
Kuma Atsuki

what happens when a group of supernaturals decide to form a organization and come into public, unraveling the secret world hidden from the public. Comes our MC whose powers and organization is unknown and unheard of in Berth Note : This story is set in a parallel world called Berth. Most of the story in the beginning will be set in a state of the country Imbia, called Amber. Any similarity is unintentional and this is a pure fantasy in a fictional world

Ro_atsuki1 · Ciudad
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3 Chs


In the year 4013, early morning in a park in the county of vernia, Marquis Robert is seen running along with his guards for morning rountine. After completing his workouts, he enters a VIP parlour in the park alone for reading newspaper as usual. Time flows by and even after 2 hours he didn't come out, this made the gaurds worried as he'll spend no more than an hour normally. One of them went in to check on him, but the Marquis is nowhere to be found. They went all over, called his confidants and his family but no one knows his whereabouts. After some hours of enquiry and searching, the marquis is still missing, the news spread quickly through media and paparazzi, simliar scenes can be scenes can be seen at many places the next fews days throughout the state as all the marquis, count and viscounts of the state are missing. All the nobles of the state except for the head of the state Duke Jerald are missing and even after a month of search through various method there is nothing found as all the nobles went missing after they entered their private places where no cc cameras are installed, and nothing abnormal was found from those on the outside as all that can be seen is the nobles entering in alone. This left a huge headache for all the officers and the Duke. After a month, several articles are spread through social media ananimously about the corruption,misdeeds,and several illegal activities along with pictures , call recordings and videos. Management of the territories became disturbed as several conspirocies rose about terrorists kidnapping , revange by the rebels, etc.. are theorizes on social media and the corrupt officers were afraid and chosen to hide away from pubic. This lead to severe backlash from public and the media published interviews from several people who suffered due to the corruption, illegal activities done by the higher ups This is supported by several youth as most of the official positions were bought by in eligible due to personal connections and money, even though many wrote exams and performed better, the official jobs and place in sports in representing the state were lost to the ineligible person. The Duke who is known to be tyrant and biggest corrupt as he made the tax increase several folds to the previous ruler, he even killed all his uncles , siblings and cousins afraid of losing the position . Thus all his wrongdoings are came out public and he became hated by many people of the state. To stop the chaos, the king decided to support the duke saying that all those are alligations and fake reports. The king of Imbia, Rony is known as kind and talented, he is very good with words so his words work as magic and the topic of corroption soon forgotten as the articles about all the illegal things of nobles are deleted and no new articles or news spread through media, instead the new focus is changed to good deeds of nobles the and DUKE JERALD and the kidnappings of 'righteous nobles' by 'terrorists'. The king is the highest authority of the country so he swayed away the media and others, while silencing those who are against. Even though many people remebers these no one dares to speak out afraid of the repercussions. Soon 3 months gone by without any news of the nobles and police and guards searching for them. The current king Rony is special, he is born from previous king through a concubine, after his birth, his mother died from childbirth thus got abondand in an orphanage. He got adopted at 10 by previous old grand duke lord Vermount, who is known for his principles and righteousness. Even though King Rony grew up in good conditions, he still remembered that he was abondand and worked diligantly in studies, tactics, fighting everything. Then slowly he got public recognization and favour by working as duke of the state previously ruled by grand duke Vermount's family. He soon shown that he is fit to be ruler than the other offsprings of the previous king and with the timely death of the previous king, he got rid of his siblings with other nobles. As soon as he became the king he suppressed and removed the nobles who are against his rule and appointed his supporters as new noble. Duke Jerald was the one who is responsible for the death of the old king by assasinating him. So as soon as he became the king, he got rid of the old righteous duke of Amber kingdom Cale, who is the uncle of Jerald. Thus as soon as he learnt about the chaos in Amber kingdom, king Rony came to supporting him and silencing all those who are against Jerald and also using his popularity to remove the bad name of Jerald.