
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · Otras
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

I started walking aimlessly, looking for any sign of a gem.

After walking for a while.

"Formation" I heard someone shout so I approached.

"Okay now I will assign you identification numbers."

Apparently they were newly created quartz that were going to be assigned, although when I walked out there was no one supervising.

'I guess I got lucky'

I noticed that there were quartz formed in a horizontal line and in front of them was a gem that also looked like a quartz, but more 'fancy' (Agate), using some sort of technological tablet.


Seeing that I had started I waited for the moment when they were all distracted.


I transformed to match her appearance and approached, quickly but quietly.

'Almost there'

'Whew' I sighed.

I managed to position myself at the end of the line, though that little sigh caught the attention of the quartz next to me.

"Hey haven't I seen you around here before?"

"ha ha ha ha, I don't know what you're talking about I've always been here" I said nervously as I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my face.

"mmmm" he continued to look at me with suspicion on his face.

"Hey you two shut up!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"y-yes ma'am!"

Quartz said as I just repeated what he said.

"That's why I hate newly created quartz."

"They have no education"

"Quartz 1J7B" He finished complaining and resumed his work.

'Two more' the closer he got the more nervous I became for fear of being found out.

"Quartz 1D9L"

'One' kept increasing my nerves.

"Quartz 1X9A"

'Aah' I was surprised to hear his voice so close.

Apparently because of my nerves I hadn't noticed when he finished listing the other one.

"Okay, follow me" he orders.



Unlike the underground this place is full of geometrically shaped buildings.

'I wonder where we're going to live'

"Here we are."

However unlike what I thought it took us straight to a ship.

"Your first mission will be to terraform planet 3G of solar system 9Y."

The rubies I will accompany them and she will inform me.

Behind her came out 3 equal gems, red color, small stature and square shaped hair.

"Understood rubies"

""Yes ma'am""

"Good" she replied with the same indifferent tone as always. As she walked away.

"Okay now get on" said a ruby who seemed to be in command.

We started to board the ship.


'Ufffff we made it' I thought I was a little tired from holding the transformation for so long.

The trip was long but I was able to concentrate as for some reason none of my companions spoke to me and the rubies were driving the ship.

We stepped off the ship, to be greeted by the sight of a sea of trees.

"Okay split up and investigate" said the lead ruby.

""I understand.""

Everyone went in different directions, including me.


'Mm organic life' I approached curiously and grabbed it before it could react.

'It looks like it walks on all fours'

It started to move uncontrollably.

'It doesn't look intelligent'

(I didn't know it at the time but it was some kind of reptile).

After studying it for a few moments I let it go.

It's not like it felt sorry that its entire species became extinct, after all its destruction will create new gems.

I walked away from that area as I heard explosions in the background it was probably the others testing their strength.


'Yosh I think that's enough'

"Hello!" I still shouted to make sure no one was around.

After waiting a few moments to see if anyone had heard me, I undid my transformation so I could get some rest.

I approached a tree and struck with all my might, the result destroyed, a rock destroyed.

Once my strength experiments were completed I tested my speed, the result is that I am very fast, how much I do not know but I think my abilities are enough to blend successfully among the quartz.


I don't know how much time has passed but I heard ruby.

"Okay mission over regroup".

At first I panicked fearing that I would be discovered, but I calmed down remembering that before we were separated we were given some sort of communicator and placed it in our ear.

These days I hadn't done much more than rest and admire my surroundings, I had to admit this different environment was relaxing.

'I don't want to be late'

With that thought I got up and headed in the direction I came from.


Arriving at the ship there was no one there but the rubies.

"What's your ID number?" one asked.

"Quartz 1X9A."

'What would I need it for?'

After that question we didn't talk anymore and just waited for the others.

After a while others started to arrive.

We waited more but I didn't know how long we would be here, I didn't want to be here that long and get tired here, I don't know when the next time I can rest, so I suggested something.

"Maybe they got lost."

Everyone suddenly looked at me

Everyone suddenly looked at me which made me instantly regret it, but the leader's response changed my mind.

"Good idea."

"Ruby" she turned her head and addressed the other.

"Ruby go get them."

"I understand."

They left with some sort of device that I guess would help them find the others, I guess the communicator had some sort of locator on it.


It wasn't long and they came back with the last two gems, once they positioned themselves behind the leader and us in line, for some reason the leader kept looking at me and gave me a bad feeling.

"Well from now on the squad leader will be Quartz 1X9A."

They all turned their gaze towards me, even though I didn't want to stand out, but they turned their gaze elsewhere upon hearing ruby's words.

"We are leaving."

And so I boarded the ship with my first failed mission: NOT STANDING OUT.