
Kunlun Divine Punisher

I am the Divine Punisher of Kunlun I am feared not only by unorthodox sects of Kunlun but also by the orthodox sects I am the nightmare of all those who sin Or at least I was all of that But now, "Who is this ugly old man and why is he looking at me like that? I don't want him to look at me like that" But now I am a toddler or at least in a one ======================= Hello guys, Author here This is my very first novel English is not my mother tongue so there are bound to be some mistakes, but I hope you can ignore them and give my novel a try. The first twenty chapters are a bit about the settling down of the mc after which the prologue will end and the first arc will begin. Until then, please give it a try. Also, there will be one chapter every day for now, but if I gain support, the chapter count might increase. Read it and let me know if I should change something in it. Thanks, and enjoy reading. Also, the cover does not belong to me so the owner can let me know and I will remove it.

Dark_keeper · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
80 Chs

Chapter 66

Not for sensitive readers.

3rd person Pov:

In the town center of Dowan barony, a lot of people were gathered. Even though the taxes implied by the Baron did not allow people to take a break from business, today all the businesses were closed. The reason was that the inquisitors of the Astral church had come to their barony. Now, a group of people tasked to punish people coming there wasn't a new thing. Many inquisitors of the Church often traveled through the barony. What was important and some might even call it shocking is that the church was there to punish the baron's son for his crime.

Almost all the people of the barony were gathered to see his punishment being carried out. A woman in a mask dressed in the Church's attire was standing on a platform and beside her, the baron's son, Friem Dowan was tied to a post gagged. The woman came forward and said, "Greeting people of Dowan barony. I am Coro Leva Elle. I am a representative of the Church's esteemed Cardinal, Cardinal Jordan Belafeil. A week ago, we received a report of misdeeds and crimes committed by Friem Dowan. After investigations, we have discovered and proven that the criminal, Friem Dowan is guilty of r*ping fourteen girls and murdering five of them."

After listing his crimes, she walked to another side of the platform and pointed at the people who were separately gathered and said while pointing at them, "These are the victims of the crimes committed by this criminal. The Church has decided that the punishment of the criminal will be carried out by them."

After she stopped talking, there was total silence in the square. People were shocked and confused. What was happening? Why the sudden Inquisition from the church even when they had made complaints about the baron's son many months ago? And most of all, why were the baron's guards not doing anything? Or the bigger question, where were they?

The woman after staying silent for some time said again, "You must have many questions. One of them must be why the Church chose to intervene now. Well, there is a good reason for that. The church had to gather evidence against the accused for his crimes. Had the esteemed Cardinal made a move without proper evidence, there would have been consequences from the Kingdom of Carenheim. Also, doing so would make us no different from them. People who use power for their goals and nefarious deeds."

The woman again turned to the group of victims and said, "Now decide. What will be the fate of Friem Dowan?" Silence again followed but after some time, a girl no more than thirteen stepped forward and said after some hesitation, "I am one of his victims. His face was covered but I remember them exactly." She started sobbing and two more people from the crowd started shedding tears. She was their daughter.

"I do not want to punish him if my family is endangered later on. I will live with this stain to ensure that my parents live." The girl had a point. The inquisitors would leave. What will happen then? What will be the fates of those who were responsible for killing the baron's son? Everyone in the square knew without someone stating the obvious.

The masked woman looked at the girl for some time and said, "The baron has been warned. If your family is harmed in any way, the entire Dowan family will be wiped out. You can rest assured and carry out his sentence. The Church will ensure your safety. The esteemed Cardinal Jordan Belafeil will."

When those words registered in the minds of the people. Someone from the crowd said, "Feed him to the animals." Followed by another voice, "No, slowly cut his body parts and feed them to the animals one by one." Soon many others started giving suggestions, but the victims didn't speak a word.

For some time, the victims stood still but then the girl walked forward toward the pig. She had a knife in her hand. No one knew where she got it from, but no one seemed to care. The girl knelt down to look him in the eyes which had nothing but fear in them. The girl didn't say a word and simply cut the cloth that was covering his manhood. When his manhood was exposed, everyone understood her intentions.

But still, they could not expect what happened next. She started cutting his manhood with the knife. What was unexpected here exactly? Well, that was that the knife was blunt. It wasn't cutting deep enough with each swing, and it hurt all the way through. All the men in the square covered their crotches. No one wanted to have the same experience.

The pig's scream could be heard even though he was gagged. After some painful and excruciating minutes, which weren't just torture for the Pig but also for the audience as well, she finally succeeded to cut his manhood, and holding him by his hair made him see his body part that was now separated.

The pig grunted in pain. It was a comical sight but for some reason, no one was laughing. The girl kept it in front of his face for some time. After half an hour, the pig stopped grunting from pain and passed out. The woman in the mask had already splashed a few drops of a healing potion on the pig's crotch so he wouldn't die from blood loss.

The girl seeing that he had passed out, started beating him and with her efforts, the pig woke up after some time. When the pig realized that what had happened wasn't a dream, his eyes looked like he was begging for forgiveness, which only infuriated the girl more, yet she did not say anything. She removed the cloth that was gagging the pig's mouth and he gasped a few times but before he could beg for his life, something else was placed inside his mouth again. And this time, it was not a piece of cloth.

The girl made him eat his own manhood which he resisted but could not entirely and ended up swallowing his very own preciousness. Everyone, even the boy who was standing far away from the scene was watching with his mouth agape. The girl screamed after this loudly as if proclaiming that she was delivered salvation. The boy who was standing far away said while shaking his head in astonishment, "She sure would have made an excellent punisher back in Kunlun."


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