
Kryptonite in steven universe

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8 Chs

Chapter 6

--- Master we successfully left the mother planet.

Hearing Perla's words, I felt a little relieved but I knew it would not be that easy.

My bad feeling came true.

--- Sir, a ship is following us.

--- It wants to establish communication.

I knew there was no point in trying to negotiate now, so I'd rather not waste words and time.

--- Engage thrusters at full power, heading for planet 5W3FG.

It is a planet relatively close to earth, only this one has been discarded as it does not meet the basic requirements for a colony.

Select this one because it is the closest dead planet and I don't think they will get too close, it would be a waste of resources.

--- Activating thrusters.

Said Perla, apparently while I was in my internal monologue she checked the adapter and fired the engines.

The adapter is what allows our physical form not to separate from our gem when we travel faster than the speed of light, since our physical form is a projection of light.

We moved away so fast that I didn't have time to see how we were moving away from the enemy ship.

--- Uhhg for speaking before the time.

Before I knew it I was in sight again, Worse yet it was already firing lasers at us.


--- Sir what do we do?!!!

I asked nervously as I tried to dodge them, I couldn't blame the neither of us had more than basic ship experience, yet we both tried not to show it and not let it affect our performance.

--- You take care of maneuvering, I'll go to weapons.

--- ¡¡¡¡¡Ehhhhh!!!!

I tried to sound cool and serious to calm her down a bit but apparently it was the opposite and caused her to panic.

--- But you've never even touched a ship!!!!!

--- Uhhhg

What she said hurt my pride a little but I couldn't blame her after all it was true, it was always someone else.

In fact since I had Perla she was in charge of running the ship, even though she could leave it to others.

But I had never had a space battle and she had no experience in weapons, so it was better that she did what she had experience in.

I made my way to the weapons chair which was not far from where Pearl was, I aimed my sights at the enemy ship which did the same and as if we were in sync.



Thus began my first space battle.


--- ¡¡¡¡Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

--- Squivalo!!!

--- Die!!!

--- AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! -----

--- ¡¡¡¡Careful!!!!


--- We won!!!

--- Wujuu!!!!!

As we celebrated our victory, as we watched the enemy ship move away from us even though we took damage they too, we naively believed it was our victory but how could we beat an experienced crew with a ship with better technology.

To ruin our celebration we heard an alarm, a robotic voice and the lights on the ship started to flicker and their color turned red.




--- The ship will explode in 15 seconds.

--- Eh ----

We just let out that stupid sound and our faces were filled with amazement, fear, nerves and then understanding.

So that's why the enemy ship moved away so as not to get caught in the explosion, but it wasn't time for that.

--- Pearl enters my gem.

--- But...

--- That's an order.

He knew there was no time and could not afford to reply, so he put his hand to my chest gem and instantly a light enveloped it and as if by magic it disappeared, it had already entered.

I headed for an emergency Kit which was a backpack, gloves and propulsive boots that would help me in space, the earth was not far from my location so if I ration my fuel I might make it, I don't want to be stranded in space.

I opened the hatch and exited immediately propelling myself with the objects trying to get as far away as possible.


I heard the explosion behind me but I didn't turn around, but I did stop using fuel so as not to waste it, which slowed me down but I think I was heading in the right direction.

--- Uhg.

Before I could even relax a piece of the ship hit me and went right through me.

--- Shit, today is not my day.

My physical form evaporated and all that was left was my gem floating in the lonely, silent emptiness of space.