodded in return but waited for the knight to speak. "My lord, I know you have ordered to not be disturbed but the news was a bit urgent. Or should I say, the set of news."

"Speak." Noah was still not satisfied that he was interrupted during an important discussion, but he knew his knight wouldn't disturb him for no reason. "My lord I have brought six different pieces of news. First and foremost, Count Mamore passed away this morning. He was found dead this morning. The cause of death was mana poisoning."

Everyone was shocked at that news. Count Mamore was a vassal of Duke Heraiz and he was also the lord of the neighboring territory of Carla's Viscounty. He was the cause of many of her problems. Before anyone could ask for details, the knight continued, "The second news is that Marshal Orland and Lieutenant Neraz have passed away as well. However, it has already been two months since their death."

This time everyone in the room looked at Carla. Why? Because they were her subordinates. They were two of many subordinates who had betrayed her and defected to Heraiz's side. Questions arose again but no one asked any. Because they wanted to hear the rest of the news as well.

"Third, three days ago Marquise Loral survived an assassination attempt. He survived but was gravely injured. However, when he fought with the assassin, he identified the assassin as someone wearing a mask of the Church's inquisitor. Of Cardinal Jordan's personal inquisition squad." Another major event that made no sense.

"Fourth, five churches affiliated with the Church and under Cardinal Jordan's Supervision were burned last week. The survivors have spotted people of Marquise Loral and Count Silverfore." Events that were indications of clear signs of war.

"Fifth, Baron Ashton, Count Uttar, Marquis Inver, and Marquise Kybele were also attacked and robbed. These robberies have occurred in the last six months and have come to light recently." Two vassals of Andreas and two vassals of Duke Messiah were attacked and robbed. "Signs of Church's inquisitors are found at the crime scenes." No wonder they were getting the news of these major events now. The Church and nobles were suppressing them.

The nobles must have been trying to negotiate with the church using these accusations as the basis. But if they were hearing it now, it meant that the news about all of this had gone public. If that was the case, then the negotiations must have failed. If the negotiations have failed, then there was only one thing that could happen right now. "Sixth, a full-blown war has initiated between Heraiz faction and Cardinal Jordan." And the Knight confirmed their assumptions with the last piece of news.

For the Revstein family, all of these were good news, yet Carla still hurriedly turned to look and Noah and said, "Father, Messiah family's Vassal states were targeted." Noah also nodded in return and worriedly thought about the matter. Only Joseph seemed to have no idea what that meant so he nudged his wife a bit. Carla turned to him intending to explain but Noah interrupted her, "They are not coming here to negotiate. They are coming with intentions of ending this marriage. And the Frozen sect intends to fully involve themselves."


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